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Mõelge siis välja, kuidas KULDA trade'ida!

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Jap,bountyhunter guide,tsitaat sythest:

Well I've got an idea, well I know it's been brought up before but Im adding a little to it.


This requires the buyer and the seller to go to bounty hunter.


Small trades you could simply bring in a barrows set, Ranger Boots, Robin Hats, etc.


Larger trades you could bring in Armadyl pieces, another good item is oynx bolts.


100 of them equal close to 3M.



First, Scout out low populated worlds. Find the one with the lowest people using bounty hunter. Find a Spot that not many people go to, ex. middle or a little west of middle or east.


Wait there for 5 Minutes to see if anyone passes by (without items).


If all is clear bring in what your trading and let the buyer kill you.


Let Seller attack you once so there is no pickup penalty.


Also, for larger groups (ex. masterkillers team). You could bring in a small group 3-4 people for a much safer trade.


You could have middlemen also, Have someone watch the fight and make sure everything goes as planned and make sure they dont have food so they can heal. The MM brings in a full stock of food and very good gear.



You could also give the MM the Item(s) you are trading and let the buyer pay you. Then the MM goes into BH and lets you kill him

Kes inglisekeellest aru saab,siis jah.

Veel paar tükki.

Method one:


Find a stackable item that is worthless (ie. charcoal, bronze arrows, etc) but with at least a 2gp difference in the marketplace. Account A buys a bunch (500, 1000, or whatever is proportionate to the trade). Then both accounts (the buyer and the seller) go to the Grand Exchange.


Make sure that this next part is carefully coordinated (it will take a while):


Have Account A (the account carrying the worthless items) put the items onto the exchange at the highest possible price.

Account B (the account with the money) buys the items that Account A put on the exchange for the highest price possible.

Account B then sells the items back to the exchange for the lowest possible price

Account A buys the items back for the lowest possible price


Keep doing this until the desired amount of GP is collected.


Method two:


Buy a character capable of mining rune (85+ mining I believe). Have a bunch of your friends chip in to minimize cost. Either mine runite ore and sell it, or rent the account out for real-life cash. (The latter is more RWT-ish :P)

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Juba postitasin esimese. Öeldi, et halb. Mõtet sul teist korda postitada.


GE ka imeb sajaga.


100eegu eest võin öelda oma variandi ;) .

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hea variant: tee qp 200+ ja siis tunnis tee 120k.. päevas juba 3m.. nädalaga kannad 24/7 üle 21m.. nice huh

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QP 200+ annab teha.


Ajage parem rs2eesti bounty hunter tiim kokku, kes kahte tradejat protectivad mingi sümboolse summa eest ;)

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Annan teile väikese vihje, Lugege update, lugege reegleid ja LEIATE SEALT METSIKULT SUURE JAGEXI LÜNGA!

Kuna jagex pole seda veel 100% tööle saanud, siis kahjuks veel ei tööta kõikide mängijatega see. Kuid ootan ja vaatan mis saab, kas jagex avastab selle või mu äri lööb õide ;)

Asi on kõige lihtlabasem trade, mida jagex ise on suuresõnaliselt lubanud. LUGEGE JA HEAD OTSIMIST!

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  Balrog ütles:
Annan teile väikese vihje, Lugege update, lugege reegleid ja LEIATE SEALT METSIKULT SUURE JAGEXI LÜNGA!

Kuna jagex pole seda veel 100% tööle saanud, siis kahjuks veel ei tööta kõikide mängijatega see. Kuid ootan ja vaatan mis saab, kas jagex avastab selle või mu äri lööb õide ;)

Hmm. Mis lünga siis? Kui küsida tohib.

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Kõik barrows, d'hide jne setid poodi müües on 8 gp ea, sealt ostes ostad ikka GE hinnaga.




Minu variant ikka töötab ;)

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  Specnaz ütles:
Hmm. Mis lünga siis? Kui küsida tohib.


Kes otsib see leiab:D Arvate tõesti, et konkurentidele avaldada seda kullaallikat?

Ütlen, et lugege viimased 2 kuu updated läbi, alest ls tekkimisest, siis hakkate järge ajama, ja leiate selle.



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A bs.


Minu variant oli: construction 75 (72 teega) teha ning siis treasure chest muretseda.


Nimelt sinna raha sisse ja visjoo. Proovisin just järgi, Jagex on ka selle ära muutnud. Max raha, mis sisse saab panna, on naeruväärne 1500gp. Jeesh.

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räägi mulle kaa :D




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