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Leitud 25 tulemust

  1. mith gloves. dt jne kõik purele vajalikud questid tehtud. mobilisin armies rank mingi ~340 andmed: nimi: vajaduse korral saab MSNis asukoht: samuti msnis maakond: Harjumaa msn: rhzjj@windowslive.com http://www.youtube.com/user/1O1Myth/videos dunno äkki kedagi huvitab
  2. Tere! Otsustasin siis oma pure maha müüa , sest plaan on lahti saada rune mängimisest. Võtab tohutult aega ära siiski. Runescape Kasutaja Andmed: Sisselogimise-Kasutajaimi:Annan kindlale ostjale Mängusisene kasutajanimi:G r ee n Combat:71 Parim skill:cook99!+ mitmed skillid üle80. Mitmes omanik:Loomulikult 1-ne Pildid: (Pilt kasutaja levelitest) (Pilt kasutaja pangast) (Pilt kasutaja blackmarkidest) ÜKS PÄEV VEEL MUTED, SEST KASUTASIN AUTOTYPERIT! :/ (Pilt kasutaja login-screenist) Hind: Alghind oleks 7€ A/w oleks 18€ või siis RSGP!Kursiga 0.30€ Tehingu viis: (Hanspangaga, ühispangaga, mingi muu) SWEDPANK! Sinu andmed: Sinu nimi:Peeter Maakond:Harju Linn:- E-mail:dis.like@hotmail.com Msn:dis.like@hotmail.com Müügiga on KIIRE! + kui keegi ei usalda , siis kasutame MiDDLEMAN-i! Muu informatsioon: Questidest on vajalikud tehtud : MM , DT ; Lost city jne !
  3. Runescape Kasutaja Andmed: Sisselogimise-Kasutajaimi: Ei avalikusta hetkel Mängusisene kasutajanimi: Ei avalikusta hetkel Combat: 71 Parim skill: 94 Magic Mitmes omanik: 1 BlackMargid + Pilt [Pildil peab olema näha kasutajanimi]: http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/7130/abusel.png Teised Andmed: Panga Pilt [Pilt, mitte jutt]: Pilt Statidest [Pilt, mitte jutt]: Pilt QuestPointidest [Pilt, mitte jutt]: Pilt Enne sisse logimist [see koht kus saad panna Click Here To Continue]: Minu andmed: Nimi: Karl Maakond: Põhja-Eesti Linn: Avalikustan ostjale Kontakteerumine: Avalikustan ostjale Alghind : 25 EUR Autowin : 50 EUR Oksjon kestab 19. Aprillini. Ainult pangateel, Swedbank ! Ei avalda lihtsatel põhjustel oma andmeid, kuna sõber sai oma banki cleaned üksiainu sellepärast, et tal olid päevikus pildid oma kasutajast. Üksiainult fire cape + bank + questid peaksid selle kasutaja hinna üle 40 Euro tõstma + lisades statsid ka, siis olekski 50 normaalne hind. Välismaal lähevad sarnased accid sotiga, aga soovin usaldusväärset tehingut. Kasutame MM'i või käid ise ette. Ei ole kurjategija, kuna pangateel on väga kerge inimest leida.
  4. Nii vahvellased, äkki leidub kedagi kes seda acci omale tahaks. oksjon kestab siis esmaspäevani ja highest bid wins ( kui keegi a/w'd ei paku muidugi ) Stats: Alghind: 1€ / 2M gp . autowin: 10€ / 25M :ty
  5. MÜÜDUD 21,5 € kasutajale ehz123
  6. Vajalikud questid peaksid tehtud olema. Bank pole oluline. Bm's = 0 ! Def: 1-3 ! Hind kuni 50€ Pakkumised siia! Ilma pildita post = WARN!!!! ---------- Post added 09-02-11 at 17:34 ---------- Üles! Pakkuda võib ka kõiki p2p puresid kellel dt tehtud
  7. Müüa Hübriid pure siis. Statse näed allpool. Alghind : 100.-
  8. tegemist ühe üsna vana serveriga, oli vahepeal suletud, nüüd jälle tagasi. endale väga meeldib, veel ei ole väga palju inimesi (keskmiselt 20 mängijat korraga sees), kunagi oli üle 200. serveril on nüüd ka vps, uptime on üsna hea (vahel on siiski jamasid). server ei laggi vms bs. Runelocus: http://runelocus.com/toplist/?action=details&id=112 Website: http://dclaws-pkz.com/ Server’s Channel/We recommend you take a few minutes watching our videos (shows more pk features) http://www.youtube.com/user/yuhereexe Yes, We’re back up! we shut for a pretty long time on and off. But we’re back ready to be populated as our last version was (with 200+), we now offer incredible features which are actually worth playing and seeing, but no where near the same boring features all these servers show e.g. "Piety as turmoil = boner" We offer an economy based Pk server, we plan to keep it clean as possible which brings alot of challegne into our PK server, pickup servers just bore you. Summary of our features: Item reloading, collect your Torsos/Gloves/Defenders/Void/Avas Accumulator/Fire Capes after death, you have 2 minutes after that it will disappear. 3 Quests, Ancient, Lunar, Curses – all custom made and fun to complete with a catchy storyline. Combat: up to date timers, good magic(casting) system, item switching perfected. Unique Pk server, functional EP system, curse prayers, vengenace Donating, Donate for access to our exclusive Donators’ Dungeon to suite all your PK needs and get all Pk suppiles way faster. Dclaws, PvP armour/weps have also been added with their correct rolls e.g dclaws’ spec. 2 Main cities, Egdeville (Main Pk City) and our home (orginal). Curse prayer book added. Ring of recoils. New 09-10 items. Great server for hybriding or learning how to or 1v1-ing.. Newest Update: Curse Prayers, 1st server to attempt adding it very similar to runescape’s and succeeding. •Protect Item - fully working 100%. •Deflect Mage/Range/Melee - fully working, protects from damage taken from your attacker and ocasionaly deflecting some of the damage back. •Leech,Sap Atk/Range/Mage/Def/Str/Spec - fully working, drains their stats whilst adding it on to yours. •SoulSplit - Works 100%. Drains their Prayer whilest giving you HP. Now works on NPCs + Players. •Turmoil - Works 100%, gives off incredible bounses acording to runescape’s version. EP system: EP as in ’Earning Potential’ a feature from runescape which we manged to re-create our style. - Its an additional drop which can only be obtained from Pking. - Additional Drops are, Ancient rewards (exchangable for cash), PVP armour/weapons also. - Hotspots have also been introduced, they give more EP than non hotspots (25% more), and also where most people will be pking at. Other features: Dclaws have been added, perfect functional special. Multi Barrage spells. Multi Burst spells. We haven’t listed the common features by purpose, they bore us all seeing it everytime, more will be added here. nagu videotest ja piltidest näha siis 100% hybrid server. xp rate on 6k per hit, skillide oma ei oska täpselt öelda aga liituge ja proovige ise !
  9. =] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wfB-1qVlhI&feature=player_embedded kasutan prayerit kuna see vajab rohkem oskust ja on huvitavam ja annab mulle paremad võimalused vastast outbridida, tabe kasutan, et ei peaks god cape ja booki järel korduvalt käima original RSN on mul Fairy Mayhem, Stalde on ühe teise eestlase RSN nimi, aga võtsin selle talt üle, et teda veits trollida =] kontakti tahate saada siis olen enamus ajast IRCus või Mini--Ultra cc w124/137 east drags
  10. Et ilma pikema jututa , müün siis puret millel on done Desert Treasure,Rfd (Addy Glovesiteni). !! Sisselog Pilt: Bank , Stats: Quests: Alghind : 150.- A/W: Vaatab mis kujuneb!!!![/color][/b] NO SPAMM
  11. Müüa siis cb 58 Hybrid . Kasutaja ostetud siit foorumist , Mart käest . Kaasa saab kõik andmed . MSN :tajopilvar@windowslive.com A/w : 200 A/h : 100 eeku !!!
  12. Nickname - EstBestPure Log in - **** Olen kasutaja esimene ja ainus omanik. Pank ca 500k , pilti ei viitsinud teha Log in pilt Skills pilt Combat pilt Offences Pakkuge hindu. Kui tahad kasutajast lähemalt rääkida siis [email:1r751083]kriss_510@hotmail.com[/email:1r751083]
  13. Müüa siis cb 58 Hybrid . MSN : [email:3nbjq8ez]mart808@hot.ee[/email:3nbjq8ez] Ma saan netti tulla alles 10. veb + mby . Niiet vbla ei saa kohe müüa . Hind: Pakkuge .
  14. Tere, Müün siis pure.. Purest siis nii palju, et olen esimene omanik, kasutaja on tehtud eilmise aasta lõpus kuskil.. Acc name: Ja Pixar Stats: PS! Kasutaja ei ole botitud ! Bank: + Pangas on mingi mõttetu nodi .. Log In: Recsid eemaldan alles siis kui on olemas kindel ostja . Black Marks: Hind: Offer. Kontakt: Msn: [email:3srpjumk]maiks11@hot.ee[/email:3srpjumk]
  15. Kasutaja nick : EstBestPure Olen kasutaja esimene ja ainuke omanik, algusest peale minu treenitud ja tehtud. Combat : 81 Kasutajaga ei ole kasutatud botti. Kasutaja log in pilt Kasutaja stats pildid. Kui on midagi vaja küsida või tahad rsis kokku saada siis lisa msn " [email:37vychyi]Kriss_510@hotmail.com[/email:37vychyi] " Kasutaja alghind 200 EEK ( member raha peale läinud cash ) vähemat ära hakka pakkumagi. ( UNET ON PANK ) PS! Saab kaasa 1 p2p koodi ( teised olen unustanud salvestada ) ja esimesed paroolid + küsimuste vastused.
  16. Pikka juttu ei tule siis, banka näitama ei hakka sest see mingi max 1mil. Statsid: Goals: Att 70/70 Str 85/99 Def 1/1 Range 68/80 Prayer 44/44 Magic 70/82
  17. Paypal ja RL raha sobib. muu? ei. So the Combat level is 85 My msn is > rawrcore@hot.ee I'm new here and I'm ofc Willing to use a middleman I'll go first if you're high on posts etc. ! Selling the account cos I haven't played rune since 06 or 07 I've been playing World of Warcraft now this money shall go on my Wrath of the lichking Expansion :E yay. Thankyou -xoxo rawrcore ei hakka muutma siis copysin sythest.
  18. Shud B Fun Pikemat aega siis tegelen oma projektiga... vahepeal olin küll lahja poiss ja tahtsin kasutajat maha müüa, aga need plaanid matsin maha ! Igatahes.. kasutaja on umbes kolm-neli kuud vana, mänginud nendest võib-olla kaks-kolm. Kasutajanime originaalsusest nii palju, et mul on veits üle visanud, kuidas RS'ist on saanud räige grindfest (liigne mängimine mingi kindla goali nimel), ja tuli ikka mõttesse, et ruun on kõigest mäng, mille eesmärk on lõbusalt oma aega arvutis veeta ! User veits noob veel, kuid asi areneb. Olen mõelnud, et teen omale def 1 hübriidi, silmas hetkel ancients+range. Attacki ja strega olen metsa pannud, ei paku need enam vabsjee huvi, ehk kunagi kombineerin need ka oma userisse veelgi. Questidest olulisemad siis Monkey Madness, Desert Treasure ning hunnik muid pure queste. RFD'ni pole jõudnud, hetkel puudub ka huvi/vajadus selle järgi. RS'is leiate mind: - Ogre cage juurest, ranget treenimas - Green Dragonitest, raha teenimas - Catherbyst, woodcuttimas - Barrowsist, raha teenimas/raiskamas - Grand Exchangest, raha teenimas/raiskamas Goalidest siis nii palju, et: Range 72 / 80 / max Magic 69 / 70 / max Ah, pikalt ei jaksa patrata, alustame siis mõne pildiga. Võite vabalt lisada, priva on alati ON. Otsin tihti ka Dragon hatcheti või clawside laenajaid ! Peace..
  19. Siit Hakkab Hybid guide! The start of your training - Magic Training, training, training. The most daunting part of being a pure, but also the most important – how can a pure be good without high stats? There are many different methods for training. I will mention the best two or three methods for training the various stats. First stat I recommend you train is Magic. This can help immensely in teleports, and completing quests for attack and strength xp to help start your training quickly. For magic training, I recommend you buy around 150 casts of each strike spell. These should easily get you to level 19 magic. Kill goblins or men, it doesn’t really matter at this point. Once you have achieved 19 magic, you can now cast the spell curse. Buy full iron armour, including a kite shield, and wield it along with a staff of water. Cast curse on the monk of Zamorak in Varrock palace until you achieve level 25 Magic. This is where training splits in two. Option 1, is to continue casting curse till you get to 55 Magic. You will need to cast it around 15,000 times to reach level 55 magic. This will end up in a loss of roughly 150k. The other option, will make money, and will also most likely be faster. Buy as many soft clay, law runes, and fire runes. Buy the same amount of each as you can. I recommend starting with about 250k, and buying the supplies for 500 casts of Varrock teleport. Next, travel to world 31, Yanille. Ask the people near the portal to tell you who has an open house. Enter and find a lectern. Lecterns look like a book on a stand. Click study, and then click Varrock teleport. Repeat this till you have finished your inventory. Magic Once you finished one inventory, bank and repeat. Keep doing this till you have used all your soft clay and laws, and then buy more. Keep doing this till you reach level 45 Magic. At this stage, you can move onto Camelot teleports. Make these till 55 Magic. All these tabs should have made at least a 1.4-1.5m profit, enough to High Alch till around 75 Magic if you so desire. Now that you have 55 Magic, you can cast the spell High Level Alchemy. I recommend you train with this till level 59 Magic. You need about 1.2-1.3k Alchs, which should cost about 150k. Congratulations, the first stage of your training is complete! Now, you can move onto training Melee – with quests! Although these Quests may seem boring, you will have to do most of them at some point, and completing them will get you to a decent Attack and Strength level a lot quicker than if you train normally. These are the quests you should complete (If you want to F2P Pk, don’t complete Fight Arena): Death Plateau Grand Tree Tree Gnome Village Fight Arena Vampire Slayer Now, for the “Bosses.” Not only will some of these be very hard with 1 Defence, but you only have 10-15 hp as well. Grand Tree This is actually a fairly easy boss. When Glough releases the black demon, run past him till it gets stuck. Just Fire Blast him to death. Tree Gnome Village This is a hard quest. First, snare the Warlord, and keep Fire Blasting. When he walks toward you, quickly run backward till he doesn’t come any further. Snare him again. Keep Fire Blasting, and when he starts walking away, Snare again. Fight Arena There are numerous corpses around the battle field that you can safe spot on. Vampire Slayer Just take a full inventory of lobsters, it shouldn’t be hard at all if you fire blast him. Now that you have completed all this quests, you can have a stat update: Stat update, Melee 40 Attack 30 Strength 1 Defence 60 Magic 3 Range 10-12 hp Should only be around 30-35 Combat, I will calculate it soon. You can now start to train Melee. Buy full Iron, a Brine Sabre, a Strength amulet, and climbing boots if you don’t still have them from Death Plateau. Walk to Relleka, with a full inventory of Monkfish and 1k coins, and talk to Jarvald on the docks. Tell him you want to go to Waterbirth. Walk north, till you see a triangle of Rock Crabs. Stand in the middle, and continue killing them, eating Monkfish as you go. You should try and stay here killing them till you achieve level 60 Strength. Well done, your Melee training is done for the time being. The next stat for you to train is Range. I recommend getting 61 Ranged now. Items for Ranged you should buy: Robin Hood hat (If you can afford) Every leather item you can wear with 1 defence 3k Steel Darts 5k Bronze Knives 50 Ranging Potions (Only use after 50 Ranged) These supplies should be ample to achieve level 61 Ranged. Where you should train. Always use steel darts, apart from where I say to use others. 3-20: Cows in the gnome copter field. Bank all bones and cowhides in the deposit box 20-30 Ranged: I recommend training at Chaos Druids, to make a profit of about 100k for these levels. 30-55: These will be a long stretch at Rock Crabs. You will probably get bored, but stick with it. Now, take a break and complete two short, easy quests – Plague City and Biohazard. These should take no longer than 1.5 hours. 55-61: This, in my opinion, will be the easiest stage – Powetraining at Ogres, with Bronze Knifes. Take 17-18 Ranging Potions, tele grab runes, and use Bronze Knifes. Tele grab or run and grab any seeds that are worth 1k and up. Use the grand exchange database to see prices. You should make a slight profit here if you wear a ring of wealth. Now, stop and take stock of your current stats: 40 Attack 60 Strength 61 Range 60 Magic ~50 Hitpoints 1 Prayer If you wish to become a 1 defence and 1 prayer mauler, just follow this guide, but omit completing Desert Treasure and its pre-requirements and skills. Desert Treasure The requirements: Level Requirements: 10 Slayer 15 Agility 10 Herblore 40 Ranged (you should already have it) 50 Firemaking 50 Magic 53 Thieving 10 Fletching 20 Smithing Subquest Requirements: The Digsite Priest in Peril Temple of Ikov Tourist Trap Troll Stronghold Death Plateau (you should already have done it) Congratulations! You have just completed Desert Treasure, at barely 45-48 combat! Back to training, some items you require Now that you have completed Desert Treasure, your stats will look something like this: 40 Attack 60 Strength 61 Ranged 61 Magic 11 Prayer The first thing I believe you should do is bury 2 dragon bones for level 13 Prayer. Now, you can use Superhuman Strength, which gives +10% to Strength. You can guess as many times as you want to work out the next stat for you to train, but the answer will be the same – 70 Range. At 70 Range, you can wear the illustrious Black Dragonhide, Karils Xbow, Crystal Bow if you have 50 Agility, and Karils if you had 70 Defence. 61-65 Range, the best place in my opinion to train is Rock Crabs, with Steel Darts. It should take no longer than 1.5 hours. 65-70 Range, I recommend power training at Ogres with Bronze Knifes. This is very quick, and with Ranging potions, you can sometimes even make a profit. This should take no longer than 5-6 hours. Now that you have 70 Range, you can also achieve 70 Magic. I recommend getting 55 construction, then building a lectern in your own house. Make Ardougne Teleports till 70 Magic, which should give you a profit of approximately 3-4m. Now that you have 70 Range and Magic, you can get 50 Attack. Buy a Combat Bracelet, and wear climbing boots, full iron, and red Dhide chaps. Train at Rock Crabs, it will take a short 1-1.5 hours. With your current stats, you will be able to get a decent amount of kills in Pvp. However, before you start, there are a couple of extra items you should get on the next post. 1.Damaged Book of Zamorak/Unholy Book 2.Saradomin Mage Arena Cape To acquire this fantastic cape, complete the Mage Arena mini game. Take 150 casts of Fire Blast, and charge the Saradomin Staff. 3.Bear Helm Just complete Mountain Daughter till you get the Bear Helm. 4.Adamant Gloves These will take quite a while to achieve, but are invaluable. They cost just 5k, and give +7 Strength, as well as a range of other fantastic bonuses. They are really quite amazing gloves. The requirements are big, and these will take a long time to achieve, but are definitely worth it. Subquest Quest requirements: Fishing Contest Goblin Diplomacy Big Chompy Bird Hunting Gertrude's Cat Shadow of the Storm Demon Slayer The Golem Tree Gnome Village The Grand Tree Monkey Madness Level requirements: 10 Fishing 70 Cooking 20 Firemaking 10 Mining 48 Agility Sub-quests you must complete: The Dwarf Pirate Pete The Goblins Skratch "Bone Crusher" Uglogwee Evil Dave King Awowogei Once you have achieved Adamant Gloves, you can start to train Strength. This, in my mind, is the perfect strength training equipment at the moment. Firstly, if you can afford it, fill our your Unholy Book, and buy a Berserker Ring. Strength training This, in my mind, is the perfect strength training equipment you can have at the moment: Place: Best > 2nd best > 3rd best Head: Bear Helm > Iron > Ghostly Neck: Fury > Glory > Strength Body: Iron > Ghostly > Monk Legs: Black Dragonhide > Iron > Ghostly Boots: Climbing Boots > Iron > Leather Gloves: Adamant > Mithril > Black Spiky Vambs Weapon: Clay Scimitar (from Stealing Creation) > Brine Sabre > Rune Scimitar Shield: Unholy Book > Damaged Book of Zamorak > Iron Cape: Obsidian > Team Cape > Ghostly Train Strength to 70 at Rock Crabs. Your inventory should have: Granite Maul 20 Combat Potions (4) 7 Monkfish 1 Camelot Teleport Use the Camelot teleport when you run out of food. It should take at least 8-9 hours of training till you get 70 Strength. You will need to kill around 2k Rock Crabs. Attack: 50 Strength: 70 Ranged: 70 Magic: 70 Prayer: 13 Hp: 62-63 Range You may have found 70 Range hard, but at the moment your current goal is to achieve level 80 Ranged. Sell your Berserker Ring, and buy a Robin Hood hat and 20k Bronze Knifes. The best place to train Range at is Caged Ogres. Take in your inventory 20 Ranging Potions, and go to Caged Ogres. Sip ranging potion, and unleash a flurry of knives on the Ogres. It should take about 15-16 hours to achieve level 80 Range. This will most likely make you bored, but 80 Range is a great stat to have. Magic, Strength and Slayer Now that you have 80 Ranged, you will want 82 Magic and 80 Strength to go with it. The best way to train Magic to 82 is Tab©bing. If you have 55 Construction, then go on and Make Tabs till you have 82 Magic. It will take around 25-30k Tabs, but you will make at least 7-8m profit. However, if you have 6-7m or more, I recommend alching. It will be a lot quicker and a lot less boring. Alch in world 159, at the edge of the safe zone in the Grand Exchange. It will take around 25k Alchs, and cost ~2.5m. Next, 80 Strength. I recommend training it with Slayer until your slayer is 55. This will give you the ability to use Broad Bolts, and Slayer Dart, both which are extremely useful. The slayer master I recommend using is Vannaka. Due to the fact that you only have 50 attack, I recommend using Super Attack potions to assist in your task. When you get 55 Slayer, go back to Flesh Crawlers with the gear you used before. These will probably net you about 20k+ Fire Runes, as well as 150-200 Ranarrs, along with numerous other Herbs. By now, you should have at least 10-11m, including a full Unholy Book, Amulet of Fury, Berserker Ring, and a Robin Hood Hat. Sell all apart from the Unholy Book, as you won’t be needing them for the moment. 1.13 Prayer Pro’s: Higher Hp Higher Stats at a lower combat Thought of as more pure than higher Prayer Con’s: No Ava’s Accumulator Stats are generally lower than those with prayer when prayer bonuses are factored in 2.31 Prayer Why it’s better than 13 Prayer: Protect Item +10% Range, Mage, Attack Prayer, + 15% Strength Prayer Why it’s worse: It’s not worth the combat levels, you can get more strength levels for the combat with 13. So, if you have the choice between 13 and 31 Prayer, pick 13. 3.44 Prayer In my opinion, the best prayer level. Why it’s better than 13 Prayer: 1.Protect Prayer, Protect from pjers 2.More training places, i.e Aviansies, Bandits, Zamorak Warriors 3.Protect item, so you can risk better items, I.e Berserker Ring 4.Fire Cape! 5.Prayer gives higher bonuses than training to the levels would Why it’s worse: 1.Less Hp 2.Thought of as impure The rest of this guide will assume you get 44 Prayer. Firstly, complete Mountain Daughter, Ghosts Ahoy, Spirits of the Elid, and Restless Ghost and Animal Magnetism. Train your Prayer to 44 through using Dragon Bones on a Gilded Altar. More training! Take your pick as to what you train next, but I recommend Range! You will need at least 85 eventually for a Fire Cape, but I recommend 90+. But before you start, I recommend you train Farming to 32! Farm whilst you are training Range, and in the time it takes you to train from 80-85 Range, you could make at least 4-5m from farming Ranarrs. So, for 80-85 Range, buy 30k Bronze Knifes, and 100 Ranging Potions. Head over to Caged Ogres, sip your Ranging Pot, and unleash hell on the poor, defenceless ogres. It’s the same deal as 70-80 Range, just a lot longer. Persist with it, and soon enough, you’ll have your first 85 stat. If you decided to train your Mage through Alching, then you won’t have nearly as much money as if you Tabbed. If that is the case, then I recommend training at least part of 80-85 Ranged at Aviansies. 80-85 Ranged would average about a 15m profit, so it is a great way to train Ranged and make money at the same time. The ideal outfit for Aviansies, in my mind, is: Saradomin Mitre Amulet of Glory Monk Robe Top Black D’hide Chaps Rune C’bow Full Zamorak Book Ava’s Accumulator 1k+ Mithril Bolts Climbing Boots Archer Ring Your inventory should have: 3 Ranging Potions (4) Fire Staff 100 Nature Runes 20 Prayer Potions (4) 85 Range will take a long time at Aviansies, but stick with it. You’ll be happy at the end, considering each trip will give you 700k+, with at least 450-500k of that pure profit. Now that you have 85 Ranged, 44 Prayer, you can have an attempt at the illustrious Fire Cape, made even more illustrious considering you are a pure. Fire Cape Ah, the Fire Cape. Quite possible one of the hardest things to do on a pure. There are two different ways to do this – Range only, and Ranged AND Magic. Both are hard and expensive. Option 1 – Range Only Place: Best > 2nd best > 3rd best Head: Robin Hood Hat > Mitre of any god Neck: Fury, no other sorry Body: Monk, no other Legs: Black Dragonhide, same as above Boots: Ranger > Leather Gloves: Black D’hide Vambs > Adamant Gloves > Mithril Gloves Weapon: Karils Xbow w/ 3.5k-4k Bolt Racks Shield: None Cape: God Cloak (NOT ACCUMULATOR!) In my mind, it is so much easier to use Karils Xbow and spend the extra money than use Rune Cbow. Inventory: 300 Purple Sweets 6x Saradomin Brew 2x Ranging Potion 19x Super Restore Potion Mage/Range set up: Place: Best > 2nd best > 3rd best Head: God Hood (The treasure trail item) Neck: Fury Body: Monk Legs: Monk Boots: Ranger > Ghostly Gloves: Black D’hide Vambs > Adamant > Mithril Weapon: Karils Xbow w/ 3.5k Racks > Rune Cbow w/ 1k Diamond Bolts (e) Shield: None > Unholy Book Cape: God Cloak > Accumulator (Only use accumulator if using Cbow) Inventory: 300 Purple Sweets 4x Saradomin Brew 1k Blood, Death, Chaos, Water Runes 2x Ranging Potion 17 Super Restore Potions In either case, sip potions in this order before you enter the caves: Saradomin Brew -> Super Restore -> Ranging Potion Enter the caves, and good luck! Completing the Caves The first waves are by far the easiest in the caves. Just kill the 22s first, and use the orb rock as a safespot from the 45s. Throughout the cave, you have to kill the 22s first, with the possible exceptions of waves 53->60. In these waves, I recommend killing the 90 first, then 22, then the 360. Waves 6 -> 16 are also simple; Pray Range, and kill the 22, then the 90, when you can turn prayer off. Stay at the orb rock, and safespot the 45. Waves 15-30, are again very simple. 22 -> 90 -> 180 -> 45. Lure the 180 to the orb rock, and get behind the rock. Now WAIT TILL THE 180 GETS AS CLOSE TO THE ROCK AS IT CAN! If you attack it too early, then your character could run out and get hit. Really, you should not have taken any damage so far ideally. However, if you have taken any damage, you should have eaten purple sweets, or preferably if you are using magic, ice blitzed then blood blitzed the two 22s that come from the 45. This will help you regain hitpoints. Waves 31-37 are fairly simple. Whatever you do, keep protect from Mage on AT ALL TIMES TILL THE 360 IS DEAD! Once you get to the 360-45-45 wave, make sure your hp is full, and then drink a Saradomin brew, and ranging potion. This next wave will mark the start of the harder waves. Waves 38-45 can be challenging. My best strategy is to kill them 22-90-360-45, as usual. If you are using Magic, however, Ice Burst the 22, then Range the 90 till the 22 starts moving again, Ice Burst. This can be quicker and easier than just Ranging. This is when the purple sweets are vital. Make sure you heal on the 22s that spawn from the 45. Waves 48-54 are simple. Just keep mage prayer on, lure the 180, get it trapped behind 360, and then the 45 behind the 180. Kill the 22, then 360, etc. Waves 54-59 are hard. Trap the 180 behind the 360, and if possible the 90 behind the 360 as well, and lastly, trap the 22 if possible. If not, just kill it first anyway. The 90 can cause serious damage, so that should be the second point of call to annihilate. After that, just kill them in the usual order. Wave 60 is the hardest in the cave, in my opinion. Trap the 22, then kill the 90s whilst safing with purple sweets. Trap and heal on the 45s and 180s after the 360 is dead. Waves 61,62 are simple. For 61, which is 360-180-180, just lure the 180s, kill the 360s, then wait! If you are low on hp or Sara brews, you should either blood burst the 180s, or just wait till your hp goes up. Once you have full hp, kill the 180s, and turn on protect from Mage. After you kill the first 360 in wave 62, leg it over to the Italy rock. The final thing that stands between you and your animated cape of Fire, is the TzTok-Jad. When you have nearly killed the second 360, safe up to over your full hp, full prayer, and full ranging potion. Turn off any distractions, and put on range prayer after the second 360 is dead. If you hear a sound, that means that that a mage attack is coming. When you can see Jad, when he lifts his feet up and slams them on the ground, put on protect from range. If you hear something whilst he’s attacking, put on protect from Magic. When Jad is at half health, healers will come and start healing Jad. You need to run through Jad, then take the healers to a safespot from Jad behind the Italy rock. Kill them there with Protect from Melee. Resume the fight with Jad when they are dead. Congratulations, you have achieved something that very few pures have. Now that you have a shiny Fire Cape, you can get back to training. Your stats will look something like this: 50 Attack 80 Strength 82 Magic 85 Ranged 44 Prayer 80 Hitpoints No higher than 67-68 Combat.
  20. Tere jälle ! Kuna mainist on kopp, siis mõtlesin et lasen oma purega edasi, mis oli enne range/2h, nüüd tänu Saw Orbile teen sellest P2P hybridi.Acc on tehtud kuskil 2007 kui ma ei eksi, minu poolt. Goals: Attack 60/60 Prayer 43/43 Defense 1/1 Range 70/70 Strength 66/75 Magic 38/70 Questidest vaja: Desert Treasure Recipe of Disaster (addy gloves) Soovige siis edu ! Teie nõudmisel:
  21. Tere! Minu pure siis. Kuskil poolteist kuud vana kasutaja, vaikselt arendan. Nagu pealkiri ütleb, kasutaja on hübriid Rsn : Deiv Ftw Vanim pilt Goalid oleksid siis: ATT 40/40 DEF 1/1 HP 69/ ? Kuidas juhtub 85 teen STR, Mage ja Range sellepärast F2Ps, et ühega diil, kas suudan Teised skillid suht nii nagu tulevad, vahest igav siis ikkan arendan. Nüüd näete palju päevas arendan ka midagi:D Nii et edu komenteerimise ja kritiseerimisega
  22. Tere, sai siis ostetud selline asjandus (TV+FM Kaart Avertv Hybrid Volar HX), nimelt kui otsida "Analog TV" ei leia ühtegi kanalit kui otsida "Digital" omasid ikka ei leia ühtegi. Ainukesed kanalid mida leiab on Raadio omad ja need ka sahisevad et mis viga võiks olla ? Edit: Arvutil on olemas ka Windows Xp Media Center aga Media Center -is küsitakse postal code ja kui panna see 60543 (see mis mul on) siis ei leia mingit kanalite listi mida alla laadida.
  23. Miks ma seda teen ?! Selle kasutaja mahamüümisega üritan saada Pini või 150.- et pinni osta. Nime annan Msnis. Hind siis : 150.- või 1 Pbp Pin. msn on : rawrrrcore@windowslive.com telefon ka signaturis Usaldatud? annan ette.. kui mitte, siis MM. btw. kiri on seal mingi membershipi kohta.. welcome to members vms.. aga see aegunud raskelt.
  24. Runescape nimi: annan Msnis. Levelite pilt: Questide pilt: Panga pilt: No bank pin pilt/no recovers pilt: Mingi lisa info kasutaja kohta: Müün maha, kuna updated rikkusid ära ja ei ole aega uue kooli kõrvalt. ! Hind päris rahas: 200.- Hind rune rahas: - Hind rate solides: 200 eeku eest SOLLE. Kontakt (tel number/email/msn): msn : [email:29grmtsg]TreIsKing@hotmail.com[/email:29grmtsg]
  25. Tere siis k6ik rs2eestikad Tydinesin 2ra mainist (sain natuke black marke juurde lol) ja otsustasin endale pure teha Algus: (v2rskelt tutoorialist v2ljas) Pank (vaene nagu ikka, k2ib kyll ) Hetkel hindeid ei soovi, pole ju midagi hinnata J2rgmised pildid mis tulevad l2hevad hindamisele Annetusi ei kogu !
  • Loo uus...

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