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  Cloud ütles:
mis see tähendama pidi? :O






Valus loll oled ikka :D:D:D


Putsi see päev, see tund, see faking aasta, kui uksel seisame tervitades euro saasta!

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  Cloud ütles:
Mingi vahvli pc 2000+ värk? :D


Ah ei ma niisama:cool:(H)


Sellepeale mul polegi rohkem öelda kui .. poö.lo


Putsi see päev, see tund, see faking aasta, kui uksel seisame tervitades euro saasta!

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Lmfao,Siim ma lugesin ka natukese aega.

Pihi.net on pointless selle kõrval :D



Today, I saw an elderly man fall in a crosswalk, so I jumped off my bike to help. As I helped him across, the light turned green. At that point I noticed my phone had fallen out of my pocket in the street and was run over by several cars. I then watched across a 6 lane street as someone stole my bike. FML


Today, I found out that because of my high blood pressure I can't have sex for one month. My wedding is next weekend and the following two weeks are my honey moon. FML

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Rofls,loen FMLi ja naeran.


Today I noticed that my daughter was making funny noises which oddly resembled sex sounds my wife makes. When I asked her what she was doing she said "I'm pretending to be mommy from last night." I was on a business trip last night. FML


Hah,suht must huumor:


Today, I took the bus to work and a sweet old lady got on after me and sat next to me. Halfway to work, she fell asleep and her head was on my shoulder. Trying to be nice, I gently tried to wake her up before my stop came. She wasn't sleeping. I let a dead woman lie on me for 30 minutes. FML

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No minge öeldge finish, f1 käib veel.

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Get Rich Or Die Tryin on ikka ülekõige film.

Vaatasin ära just veits aega tagasi, so fuckin real..

Damn, im out!


[align=center]When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then i realised God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and pray now for forgiveness.


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Külaline blu
  KrIIpS ütles:
Get Rich Or Die Tryin on ikka ülekõige film.

Vaatasin ära just veits aega tagasi, so fuckin real..

Damn, im out!



no tsau :D

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