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ostsin kati ära, tegin normalit - boom 9/1/3, lasin triple ultiga


Nice one ! Kahju, et CC tema NIIIII suur counter on, muidu spammiks koguaeg :P

If you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful

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Login sisse, läheb hästi, gg mäng lendas kinni. EUNE-s siis.. Nats rage, et sitt ic aga siis sain teada, et ka teistel jamab.


It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died.

Rather we should thank God that such men lived.

Kus viga näed laita, seal mine ja aita!

Dlja hitrõi zhopõi

jest hui s vintom :D

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  • Baron buff remade: now grants a large % of bonus damage to towers and out-of-combat movement speed boost. No longer grants health regeneration and bonus AD/AP
    LOL??????????????????????????????? Baron oligi selle jaoks mõeldud ju? :D:D:D:D::D:D:D:DD
    Preseason pask:
    - Baron buff now grants a huge percent of bonus damage to towers and out-of-combat MS boost
    - Baron buff no longer grants health regeneration and bonus AD/AP
    - Minions now spawn at 1:00 (changed from 1:30)
    - Monster camps now spawn at 1:30 (changed from 2:05)
    - Outer towers (possibly all towers) now grant 250 gold to the killer and 75 to all other allies
    - First blood within the first 4 minutes now grants 240 gold (down from 400)
    - There is a new jungle item that gives significantly increased gold income from killing monsters
    - Mid laners will gain increased damage from the revised Masteries, but they’ll also need to roam more, as there will be more objectives to secure
    - The support on bot lane has a much larger potential to carry if the lane is won

Muudetud liikme Attachment'i poolt


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