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1. Magic

Magic is so hard to leve, and so expensive! I wanna use Ice Barge and Tely Black! My suggestion: Make alchemy spells give 1k exp per cast, and make the alch values of all items 10 times its market price. There, everyone is happy.


2. Ranged

Ranged is so hard to level up and I hate buying arrows and stuff, I wanna use a darkness bow and cristal bow too, so my suggestion is too make a bow for level 5 range that does a maximum of 95 damage and has infinite bandos arrows. There, everyone is happy.


3. Fishing

OH EM GEE, Fishing is sooo hard too!! I hate when the fishing spot changes, and when I get my whole backback full of fish I have to go all the way to the bank and put them in it! My suggestion is when you fish all the fish are automaticly put in your bank for you, and also multiply the number of exp per fish by 12, and make fishing spots never change.


4. Thieving

Wow, in real life if you thieve someone they don't stun you if you fail at thieving make it like in real life that you always suceed and never fail and you steal 100k from men and make there be less guards in ardgudoe because when I try to steel stuff they always see me and fight me!


5. Firemaking

In real life you can burn whatever log you want and they are not different so make everyone start out with 99 firemaking and when you burn logs make money come out because I want money from it.


9. Summoning

I want summoning to be like pokemon where you throw the pokeballs at monsters and you catch them and they are yours to fight so I can catch a spirit beast and a jad and bring them to PVP and get alot of kills easy, which brings me to my next point.


17. PVP

It is so hard people always use D Claws on me and I die, make it so only I can use d claws and no one else or make d claws only hit 1s and make my dds hit a minimum of 92 each special so it can be fair.


I'll think of more stuff later maybe cuz runescape is very hard!!!!!!!


12. Prayer

Wow prayer is so hard it takes so many bones but I want to do the prayers like pity and chivirly so make a church where you can go and pray there and you get 1million experience for everytime you go to church just like in real life.


19. Woodcutting

Woodcutting is so hard because you have to cut millions of trees to get to 99! I think you should make it so if you cut a tree down you get a level then prices will be good beause people will have good stats!

Woodcutting idea by Jahosifed "Standing around chopping trees is so hard and boring. They should make it so that each swing of the axe gives 1000 logs that go directly into your bank, and the logs are worth atleast 100k each. Also, trees should regrow every second."


37. Hunter

Hunter in real life is very easier, you can just shoot the animal with your boomstick, so I suggest we put shotguns in runescape because then people can get hunter up more better and its less boring and you can use them in PVP too! they can hit up to 107 per bullet, and when u kill someone with it you get 5m reward from the sherif.


6. Defence

Why do we have defence people are just get defence and then I say to them DEF NOOB! and then I laughed at them and say that I can own them. I think you take def out of the game so theres no more def noobs. It makes pking too hard when someone comes up to you with roon armer and kills you. make iron the strongest.


11. Losing Items

Why when I die I lose my stuff in real life when I die I never lose my stuff! Its so stupd cuz when I work so hard to make my mitheral armor and then I die I lose it and have to go make money again I hate it I hate it I hate it!!! When you die you shouldnt lose your stuff, you should get 1m cash everytime you die so you dont feel bad.


1. Agility

Why do you have to go to a agility corse to train agility you should get agility experience when you run because in real life that is how you train. when you run in runescape you get 1k exp for every step, so then you can have high agility and say to noobs I have good agility! and they will be jealous and you will be happy.


1. Herblore

Idk wtf this skill is I dont know how to train it so who cares


2. Construction

Why do you have to do this skill you should start with a manshin and then you can build chairs and stuff and when you make a chair you should make 10k exp because I dont like getting planks from my bank and going back and I want a demon chair because it looks cool and if you have one you can say Im the demon king and you can be like powerful and when you are the demon king all the demons bring you money like 10m every couple of minutes then we can all be rich and stable economy!


1. Glitches

When I was walking in verack sqare I had 32m cash in my inventory and all of a sudden it just disapeerd!!!! I am so mad I will quit if you dont give it back and I think if a glitch happens to you jagex should give you one free level up to 99 and give you 100m cash and a parti hat set.


0. Grand Exchange

The grande exchagne is so far away from everywhere I hate going all the way to varrak just to go there! my suggestion is to make it so you can use the grand exhance from anywhere so then you can just buy and sell your stuff anywhere which is good!


4. Banking

Banks are so far away from places I wanna go and I hate going all the way back to a bank to store my stuff, I think we should make a update so you can use your bank from anywhere that would be a good idea cuz what if you are fiting the calfite queen and you need food? you can just bank. or what if a noob dragin clawerer or a def noob is hitting you then you can just bank all your stuff and you wont lose anything!


J. Pest Control

Pest control (or PSC as some call it) is so hard, the void night just sits there and gets hit and its so hard to kill the portals! I suggest that replace the void night with the spirit beast with 2000 hp and kills all the stuff that attacks it, and then you can replace the portals with chicken or rats (or even cows, but thats a little too tough) to kill so it can be easyer. But you have to take out the brwlaers and spiners and delfiers and stuff too because they kill me alot. and make it so whatever combat level you are thats how many zest points you start out with. So if I am level 63, I start out with 63 zest points so I always get my reward!


9. Minigame rewards

Minigame rewards stink so bad! I want better rewards! this is my idea, I will make a chart for all minigame rewards


1 point-----1m Cash

2 points----10m Cash

3 points---Armyadle Godsword

4 points--Full bandos armer

5 points--99 in any skill you want

10 points-Max cash, full void, armyadle godsword, full bandos, dragin fire sheild, 99 in 3 skills of your choice, an icecream cone in real life, moderator status, and a bronze 2h.

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full bandos armer

Armyadle Godsword


"I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world , but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world." Tupac Amaru Shakur 1971-1996

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mitte midagi naerma ajavat .suht labane kõik

  Supra ütles:
Kas sa ise ka mõistad, millise idioodi mulje sa endast jätad? Siin internetis mölisemine on nagu paraolümpia, isegi kui sa võidad, oled ikka hälvik.

- mine arene oma parooliga edasi.


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9. Minigame rewards

Minigame rewards stink so bad! I want better rewards! this is my idea, I will make a chart for all minigame rewards


1 point-----1m Cash

2 points----10m Cash

3 points---Armyadle Godsword

4 points--Full bandos armer

5 points--99 in any skill you want

10 points-Max cash, full void, armyadle godsword, full bandos, dragin fire sheild, 99 in 3 skills of your choice, an icecream cone in real life, moderator status, and a bronze 2h.


5. on Okei ja viimane on WTF? . Ma ei võtaks 10 points väljagi puhta Bronze 2h pärast. Mingi noobimulje jääks

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in 1 word: PHAIL!

"I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world , but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world." Tupac Amaru Shakur 1971-1996

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Ei olnud väga naljakas :S

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"I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world , but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world." Tupac Amaru Shakur 1971-1996

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Kus kohas see huumor siis on ?


Putsi see päev, see tund, see faking aasta, kui uksel seisame tervitades euro saasta!

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suht saast:D



"Success is the best revenge"

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