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Külaline blu

Valve >><<

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Külaline blu

Valve have just released a Steam update for Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike: Condition Zero to "Prevent Russian Walking exploit" as well as other fixes. This fix leads to another new feature, a step when jumping. This means you can no longer boost without being heard.



Valve have already tried to fix the silent walking (double-duck, crouchwalk) but players have quickly found a way to avoid it by just doing it a bit faster. With this new update that has been released only minutes ago, you can no longer do the silent walk without doing normal (loud) steps as well as you do a step by standing still and jumping.

This will force teams to change their playstyle once again as the silent walk has been used for a very long time and was extremely good to either get somewhere almost being unheard or to peek around corners. Also by doing steps while jumping, boosting can now be heard by enemies such as boosting into the window on de_inferno.


Below is the full list of changes.



Updates to Counter-Strike and Condition Zero have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:


Counter-Strike and Condition Zero


- Prevent Russian Walking exploit


Server changes


- Fixed players being kicked from servers with an INVALID_STEAM_TICKET rejection

- Added a message to the server console to show when the server has reconnected to Steam

- Made map name and other variables reported by the server stay more current

- Fixed mp_timeleft not updating in server rules (or any unlogged cvar for that matter)

- Show HLTV being connected in the player count for pings

- Fixed HLTV staying in players list even after disconnect

- Fixed server hang when a user connects with a specially crafted info string

- Fixed occasional crash under Linux on startup for SMP machines (Linux)

- Cleaned up hlds_run script (Linux)

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Külaline blu
Author of the topic Postitas

Esimest poolt vaatasid?



blablabla... This means you can no longer boost without being heard.



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Rohkem põnevust nüüd siis...




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  neaH ütles:
EI vaadanud ei ole aega lugeda , vaatasin kiirelt update üle ..


Mine m2ngi m6ni korralik m2ng kuskil ja saad aru :D

Ma hakkasin algul whinema, et serveril mingi plugin peal, kus m2ngisime.

See on ikka v2ga harjumatu..Aga no ega midagi.

Aegamisi harjub 2ra vast ikka.




On jälle aeg, selg sirgu lüüa![sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]

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Külaline blu
Author of the topic Postitas

Muu on poogen, aga lugege just seda:

Valve have just released a Steam update for Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike: Condition Zero to "Prevent Russian Walking exploit" as well as other fixes. This fix leads to another new feature, a step when jumping. This means you can no longer boost without being heard.



Valve have already tried to fix the silent walking (double-duck, crouchwalk) but players have quickly found a way to avoid it by just doing it a bit faster. With this new update that has been released only minutes ago, you can no longer do the silent walk without doing normal (loud) steps as well as you do a step by standing still and jumping.

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Mis see peaks tähendama ? Prevent Russian Walking exploit

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  Siim ütles:
Muu on poogen, aga lugege just seda:

Valve have just released a Steam update for Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike: Condition Zero to "Prevent Russian Walking exploit" as well as other fixes. This fix leads to another new feature, a step when jumping. This means you can no longer boost without being heard.



Valve have already tried to fix the silent walking (double-duck, crouchwalk) but players have quickly found a way to avoid it by just doing it a bit faster. With this new update that has been released only minutes ago, you can no longer do the silent walk without doing normal (loud) steps as well as you do a step by standing still and jumping.



Minu meelest selle update juures kõige tähtsam see, et INVALID_STEAM_TICKET rejection on korras ... ennem pani näkku koguaeg


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HAHAHA! CS 1.6 Steamerid ei saa enam Exploitida silentwalki. HAHAHA!


Ning jah ma õnnelik , kuna ma vihkan Glitchereid/Exploitereid/Hackereid.

Sai valitud Aasta 2008 usaldusväärsemaks inimeseks. Link: http://www.vahvel.net/showthread.php?t=32044

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