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kanal 2st hea film :D


Mis film?

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Küsida tohib, miks eeskujuliku embleemist ilma jäid? :-)


Mis film?





Mängufilm: Varumõrvarid (Replacement Killers, USA 1998)

"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."

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Küsida tohib, miks eeskujuliku embleemist ilma jäid? :-)







Mängufilm: Varumõrvarid (Replacement Killers, USA 1998)


näitasin diamondile sinu ja orcuti pilti.


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Küsida tohib, miks eeskujuliku embleemist ilma jäid? :-)







Mängufilm: Varumõrvarid (Replacement Killers, USA 1998)


Ta j2i sellep2rast et n2itas eeskujulike pilte kellegile, ei m2leta kellele.

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näitasin diamondile sinu ja orcuti pilti.



Paha paha :D



Peaks õppima hakkama :D ( pole mitu nädalat ennem kella 12e õppinud)


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Ma tegelt teadsin milline shadow välja näeb, ma teda näinud. :D


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The α bot


Real-world trading is a problem for every MMOG. "The first bots in RuneScape were identified by us within a few months of the game's release," says Andrew. "We dealt with them the best way we could at that time: by changing the game so they were no longer able to function." The game engine, its code, has been altered many times to break macro programs. In game, the first Random Event – we call them anti-macro events (AME) – was added to the game one month after the March 2004 release of RuneScape 2.





The majority of bots use the default character look to save time when creating new accounts - not everyone who looks like this is a bot, however.


As the game has grown, the demand for gold has grown with it, so it is worth gold-sellers' time to make smarter bots. "We keep developing technologies to combat bots, but it's like an arms race – we stop bots, they improve their macros, we stop them, they improve again," says Andrew. The longer we keep doing this, the harder it's going to be to keep stopping bots. "If we don't break that vicious cycle now, it would just keep getting worse and worse. It could reach a point where macro software becomes undetectable."

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Aga okei, ma vajun puhkerežiimile nüüd.

Nägemist ja Barkyle head õhtu jätku. :D



Puhkerežiimile juba ? o.O




täna on ju veel C.S.I jms :huh:


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Ma vaatasin kah juba vasakule...aga noh, hea kui mõnigi õppimist harrastab :P


[align=center]When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then i realised God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and pray now for forgiveness.


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hullem uni , ma pole kotilukkugi lahti teinud .


homme töösi palju . :(


Loodetavasti mitte eesti keeles.


Ebaõnnestuksid rängalt. :cool:

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Loodetavasti mitte eesti keeles.


Ebaõnnestuksid rängalt. :cool:


Õhtul hilja tuleb teisi kiusama, shame on you ! :D


[align=center]When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then i realised God doesn't work that way. So I stole one and pray now for forgiveness.


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Jeps, C.S.I käib


Tegin matemaatika vigade paranduse ka ära :), seega on mul veel vaja teha ainult ajalugu ja inglis keel :P (inkat ei tee)


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