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Kuvatakse tulemused sildile ''light''.
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[spoiler=guide]Reqs: 2 acci p2p-ga (multilog või lased kellegil aidata), mõlemal accil peab olema SOL 1.) Üks acc laenab stakerile SOL, 'until logout' ajaks 2.) Staker wieldib laenatud SOL ja läheb stake'sse kellegiga 3.) Duelli alguses staker kasutab SOL spec, eeldatavasti teeb ka vastane sama (ja kui ei tee siis SOL võidab kõigi teiste relvade vastu tavaliselt, ja pole vaja bugi kasutada, free money) 4.) See kes ei stake logib välja ja su SOL kaob käest ära. Nüüd pead laskma oma vastasel sind ühe korra veel lüüa isegi kuigi sul pole SOL käes enam. 5.) Peale seda, wieldid oma enda inventorys oleva SOL (mis EI OLE lended). Sinu vastase SOL spec peatub ja sinu oma hakkab jälle toimima. Nüüd on sul 99% tõenäosus, et võidad stake. + soovitan alguses proovida fun stake/low stake mingi 100k'ga, et proovida kas bug ikka veel toimib, siis ei ole mingit riski kui selgub, et patched on. Tasuta õpetus, "M:" teema nimes on vaid dekoratiivne. Postitage oma võidu screenshottid siia teemasse, siis on veel ilusam. 99% võiduvõimalus kui õigesti kasutada. Sharing is caring, enjoy.
LAKTIC - SOUND TRAVELS FASTER THAN LIGHT [video=youtube;9LktTKEJ-6w]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LktTKEJ-6w http://soundcloud.com/laktic/sets/sound-travels-faster-than DOWNLOAD LINK 1. Landscape 2. Salbuta 3. Meditasi 4. The Forgotten 5. Feeling 6. Nature Spirit 7. Healthy Soul
tegemist ühe üsna vana serveriga, oli vahepeal suletud, nüüd jälle tagasi. endale väga meeldib, veel ei ole väga palju inimesi (keskmiselt 20 mängijat korraga sees), kunagi oli üle 200. serveril on nüüd ka vps, uptime on üsna hea (vahel on siiski jamasid). server ei laggi vms bs. Runelocus: http://runelocus.com/toplist/?action=details&id=112 Website: http://dclaws-pkz.com/ Server’s Channel/We recommend you take a few minutes watching our videos (shows more pk features) http://www.youtube.com/user/yuhereexe Yes, We’re back up! we shut for a pretty long time on and off. But we’re back ready to be populated as our last version was (with 200+), we now offer incredible features which are actually worth playing and seeing, but no where near the same boring features all these servers show e.g. "Piety as turmoil = boner" We offer an economy based Pk server, we plan to keep it clean as possible which brings alot of challegne into our PK server, pickup servers just bore you. Summary of our features: Item reloading, collect your Torsos/Gloves/Defenders/Void/Avas Accumulator/Fire Capes after death, you have 2 minutes after that it will disappear. 3 Quests, Ancient, Lunar, Curses – all custom made and fun to complete with a catchy storyline. Combat: up to date timers, good magic(casting) system, item switching perfected. Unique Pk server, functional EP system, curse prayers, vengenace Donating, Donate for access to our exclusive Donators’ Dungeon to suite all your PK needs and get all Pk suppiles way faster. Dclaws, PvP armour/weps have also been added with their correct rolls e.g dclaws’ spec. 2 Main cities, Egdeville (Main Pk City) and our home (orginal). Curse prayer book added. Ring of recoils. New 09-10 items. Great server for hybriding or learning how to or 1v1-ing.. Newest Update: Curse Prayers, 1st server to attempt adding it very similar to runescape’s and succeeding. •Protect Item - fully working 100%. •Deflect Mage/Range/Melee - fully working, protects from damage taken from your attacker and ocasionaly deflecting some of the damage back. •Leech,Sap Atk/Range/Mage/Def/Str/Spec - fully working, drains their stats whilst adding it on to yours. •SoulSplit - Works 100%. Drains their Prayer whilest giving you HP. Now works on NPCs + Players. •Turmoil - Works 100%, gives off incredible bounses acording to runescape’s version. EP system: EP as in ’Earning Potential’ a feature from runescape which we manged to re-create our style. - Its an additional drop which can only be obtained from Pking. - Additional Drops are, Ancient rewards (exchangable for cash), PVP armour/weapons also. - Hotspots have also been introduced, they give more EP than non hotspots (25% more), and also where most people will be pking at. Other features: Dclaws have been added, perfect functional special. Multi Barrage spells. Multi Burst spells. We haven’t listed the common features by purpose, they bore us all seeing it everytime, more will be added here. nagu videotest ja piltidest näha siis 100% hybrid server. xp rate on 6k per hit, skillide oma ei oska täpselt öelda aga liituge ja proovige ise !
The Moonlight Pkerz, ehk Kuuvalguse PKerid on uus eestimaine P2P PK klann, ning ootab uusi aktiivseid liitujaid. Kuidas klanni liituda? Lähed foorumis liitumise teema alla, näed seal sellist teemat nagu "Avaldus", kopeeri kõik küsimused enda posti, ning vasta nendele. Klanni juhtkond: Leader(s): Sammulextrem & Tapja Pray Co-Leader(s): - Forum Manager: Fighterps1 Memberlist: The Moon Light Pkerz Memberlist Foorum: The Moon Light Pkerz Külastage ka meie chati, mis asub SwiftIRC serveris #MLP. Nõuded: 110+ Combat (F2P) 85+ Magic 52+ Summoning Olete soojalt teretulnud!
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