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Küpsev Vahvel
- Sünnipäev 05.12.1982
rainnupp hakkas jälgima Rock-muusika & selle stiilid
Dark Tranquillity - melodic death metal opeth - progressive/death metal At The Gates - melodic death metal
- 52 vastust
- rockmuusika
- selle
(ja 1 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
- 8 015 vastust
- 20ni
- adminit or modet
(ja 3 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
jakatta - american dream
Dark Tranquility - Freecard
- 8 015 vastust
- 20ni
- adminit or modet
(ja 3 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
estobuntu 9.10 Recommended minimum requirements for estobuntu : estobuntu should run reasonably well on a computer with the following minimum hardware specification. However, features such as visual effects may not run smoothly. * 700 MHz x86 processor * 384 MB of system memory (RAM) * 8 GB of disk space * Graphics card capable of 1024x768 resolution * Sound card * A network or Internet connection Recommended estobuntu Requirement for visual effects : Visual effects provide various special graphical effects for your desktop to make it look and feel more fun and easier to use. If your computer is not powerful enough to run visual effects, you can turn them off and will still have a usable estobuntu desktop. Visual effects are turned on by default if you have a graphics card which is supported. * 1.2 GHz x86 processor * 384 MB of system memory (RAM) * Supported graphics card. Supported Graphics Card : Desktop effects require your graphics card to be working properly with 3D acceleration enabled. Most modern video cards support this.
In Flames - Food For The Gods
- 8 015 vastust
- 20ni
- adminit or modet
(ja 3 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
IN Flames - The Jester Race