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Kõik, mis on postitatud sYcoN poolt

  1. Kaua bottsisite? Ise olen mingi 1nädal ja kõik korras atm:D
  2. Mis mõttes? lisasin ka yhe pikema appeali:)
  3. Daddy said ka permi? Gj with Mata:) Kui jh teete lvl 3-mesi siis vaatab:) Aga jh kahtlane yleskutse :s
  4. Loe ylemist teemat ja mõtle , kas tahad atm bottida?
  5. Mille vastu protestitakse , et miks ei tohi kasutada scripti?? Wtf , naq see aitaks , SAAD BANNED? TEE USS ACC? SAAD BANNED? TEE UUS ACC....
  6. Lisasin mõned "korralikud" appealid:) Loodan , et nendest on ka kasu:)
  7. Paljud saavad banned :/ Aga noh , acceptitakse ka aga VÄHE! Atm proovin leida korralikku appeali , millest oleks ka kasu:) Lisasin + uuendasin esimest posti , loodan et sellest on ka kasu:)
  8. Ega mulle ka , kuna just lugesin RsBot foorumist , et VÄÄÄÄÄGA PALJUD SAID TÄNA BANNED JA JÄRJEST ROHKEM BANNITAKSE:( :torch:
  9. Also, high-level and members’ accounts are NOT immune, or given an extra chance. Main -> P2P -> Ei saa ban ? / Saab Kyll:D Lvl ei loe:P Kohe ban , ei ole enam warni:) Njah eks nad yritavad:) Tuleb licalt mõistlikult Macroda:) Ega neil see avastamine lihtne ei ole , kuna ega scripti tegijad ka "arenevad" , naq nemad:) See tekst ka hirmutamiseks pandud , ja uskuge mind , paljudele see mõjub juba:)
  10. SOOVITAN MITTE BOTTIDA PRÄEGU , KUNA JAGEXIL ON BANNIMISHOOG PEALE TULNUD / aga kuna lugesin et kui nyyd paugupealt lõpetada , siis on ka risk banni saada:) ise lasen atm edasi:) Siit Leiate siis Appealid + Ka Weel Nipid , Mida Bottimisel Kasutada:) Loodan , Et See Teema On Abiks:) Uuendan seda teemat nii tihti , kui võimalik:) NB: VÄGA PALJUD SAID PEALE UPDATE BANNED , KUI KA SINA , SIIS POSTITA SIIA! ( Siit võid ka leida lahenduse oma ban appealile ) Siin On Mõned Nipid , Mida Oleks Hea Järgida * Kasuta scripti , mis EI MISSCLICKI! * Boti mitte 24/7 vaid näitex 10h Päevas:) * Lase kasutajal vahepeal seista paar päeva. * Tee kasutajaga ka muid asju. ( ntx : Queste ) SAID BANNED? Shit happens:D Ei okey , siin mõned Apeealid , RsBot foorumist : 1) Dear Jagex, i have found a Keylogger on my computer and have had my password changed, i have cleared the Virus out of my computer, found out that the Hacker was botting on my account, and wanted to say that i wanted my account back, i will always think before i download stuff now! 2) Dear Jagex, someone told me that this Program i downloaded wont get me banned, i never knew it was such a bad thing, im only 13 years old and i don't know any better, Jagex please give me a 2nd chance and i promise i will never do it again, never! 3) Dear Jagex, i have let my best friend borrow my account(which i knew was a mistake) and he botted for me and said he didnt, so a couple days after, my account was banned for botting? And i was confused, because i have never botted in my life so i figured it was my friend, Please unban me and i will change my password and never give out my info again, not even to my best friend. 4) Dear Jagex, i am 100% sure that you have falsely banned me, i was training and some guy came up to me and asked stupid questions, so i didnt answer and decided to ignore him, then he got all crazy saying Botter!Botter! Report this bot, im letting you know i have been falsely banned. 5) Dear Jagex, i have recently added some annoying people to my ignore list, so they tried messaging me, but since they were on my ignore list, i didnt know they were trying to talk to me, so then they reported me for botting, please unban my account as soon as possible. 6) Dear Jagex, i have Recently bought membership for this game, and now im banned?? Can you unban my account because i wasted 5.95? 7) Dear Jagex, i have been playing this game for more than a year now, and i am very interested in it, and now that you have banned me, i miss this game terribly, please unban my account and plus i bought member and was member for ever a year until you banned me. 8) Jagex, I understand that ____ is wrong but as of late i have realised that i don't care about anything but your game. mining, smithing, fishing man that stuff was fun! i've heard these ban appeals never work but i figured i'd write this before bed just incase someone answers it. Everything just seems so flat now that runescape has'nt been here to entertain me. i used to do everything with my dad before he passed away. i'm going to commit suicide because without my obby cape and r2h to defend me from pkers i'm just as good as dead. 9) About a month back I stopped playing on this account. And now that I tried to log in today, I found out that my account has been disabled? I have never downloaded any 3rd party program to "help" me play this game because I never found it necessary to get it when you can create tabs in the Firefox Browser. I don't know how someone got my account, and why they were stupid enough to keep the same password, but hopefully, if you find it in the depths of your heart to unban me, I will put a new password on my character and even put everyone of those other Safety Requirements on my character, which I failed to do about a month ago. Thank you for the chance to appeal and I hope you can understand my situation. I would like to continue to get back into this game, which I failed to do because of finals at my high school. Again, thank you. NB! Kes on nende appealidega proovinud , siis võix kirjutada või lisada pildi tulemusest:) NB! NEED EI OLE KOHUSTUSLIKUD , KIRJUTA ISE VÕI COPY SIIT! KUI ON DENIED , SIIS ÄRA SÜÜDISTAMA TULE EKS? *** Need on paljusid aidanud , Soovitan neid kasutada neil , kes eriti ise inglise keelt ei jaga , aga võib ka ise midagi välja mõelda:) *** :cool: :ty
  11. tõmba uus crack m2ngule? Äkki aitab:P Või tõstad profiilid kuhugi mujale kõrvale ja teed m2ngule reinstalli?
  12. Lase java maha ja downloadi uuesti peale:)
  13. sYcoN


    wow , lol not:s
  14. Korralikud pildid äkki Tagidega , siis parem vaadata ja lisa rohkem pilte , ehk tihedamini:) Edu siis:)
  15. Kui tõmbad jdk tuleb selline error või kuidas see error tuleb?
  16. Salakad ka ainult sul 4 päeva peal olnud:O 300 pakun:)
  17. Njah Mitu warni = ban. Ehk ära saa warni , siis ei saa ka banni:) Õhtust kõigile!
  18. Ma lõpetangi aga ma tuletan meelde ruunikutele , et see on VABAAJAFOORUM!
  19. Mille eest ban??????++ EGA SEE TRA MINGI RUNESCAPE FOORUM PLE! SAA YLE JUBA OMA RUENSCAPEST! mine bani ennast oma runescapest
  20. Negatiivse tehingu , Kas jutt puutub tehingutesse?
  21. No palun ära esine , talitse ennast! 4-JAS POST ON LINK! Ära PALUN enam SIIA KIRJUTA!
  22. Ikka ei saa vait olla? 4-AS POST ON LINK! STFU!
  23. Ma kogun kuulsust ja poste tead , irw mida iganes.... Tra paljud eui viitsi mingi teem keskel sorida mingeid linke , FACK ÄRA SPAMMI SIIS! LINK ANTI , LAS JÄÄB SIIS NII! 3-mas POSTITUS ON LINK! NO SPAMM!
  24. Jh tean seal olemas MINGI versioon , updated kyll , aga paneb ikka pange:S Ametlikku uut versioon pm väljas pole , kuna moded pole seal foorumis sellest teada andnud...:S
  25. Et siis keegi , KELLEL ON , see võix postitada siis TÖÖTAVA RSBOTI downloadimis lingi. ( kui muidugi on ). Siis ei kysita enam igal pool selle kohta. :S :ty
  • Loo uus...

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