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James Holmes, the Aurora, Colorado shooter who reportedly opened fire at a Batman movie premiere, was a medical student at the University of Colorado, pursuing a PhD in neuroscience, reports ABC News. As part of the attack, Holmes painted his hair red and referred to himself as “The Joker,” one of the arch enemies in the DC Comics-inspired Batman movie series. According to news reports, this sudden violent rampage was completely out of character for James Holmes, who was described as “shy.” The New York Times is now reporting: Billy Kromka, a pre-med student at the University of Colorado, Boulder, worked with Mr. Holmes for three months last summer as a research assistant in a lab of at the Anschutz Medical Campus. Mr. Kromka said he was surprised to learn Mr. Holmes was the shooting suspect. “It was just shocking, because there was no way I thought he could have the capacity to do commit an atrocity like this,” he said. There is already conjecture that James Holmes may have been involved in mind-altering neuroscience research and ended up becoming involved at a depth he never anticipated. His actions clearly show a strange detachment from reality, indicating he was not in his right mind. That can only typically be accomplished through drugs, hypnosis or trauma (and sometimes all three). His behavior already reveals stark inconsistencies that question the mainstream explanation of events. For example, he opened fire on innocent people but then calmly surrendered to police without resistance. This is not consistent with the idea of “killing everyone.” Furthermore, he then admitted to police that his apartment was booby-trapped with explosives. If you were really an evil-minded Joker trying to kill people (including cops), why would you warn them about the booby trap in advance? It doesn’t add up Continuing from CBS: “He said pictures from inside the apartment are fairly disturbing and the devices look to be sophisticated, adding the booby-traps were ‘something I’ve never seen.’ One rifle, two handguns, a knife, a bullet proof vest, a ballistic helmet, a gas device, a gas mask, military SWAT clothing and unidentified explosives were also found in Holmes’ car, a law enforcement source told CBS News. Oates said Holmes wore a gas mask, a ballistic helmet and vest as well as leg, groin and throat protectors during the shooting.” In other words, this guy was equipped with exotic gear by someone with connections to military equipment. SWAT clothing, explosives, complex booby-traps… c’mon, this isn’t a “lone gunman.” This is somebody who was selected for a mission, given equipment to carry it out, then somehow brainwashed into getting it done. On top of all this, Holmes apparently has no background. “He’s not on anybody’s radar screen — nothing,” said a peace officer in a NYT article. “This guy is somewhat of an enigma. Nobody knows anything about him.” If you start to look at the really big picture here, the obvious question arises: How does an unemployed medical student afford all the complex weapons gear, bomb-making gear, “flammable” booby trap devices, ammunition, multiple magazines, bullet-proof vest, groin protection, ballistic helmet, SWAT uniform and all the rest of it? A decent AR-15 rifle costs $1,000 or more all by itself. The shotgun and handgun might run another $800 total. Spare mags, sights, slings, and so on will run you at least another $1,000 across three firearms. The bullet-proof vest is easily another $800, and the cost of the bomb-making gear is anybody’s guess. With all the specialty body gear, ammunition, booby-trap devices and more, I’m guessing this is at least $20,000 in weapons and tactical gear, much of which is very difficult for civilians to get in the first place. All this looks like James Holmes completed a “mission” and then calmly ended that mission by surrendering to police and admitting everything. The mission, as we are now learning, was to cause as much terror and mayhem as possible, then to have that multiplied by the national media at exactly the right time leading up the UN vote next week on a global small arms treaty that could result in gun confiscation across America. Even Forbes.com wrote about this quite extensively, warning readers about the coming gun confiscation effort related to the UN treaty. The story was authored by Larry Bell and says the UN treaty could “override our national sovereignty, and in the process, provide license for the federal government to assert preemptive powers over state regulatory powers guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment in addition to our Second Amendment rights.” http://www.infowars.com/colorado-batman-shooting-shows-obvious-signs-of-being-staged/
Ei ole reaalsed õied, aga kammivad kenasti. Nagu spice, aga veelgi hullem. // Aga need pole nagu eriti tervislikud ja nendega pole veel pikaajalisi teadusuuringuid tehtud, et mnjaa.. Oma risk nagu vms
Noh, arvatakse, et see tulistamine võis olla nö False Flag ( ) operatsioon, et inimesed kindlamini annaksid oma relvad ära. Praegu ju tahetakse 2nd amendmentist lahti saada ning tsiviilelanike käest KÕIK relvad kokku koguda, et oleks nö peaceful world (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyfkQkchlu4) ning ainukesed relvad oleksid sõjaväelaste jne käes. Mismõttes, praegu võtta relvad ära? See ei aita midagi peale selle, et kui peaks WW3 lahti minema, siis tsiviilelanikel pole kuidagi võimalik ennast kaitsta. Kõige haigem on see, et ilma relva ära andmata on põhimõtteliselt sõjaväelastel õigus läbi NDAA seaduseelnõu inimeste peal legaalselt vägivalda kasutada, piinata ning ka tappa (ilma kohtuta kõik loomulikult, oma suva järgi). See ongi reaalselt siis meie praegune maailm, kus homme võib mingi "kõrgem võim" tappa terve su perekonna ning see oleks kõik legaalne ja õige (vähemalt USAs praeguseni) ning sul pole mitte kui kuhugile apelleerida..
Vale alafoorum vast, õige oleks http://vahvel.net/forumdisplay.php?195-Ajakirjandus Siin alafoorumis räägime üldjuhul asjadest, mida mainstream meedias ei kajastata ehk vandenõuteooriad põhimõtteliselt (vähemalt siiani olen nii aru saanud).
Purple bud täitsa ei olnud, seal oli lihtsalt coloring peale pandud. Need olidki reaalselt sinised, sellised merekarva sinised. Ning kolmapäeval tellisin ja järgmise nädala teisipäevaks üldjuhul kohal. Kulleriga koju. UK-st ongi üldjuhul suht kiire, sellepärast vahetevahel saab ikka tellitud. See, mis ma tegin, oli K3 üks variantidest.
Ostsin pin, 5+
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Tellisin üht kraami UK-st, vot see oli haige.. Pooled õied olid värvitud siniseks ka, suht kahtlane värk. Samas hea lõhn (mustikane), kurgule polnud eriti rough ning kammis segaseks.. Ma pole ammu nii sassis olnud lihtsalt, see oli üle mõistuse. Kahju ainult, et otsa sai
Noh, näiteks Iirimaal oli ainult salt n vinegar pmselt müüa, sama oli nende jaoks kui roheline lays meil.. Mulle väga meeldib, aga see maitse asi ilmselt jah.. Mulle meeldivad soolased asjad jne
http://vahvel.net/showthread.php?148695-Thrive&p=2138058#post2138058 VAADAKE SEDA !!!!
- 145 047 vastust
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Viimati sõin vist Sibulamaitselist Laysi. Lays Wasabi on tõesti mittesöödav. Lemmikkrõpsudeks on soola ja äädikakrõpsud, kuid Kuressaares kahjuks neid müügis pole veel näinud
Ma võin sulle müüa selle gp, aga kui sa tahad MMi kasutada, siis ära vaevu. // Soovitan vaadata ette temaga. Ei soovinud mult osta, kardab, et ma ebausaldusväärne Ainult 1k+ tehingud ja 10+ aastat vahvlis ilmselt usaldusväärne