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Evolution of Combat - Video

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Regasin ka ennast Betale :)




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Ausalt öeldes nõus tysoniga,ma ei saa aru miks nad teevad nii mõttetuid uuendusi.Varsti on see mäng juba world of warcraft ,paar uuendust veel ja ongi 100% selle moodi.



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ei tea nii ja on hea ja pole kah suht paljud skillid on paljudest mägutest juba nähtud see rohkem nagu kõikide normaalsete mängude skillid kokku korjatud siis rs2 toppitud!

ma ikka lootsin enamat kui kohata vanu skille!

no nii mõndagi on uut aga jah tuleb vist uuesti vana wow servu ülesee elustada :D

http://xtreme-projects.eu/wow/ ehk mõngigi inimene veel mäletad seda servut :D

aga edu loodan ,et kui proovin siis meeldib ja kui ei siis rs quited kah ja wowi tagasi!

seeni kuni saab raha teenida seeni mõttet mängida aga kui ulmeks läheb siis quidin

igastahes loodan ,et teile meeldib sest alati ei peagi kõik igaühele meeldima sest ilu on vaataja silmades !

päikest teile :D

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V2ga m6ttetu imo. Runescape niigi allak2inud m2ng ja see update teeb veel sitemaks

Kustkohast ta sul sitemaks teeb?

Ärge lahmige siin mõttetuid hate kommentaare kui te ei tea sellest combat süsteemist absoluutselt mitte midagi.

'Jah, wow on parem, runescape välja surnud... blabla mida iganes - tõmmake siis minekut runest, jagex teeb mis ta tahab kui kui sulle see ei meeldi siis keegi ei hoia sind kinni'




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Kustkohast ta sul sitemaks teeb?

Ärge lahmige siin mõttetuid hate kommentaare kui te ei tea sellest combat süsteemist absoluutselt mitte midagi.

'Jah, wow on parem, runescape välja surnud... blabla mida iganes - tõmmake siis minekut runest, jagex teeb mis ta tahab kui kui sulle see ei meeldi siis keegi ei hoia sind kinni'


Hästi öeldud. Ise ootan update juba väga.. Panin betale ka kirja.

Ning tahtsin ka öelda, et runescape on niigi maha jäänud oma uuendustega teistest mmorpg mängudest ja nad peavad ka ju olema teistega samal tasemel põhimõtteliselt. Ning praegune combat onju tõesti igav ja mõttetu, sa ei pea mittemidagi tegema peale seismise, mingit strateegiat jne pole. Selle uuendusega tuleks tõsiselt hea pvp,pvm kogemused sealhulgas ka kõiksugu clan võitlused. Usun, et jagex saab ikka korralikult uusi mängijaid juurde, sest osad just ei mängi seda selle igava pvp ja pvme pärast.

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Gf Pure Community


Hästi öeldud. Ise ootan update juba väga.. Panin betale ka kirja.

Ning tahtsin ka öelda, et runescape on niigi maha jäänud oma uuendustega teistest mmorpg mängudest ja nad peavad ka ju olema teistega samal tasemel põhimõtteliselt. Ning praegune combat onju tõesti igav ja mõttetu, sa ei pea mittemidagi tegema peale seismise, mingit strateegiat jne pole. Selle uuendusega tuleks tõsiselt hea pvp,pvm kogemused sealhulgas ka kõiksugu clan võitlused. Usun, et jagex saab ikka korralikult uusi mängijaid juurde, sest osad just ei mängi seda selle igava pvp ja pvme pärast.


2k12 kiddo. Klann pk sureb välja kui see update tuleb...

Muudetud liikme surm5'i poolt

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puredel pole siis enam mõtet, sest kogu süsteem pidi hakkama lugema combati leveli pealt. elude level tõuseb 10k peale... ehk siis oled näiteks mingi failed main praegu, aga combat on 100+ siis wildis oled sa ühesõnaga nagu iga teine oma leveli taoline.

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Natukene informatsiooni RuneScape foorumitest:


Hi all,


I’m sure that, by now, all of you who are reading this Og Blog have heard that we are working on a brand new combat system. Over my 9 years at Jagex, there have been plenty of things that we’ve just wanted to pull out and rebuild from the ground up, but it’s always been easier to invent new things than to go back and fix older content, especially when dealing with something that’s integral to the game that you guys know and love. You deserve the best, though, so we’re taking the bold(and scary!) step of starting again and designing a system that’ll take RuneScape charging forward – teeth bared and scimmies brandished!


With a strong desire to add new equipment and combat abilities to the high-level parts of the game, and a team of amazing developers clamouring to take on the challenge, we’ve got something we’re very proud of. In fact, it’s almost ready for our best and toughest reviewers - you - to put it through its paces. So, what’s it all about? Well, for now I’d like to list the challenges we have set ourselves to overcome, and in later blogs from me and the team we’ll be explaining how we’ve met them:


Refocus combat to be more about player skill - Combat should be an opportunity for you to use your skills as a player. That means making it more about mastering techniques, rather than navigating interfaces at speed.


Encourage variety in combat equipment - We want you to be thinking carefully about the equipment you choose for any given situation, tweaking and making alterations according to your enemy’s strengths and weaknesses. The problem is, at the moment, there aren't many reasons to change from your favourite weapons or armour. We’d like to give you those reasons.


Make it fun! - There’s room in combat for situations that require a greater deal of attention and skill to overcome, hopefully making it more fun. In these situations, you'll be rewarded for your efforts with more XP. In-game combat - particularly training on standard enemies - currently involves clicking on a creature and waiting. We'll do a whole lot more to make these situations challenging, rewarding and - ultimately - more fun.


Make it easier to access - Several combat options (special attacks, combat styles, spellbooks) are tucked away, hard to access, or on various different interfaces, so we’re planning to bring all those options together.


Give rangers and mages a fighting chance – The combat triangle can be less of a triangle and more of a pancake – flat and a little out of shape - with melee dominant in training and PvP situations. Let’s put rangers and mages firmly back on that triangle.


Fill the gaps in existing equipment tiers – We’ve got an opportunity with the Evolution of Combat to plug holes in the tiers of combat equipment. Magic 'armour' is rare, and generally caters for a small level bracket, while melee and ranger sets are missing gloves, boots, etc.


Encourage challenging fights - We’d like the most challenging, rewarding and fun creatures to also be the most efficient creatures to fight. At the moment, it can seem more efficient to train on creatures that deal little damage and go down without a fight.


Fix the relationship between Defence, life points and damage outputs – Your ability to heal damage, through food or similar mechanics, should be comparable to how much damage you receive. That’s not quite true at the moment, and we’d like to address that.


Allow players’ combat levels to truly represent their ability – The combat level calculator is complicated and encourages players to not train certain skills in an attempt to create a false impression of their damage potential (pures).


Simplify the code and balancing – We want to add more high-level (85+) equipment to the game, but the existing system can make this extremely difficult. Flexibility would allow us to even add more combat styles in the future.


Be brave, but be traditional where possible - We are a game with a proud heritage and a player base with clear expectations of the game they want to play. We don’t want to make a game that we can’t even recognise anymore.


Of course, that’s just the tip of the iceberg, but you’ll have to wait a little longer to hear full details of what we have in store for you combat fans. I know there are several big pieces of news that will excite you all!


No doubt, some of you are apprehensive what were planning to do. After all, it’s a game many of us have played for 10 years or more, and this is the biggest, most fundamental change in its history. As always, we only change things because we truly believe they need to be changed; every single update has strong reasons to exist, and this is no exception. With your feedback and your help, though, we can make this the best update yet, and one that’s as much yours as it is ours.


During the Beta, we will be on the forums every single day, reading your posts and starting conversations with those of you pushing the combat system to its limits. Even though we have a team full of experts with thousands of game hours between them and more 99’s than you could shake a completionist’s cape at, we realise that we can’t cover everything, and that’s where you come in. Between us, we can make an update that’s fantastic for everybody!


See you in the Beta worlds – I'll be the one getting pwned. In the meantime, enjoy the QBD!


Mod Mark (Og)

RuneScape Lead Designer


Tanking will be a fully supported play style in the new combat system, with lots of extra lifepoints for tanks, and abilities that they can use to force NPC's to attack them and not their friends. You can also put debuffs on PVP targets so that they do less damage to other players if they dont attack you.


Pures are not being outlawed in the new system, but it you have chosen not to train your defence, you will find yourself at a disadvantage in combat. It will be much more important to wear armor of the appropriate level for the target you are fighting, as in the new system armour gives you lots more lifepoints. For example, someone with 99 Attack and Strength and 1 Defence will almost certainly get steamrolled by someone with say, 50 Defence.


Mod Rathe




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Räägitakse , et bounty hunter tuleb tagasi


Minuteada aint teatud worldidesse.




Clan pk just areneb ju. Ma olen kindel, et tulevad skilli põhilised abilityd ja nende omadused. Seega ei tee sa mainiga eriti palju purede vastu midagi.


Ütleme, et kohtad wildis cb ~80 pure clanni ning oled ise mainidega, samad cb,d.

str pured lihtsalt hitivad abilitydega rohkem,

def pured Tankivad lihtsalt ära

att pured lihtsalt hitivad nii k2hku, et ei pane t2helegi kui kookonisse keerad end.


See on minu arusaam süsteemist ja ma ka arvan, et see ongi nii. Haterid ärge parandage kui te kindlalt asja ei tea?

(Att) pured


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Näeb hea välja aga puudub arusaam, millist mõju see tegelt avaldab.


From the RSOF (Quick find code: 296-297-72-63761232):


"This thread was originally posted because i tought the weapon prices were gonna crash, but Mod Rathe has revealed some interesting stuff about the combat rework in this thread.


Here's a list:


*Special attacks will be removed.

*All 4 godswords will be getting the same stats (Hilts will be cosmetic).

*Barrows/void sets won't be changed.

*The Enhanced excalibur special attack will be removed.

*Two handed weapons will have different special actions than one handed weapons.

*You "Unlock" abilities by leveling your skills.

*Not all actions are F2P

*Unlock abilities by completing Grandmaster Quests(?)

*The new abilities are not prohibited in any way in PVP, however you will have lots of abilities you can also use in PVP to help mitigate incoming damage.

*Things in the game that currently effect your special attack bar are being re-purposed to effect a new feature which we haven't announced yet.

*Full release date is unknown but planned in September (if everything goes smooth).

*At release you will automatically unlock special abilities you have the stats for.

*The currently common used "Spec weapons" will increase stat-wise."




EDIT: The guy kind of sucks at summarizing and is leaving out important info, so I'll add some quotes directly from the J mod


"As part of the combat update, every piece of armor and weaponry in the game is having its stats re-worked, so that current powerful weapons like the Godswords make up for the loss of their special attack by having bad-ass stats. "


"Also, two-handed weapons don't suck the big one in the new combat system."


"In regards to trying to bust out a dragon claws special with a maul, the new abilities have certain weapon requirements on them. For example, the dragon claws special is now known as the ability "Flurry", and cannot be performed with two-handed swords/mauls etc.


Big beefy 2h weapons get their own set of abilities to use, like the Armadyl Godsword special, which can't be performed with smaller weapons, like claws."


"Special restore pots will still be useful, they just do something different in the new system (not sure if we are revealing that particular new feature just yet...) "


"Generally speaking: set effects like barrows that go off every now and then, will continue to go off on your auto-attacks (the attacks that you do automatically when you click on an NPC). They will not trigger from the new abilities you use from the actionbar.


Auto-attacks continue going on in the background while you are using the bar to fire off the new abilities."


"For example, there is one Defence ability that causes the next ability used against you to heal you instead of harm you! Best save that one until you think the enemy is about to unleash a big attack against you as it has a recharge time."


"Ahem, but yes, the image you are talking about does feature a two-handed crossbow! These are new items we are adding to the game in the combat rework. The crossbows you have in the live game at the moment will remain one-handed weapons."

sry 4 2x post

Muudetud liikme Partydoll'i poolt

Vaata Eesti pure klanni tutvustavat videot:


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Kustkohast ta sul sitemaks teeb?

Ärge lahmige siin mõttetuid hate kommentaare kui te ei tea sellest combat süsteemist absoluutselt mitte midagi.

'Jah, wow on parem, runescape välja surnud... blabla mida iganes - tõmmake siis minekut runest, jagex teeb mis ta tahab kui kui sulle see ei meeldi siis keegi ei hoia sind kinni'


Igal ühel on õigus oma arvamusele. Kui sulle need pilukate mängud meeldivad ja arvad, et jeee ruun on peale seda sitast updeiti 5+++ mäng, siis arva nii edasi.

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Ja sinusugused puupakud meeldivad mulle ka :)

Mingi sõber olen teil, et mind "sinatad" sorri, aga mina küll teiega mingisugune tuttav pole.. Seega ei, aitähh. Võite oma sõpruse endale hoida. Ja need mingisugused X väljendid võite ka endale hoida. Ja siit ma ka lõpetan, ei taha hoiatust saada!

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Mingi sõber olen teil, et mind "sinatad" sorri, aga mina küll teiega mingisugune tuttav pole.. Seega ei, aitähh. Võite oma sõpruse endale hoida. Ja need mingisugused X väljendid võite ka endale hoida. Ja siit ma ka lõpetan, ei taha hoiatust saada!


Mis, ma pean mingis vabaajafoorumis teietama suvalisi mölakaid nagu koolis õpetajaid?


OT: Uuendust ise ei seedi. Väga mõttetu imo.

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