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Rsbot / Arbi bot scamming .

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Olen kuulnud et paljud Rsboti / Arbiboti kasutajad said scammi ,


Tekst siis powerbotist see "The Free Trade Hacking Massacare"



War of the Botters. Powerbot Vs Rs buddy The explanation.


Currently in the runescape botting world there is a crisis. Accounts are being hacked, valuables are being lost.

Many people are wondering WHAT THE HELL HAS HAPPENED? WHY DID THIS GO TO SHIT SO QUICKLY? and i have answers.

I have been taking part in this project over the last few months, i have now looked at the consequences of what i have done and have

realised that its not worth it anymore.


Heres how it started


This has been planed out months ago, we started to talk about it in may 2010 but only started working on it in July.

The two main Developers of the project were fed up with the powerbot community, Jacmob was having arguments with Paris about how the

site was going downhill, there was too many botters and not enough contributers. Jacmob was fed up with this and decided to try and

buy out powerbot. The amount that jacmob offered was high but paris would just not take it, this led to arguments within the staff

and the replacement of many staff members. Jacmob decided to stay on as the developer, but always intended to resign sometime

within the next 6 months. Soon after this, the old RSBot.org domain was bought out by jagex which led to more arguments within the

staff. During this time Rsbot2 was being developed. Many of the staff took 2 sides, Most with Paris and the others with Jacmob (Arbiter & Toshi). The Project was started soon after this, originally it was started only to piss of Paris and show that the website would be nothing without them, however soon after this other factors came into play, such as member numbers, Monopoly of the botting industry & soon after that money. The project was originally very small with only about 15 people who knew what was going on, throughout this time they just did what they normally did on Powerbot, but other times they were creating a website & another Botting client. We launched the website on a private domain and soon after that we started to test the new client everything was working and was great, but soon after this we ran into a large problem, because our client is not open sourced to form some sort of protection for the client (From the jagex lawyers) & to make sure no one could edit our client (Sabotage) we had to create a Company (Company's have legal rights and immunities against certain laws), thus Automaton Software Ltd was born, the only problem we had now was the actual cost of registering the company. The company is registered in Germany for many reasons, the main one is that we would have certain immunity to many laws mainly because we could licence our software as freedom of speech. The costs of hosting the domain & licencing the company was going to cost thousands of Euro's to set up, we had already gone past our original budget and were using our own money to fund the project. We now had to think outside the box to come up with funding solutions, arbiters scripts were making money, but not nearly enough to fund the whole project, soon after this we came up with an idea which would tear the botting community appart. Arbiter is well known for his scripts, the best thing was that people couldn't see the source code of the scripts, so we could put anything we wanted into them and no one would ever know. we started to code a key logger which would take the Rsbots account data, decode it & send it to us via email's. This was reletivly easy because jacmob (Being the coder) knew how to decode the files, we planed on hacking everyones account and collecting all the gold & items and selling the accounts to gold selling websites (As this was before the announcement of free trade came). We actually started taking passwords in early December but due to a number

of issues (With the licencing & the company) we were forced to wait till early January to start our operation, which worked out perfectly for us. On December 24th the announcement on free trade came, we knew this would work to our advantage so we decided to wait till free trade came back. Our estimates were that we could collect about 40 Billion GP which sold for 50c (Usd) a mil we could

get about $20,000 American dollars, which would fund our site for the next few years. In doing this we also decided that it was far

too risky to do the collection of GP ourself's, Paris was an old hacker who knew how to backtrack ip's and could easily screw us all

over, we also didn't want our ip's to be traced by the government or by jagex (Both would end in a lawsuit against us) so we decided

to hire some kids who would do the work for us, in return we would give them cash + all the GP they wanted this is how gh0st got

involved. Gh0st was not a hacker, he was a leecher who was trying to learn how to hack, the perfect disguise... We literally got gh0st (Some 14 year old kid) to do all the transferring for us (We also hired some others but gh0st was the main one) all he did was create accounts and transfer the GP onto them. The other part of the deal we had with him was to say that he had done all the hacking and to take all the credit, Luckily he was quite good with photoshop and created some pretty good pictures of the account lists.

We gave him all the logs of passwords on the day before free trade and let him get to work. The next thing that came was the

advertising of our own site and trying to take there members, we made many ad's on the powerbot site to come to our new better client

and on the Rsbot Twitter. Eventualy we were Ip banned of Powerbot and couldnt access the Twitter, this was when we started DDosing

Thier site. We all used Rdos to ping there site till there was nothing left, what we didnt expect was them DDosing us back. This lead

to the dossing war which is continuing right now. we have taken down their site, Ours is still up but is very slow to load. This

is where the story ends... For now


You might think this is bullshit, think what you want, i have given an explanation to the current events to the best of my knowledge.


******* client is a real client and dose not steal your password, we are thinking of turning it into somthing simmilar to RSbots.net.

ArbiBots scripts were the ones that stole your passwords. ******* dosent steal your password, i think.

We have currently collected 19 Billion Gp and we have gone through 3500/14000 accounts. This is the new age of botting.



Keegi aru ei saand siis neil oli plaanis see kõik ...


Võite isegi postitada kes palju scammi saand jms , > tean aind et kahel sõbral accid tühad lost mingi 10m , enda sõbral läksid clawid / ss / money mingi 10-15m .

minul taheti ka aga mul oli õnneks pb peal .


Ärge kasutage ARBIBOTTI ! > kellel alles võite ülejäänd botid maha lasta , Hetkel Scammi vabad ongi ainult Powerbot/Rsbots.net botid ' :)


------ Võib juhtuda ka et mingi tegelane nimega "Gh0$t" üritab siis uuesti scammida kõike powerboti -


Teema link http://www.powerbot.org/vb/showthread.php?t=624195


Juhul kui kasutate Stealbot / epicbot / vms erinevaid , need lihtsalt stealivad su rsbot.ini faili kus on teie bankpin / acc name / password

ja teie account saabki scammed ,

kui botite siis vahetage iga päev pmst parooli , ja kasutage bank pini .


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nähh .

Ma lootsin just et arbibot ei pane pange :)


Vahetasin pw ka ära kohe :D

Nii ,et lets use Powerbot again :D

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Suht pede see arbi värdjas :D


aga lihtsalt infi , et meie botter comuuniitiiii scammi ei saaks :)


Kari lollakaid scritpereid ja hackereid :D


Aga Jah kasutagem siis Powerboti / RSbot.net > botte :) kes veel üleval aru ei saand ;)


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Hmm, minu teada keeravad kõik seal powerbotis. Arbi pole ainus kes rottib, powerboti omanikud ka ju. Omal oli 200M, kaotasin 170M stakedes ja siiamaani pole viitsind pw muuta. Jagex on raudselt väga õnnelik selle üle, et bottereid niimoodi karistatakse.



"Success is the best revenge"

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botterite maalma lõpp on tulekul... -,-

Poliitikud ei valeta, Nad tõesti üritavad luua oma valijatele töökohti jne, Aga iga poliitiku kohta on 100 inimest kes üritavad mõelda välja mingit ideed, kuidas ära kaotada su töökoht. Ma ei valeta, ma ei ole negatiivne, olen Realistlik. Muutke oma mõtlemist ja tegutsege! ;)

Olen õnnelik, et inimesed on nii ilusad ja head.

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njaa, pass sai kohe muidugi muudetud, aga neist saavad ju miljonärid pmst.3500/14000 accounti on läbi kammitud ja 19 bil olemas

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Tekib aina uusi ja uusi botte mida kasutada kui vanad lõpetavad tegutsemisa ja nende uutel ongi enamjaolt vanad tegijad eesotsas.

Kui botting lõppeks kaotaks ka jagex(p2p playerite pealt).

Lihtsalt peate hoolikamad olema,lihtsaim variant panete valed andmed sinna pw ja nime küsijasse ning no break bottima.

Mul joppas vahetasin kohe pinni ära kui sain teada ja pangal kah pin peal.

Ja need põhiscämmerid pääsevad puhtalt,sest jagex ei topi nina sellistesse asjadesse,see on su oma süü et nii loll olid ja boti kasutavad oleks nende vastus.Kui keegi ei kaeba siis ei ole midagi hullu nagu see asi alati on käinud.

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kui väga teooriaid arvestada siis rsbot.orgi tagasitulek võiski olla jagexiga kokkuleppel et kõik accid millel bottiti lihtsalt nad teevad tühjaks vms. Anoh väga ei usu seda, kunagi ei kasutanud arbyt:).

½ For me 3/4 to you.

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Kasutage rsbots.net'i, kõige puhtamad skriptid :P Pealegi, powerbot.org.. all what it wants.. BIG PROFIT.

ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ flex your dongers ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ

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ise usun ka seda , et tegid jagexiga koostööd , et võtta bottereid vahele , minujaoks tundub kõige loogilisem. Ise olen üks botteritest, ja sellega lendab siis ka bank pin peale kohe. pmst siis see epicbot jne jne , on ka selle scammi värgiga seotud??


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