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Probleem membershipiga ( negative credit)
in Probleemid / Küsimused
Sorry, your account is in negative RuneScape credit so you are currently blocked from making further telebilling transactions.
To recover your account you will have to repay the negative RuneScape credit owed, by subscribing through PayByCash for a period of time greater than the number of days negative credit you owe - e.g. if you owe 75 days, you will need to subscribe for three months.
Please note that you MUST NOT purchase membership for anyone outside your immediate family.
Et siis sai soetatud eile pinn omale , algul toimis kõik normaalselt , aga kui täna koolist koju tulin siis proovisin sisse logida ja viskas siukse asja ette? Äkki keegi oskaks aidata?
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