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JSRevolution II?

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Originally Posted by Chase Hawk

Jonny said it will come out in couple of days, couple is 2 days and its not out yet. :/



A Couple of days is how ever long i want it to be


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Originally Posted by Chase Hawk

Jonny said it will come out in couple of days, couple is 2 days and its not out yet. :/



A Couple of days is how ever long i want it to be


Rämedalt ülbe on ta rsk.



Mind over matter. I don't mind, You don't matter

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lohh ka, mina arvan, et minevik kordub.Ehk ükskord ta on juba nii teinud, öelnud, et jaa v2 tuleb kohe paari päeva jooksul ja siis quitib, ei tulnud mingit v2-te ega midagi :D


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Sind ei ajaks siis närvi see, kui sa oma vabast ajast teed midagi, mille eest sa ei saa sentigi, ning sulle käivad pinda mingid noliferid? Mind küll ajaks :)



No kui sa selle nii paned ... =/

Aga ülbe on ta ikkagi :D



Mind over matter. I don't mind, You don't matter

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Sind ei ajaks siis närvi see, kui sa oma vabast ajast teed midagi, mille eest sa ei saa sentigi, ning sulle käivad pinda mingid noliferid? Mind küll ajaks :)


No aga ära anna lubadusi, mida sa täita ei suuda/kavatse :)


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THE NEW CLIENT!! - Today, 08:55 PM




...Is not here yet.


BUT It will be very soon, since ALOT of people are complaining this is what im going to do.


Im going to release the client and server early, but keep updating throughout the week, dont think oh god its gonna be budget etc. this is what ill be releasing with.


Realease Features


- New Client

- New FULL Prayer (including magic prayer's, range prayer's and a new custom prayer)

- New Emote Tab

- New Option Interface

- New NPC's

- 3 Never seen before items avaliable (1 Of Them isnt even on Runescape)

- New Mini-Games (Kalphite Queen, Mithral Dragon, Duel Arena)

- Full Staking, WITH Duel Rating, And Duel token to buy items the the Duel Store.

- Super Improved Pking


Ok, Let me stop for a minitue and ill explain the pking updates.


Pking Updates


- Improved DDS Special - Hits twice, Almost instantly a nice delay though.

- No mage pjing / teaming. - Mage is now effected by edgevilles 1 v 1 Rule, so it can no longer team.

- Ancient Staff Removal, - Only Causes Trouble So Its Gone.

- Fixed Pjing - After a Kill You Recieve a 20 second penelty where you cant attack or be attacked so you can loot your kill. (note: If your at magebank being teamed it might not help a hell of alot.)


- Better timed pking, - Just alot better comboing etc.

- Ice Barrage Updates, It now doesnt freeze for as long and doesnt have the chance of freezing everytime.


Back to normal release updates


- New Godsword Method- You need to kill different bosses to collect hilts and shards

- New Staff, I will be only staff in-game all other staff demoted and ill be rechoosing again, but thier will be a poll held to see if the community agrees before i mod.

- New area to train

- Slighty faster xp while people train again

- Multi sword sign in multi combat areas



So all of the above i will release with that all ready done.


The features i will be adding hopefully in the first week are..


First Week Updates


- Adding PK Following

- Adding "No Armour" and "No Weapon" Rules to staking.

- Adding a fully working Slayer

- Web-Client - Wont be avaliable on release

- I forgot heaps for some reason people remind me and ill add.


Long Term updates


Well i think JSR is rather, contained, and controlled, with everything in very specific areas, Long term, i hope to extend it alot. opening new areas,(if you have read the whole thing up to here put Koal in your post so i know) more skills, more quests, For example ill be expanding The Forsaken City, with a quest that opens an a way to get to the underground city under The Forsaken City, New cities, New Quests, New Places, New Skills.


Progressive Development Scheme


Ill also be putting a plan into place, i plan i created and named the Progressive Development Scheme or PDS.


PDS is a plan ill be using during JSR II, for 2 Reasons, Maximum Economy, Maximum Players.


PDS is a scheme, where ill slowly during JSR be reducing the XP rate, not noticably, but i will be doing it, so new comers find it harder to train, pk earlier, expand level difference in wilderness, stay longer, ill also slowly reduce prices on selling items, so money is harder to get, so things are more worth thier value, you have to work for your items, but shop items wont change greatly, as they are needed for pking. ill be doing other various things too,


So i can defeintly say the server is coming in the next 48 hours, if its not here then, its because ive been shot in the face and died. which isnt likely, so get your hopes up.




foorumist lugesin

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Viimane lause on armas.. :)

Ootame siis 48 h !

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