Otsi Vahvlist
Kuvatakse tulemused sildile ''vin''.
Leitud 3 tulemust
Eriti pikka juttu ei tule. Kasutaja umbes 3 kuud vana ja tuli nüüd jälle meelde ,et mul vedeleb üks kasutaja. Kasutajast tuleb f2p skiller , ning mängin siis kui viitsimist on Goalid alguses cook ja fm 70 siis vaatab edasi. Kes tahab võib lisada ka mind.
* If you rearrange the letters in Vin Diesel it reveals his credo: “I End Lives.” * When Vin Diesel goes to donate blood, he declines the syringe, and instead requests a hand gun and a bucket. * When Vin Diesel was born, the nurse said, “Holy crap! That’s Vin Diesel!” Then she had had sex with him. At that point, she was the third girl he had slept with. * There is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures Vin Diesel allows to live. * Vin Diesel once walked down the street with a massive erection. There were no survivors. * Vin Diesel once beat Super Mario Bros 3 without even touching his Nintendo controller. He just yelled at his TV in between bites of his “Filet of Child” sandwich, and the game beat itself out of fear. * Vin Diesel can divide by zero. * In fine print at on the last page of the Guiness Book of World Records it notes that all world records are held by Vin Diesel, and those listed in the book are simply the closest anyone has ever come to matching him. * Vin Diesel doesn’t believe in rubber condoms. Instead, he sticks his penis in a girl, and uses that girl as a condom while fucking another. * If you were to lock Vin Diesel in a room with a guitar, a year later you would have the greatest album ever, it would sweep the Grammy’s. When asked why he doesn’t do this Vin replied “Because Grammy’s are for queers.” Then he ate a knife to show the seriousness of his response. "But he's still my idol ;/"
Saage aru, et ma pole pede vms, aga lihtsalt fännan Vin'i.