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Leitud 9 tulemust

  1. Tervist , mul selline küsimus kas nvidia geforce gt630 videokaart on sobiv mängimiseks.Kui sinnajuurde panna Intel pentiumi 3ghz protsessor.Ning 4gb mälu.Saaks gta ivd selliste andmetega mängida ? Aitäh : 0
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  3. NB! Ma ei süüdista teda, lihtsalt palun teistel tähelepanelik olla tema suhtes. Järgneva tegelase runescaper2121@hotmail.com puhul tasub ettevaatlik olla. käitumine on väga kummaline minu jaoks, usun et nii mõnegi teise jaoks samuti. Tegemist võib olla ka kogenemattusega müügi/ostu tehingute sooritamisel. Ühesõnaga Temaga jäi tehing katki :-)
  4. müün 2ra siis oma pure att 50 def 1 str 76 mage 50 ranged 74 hp 60 kaasa saab veel sw ja hunter scripti pilte v6in msnis n2idata tehke pakumisi asjaga kiire lähen prantsusmaale 2ra ei ole aega siis foorumit külastada
  5. 1) Mine PokerStrategy.com! 2) Registreeru ning KINDLALT pane Reffered by (Username) RISTOWNIB 3) Kui registreerutud siis pane get starting capital 4) Vali Learn No limit. 5) Pane Start the quiz(Koolitus) Quizile leiad vastused alt poolt. 6) Registreeri pokkerikasutaja PARTYPOKERIS ning mängi pokkerit nädal aega starting capitali eest milleks on $50 . Olenemata vanusest(Registreerumisel pange 1991 sünniaastaks kui olete veel alaealine) raha saate te nädala aja pärast kanda pokkeri kontolt oma pangakontole(Isegi kui tegelt olete alaealine) kõik raha mis teil on kui te olete teeninud Vähemalt 15 Pokkeripunkti. Pokkeripunkte saab teenida pokkerit mängides. 7) Kui raha on pangakaardil, mis võtab aega umbes 3 päeva pärast kandmist, siis minge runescape lehele ja tehke ennast memberiks pangakaardiga. QUIZI KÜSIMUSED KOOS VASTUSTEGA. Otsige siit küsimus ja pange 1/20: You raised before the flop and hit a flush draw. It's your turn. What do you do? You fold. You check. You bet. ---- 2/20: You can lose a lot of money in a short amount of time when you don't have enough opponents at the table. At least how many other players must be at the table for you to be able to play profitably? 5 9 7 ---- 3/20: You are in late position with pocket eights before the flop. What do you do when no one raises ahead of you? You fold. You call. You raise. ---- 4/20: It is pre-flop and there was a raise and re-raise ahead of you. What is the smallest pocket pair you can continue playing with here? A pair of jacks. A pair of tens. A pair of kings. ---- 5/20: You have $300 in your poker account. What is the highest limit you can afford to play? 0.50/1.00 NL100 1.00/2.00 NL200 0.25/0.50 NL50 --- 6/20: You have to move back down a limit if you suffer losses and have 30 buy-ins or less for the next lowest limit. Is this true? Yes. ---- No, the correct answer is 25 buy-ins. No, the correct answer is 20 buy-ins. 7/20: You raised before the flop but didn't hit anything. It is your turn. When will you certainly bet here? You always bet again on the flop. When you have exactly one opponent. ---- When you have two opponents or less. 8/20: You play NL10 with $0.10 Big Blinds. It is before the flop and three opponents called ahead of you. You want to raise, and raise to... $0.50 $0.70 ---- $0.60 9/20: You are in early position with AQ before the flop. What do you do when no one raises ahead of you? You raise. You call. You fold. ---- 10/20: You play 0.05/0.10 (NL10) with $0.10 Big Blinds. With much money do you sit down at the table? $2.00 ---- $5.00 $10.00 11/20: You want to move up to the next limit. How many buy-ins do you have to have in your account before you can play the next limit? 30 buy-ins ---- 25 buy-ins 20 buy-ins 12/20: It is before the flop and an opponent has raised ahead of you. Another opponent re-raises him and it is your turn to act. You have pocket queens, what do you do? You go all-in. You call. You fold. ----- 13/20: You are in late position with AK before the flop. What do you do when two players raise ahead of you? You go all-in. ----- You fold. You call. 14/20: You play 0.50/1.00 (NL100). Suddenly you hit a downswing and start losing money. At which point do you have to move down to the 0.25/0.50 limit (NL50)? When you have $50 or less. When you have $300 or less. ----- When you have $200 or less. 15/20: You're playing a ring game with 8 other players. One of them leaves the table. What do you do? You keep playing, but leave if another opponent gets up from his seat. ----- You leave the table. You keep playing, but leave if two other opponents get up from their seats. 16/20: Good bankroll management protects you against which danger? Playing against the wrong opponents. Losing money. Going bankrupt when you suffer losses over an extended period of time. ----- 17/20: You are in early position with pocket tens before the flop. What do you do when no one raises ahead of you? You fold. ---- You raise. You call. 18/20: You raised to $0.40 before the flop. An opponent raises to $0.80 behind you. If you were to re-raise, how much would you re-raise to? $1.20 $1.60 You would go all-in.------ 19/20: You play 0.05/0.10 (NL10) with $0.10 Big Blinds. Things are going well and you've won some money. When is it time to leave the table? When you have more than $5.00 (50 Big Blinds). When you have more than $3.00 (30 Big Blinds). When you have more than $2.50 (25 Big Blinds). ----- 20/20: Finish the sentence: Even the best poker player in the world can't be successful in the long run if... he plays in limits below his bankroll. he doesn't play often enough. he plays in limits beyond his bankroll. ---- You didn't raise before the flop, then you hit a flush draw. What do you do? You check and fold to any bet. You go all-in as always. You call one bet at the most You play 0.10/0.25 (NL25). Suddenly you hit a downswing and start losing money. At which point do you have to move back down to 0.05/0.10 NL (NL10)? When you have $60 or less. When you have $50 or less. When you have $30 or less Good bankroll management protects you against which danger? Playing against the wrong opponents. Losing money. Going bankrupt when you suffer losses over an extended period of time. You are in early position with AQ before the flop. What do you do when no one raises ahead of you? You call. You raise. You fold. You're playing a ring game with 8 other players. One of them leaves the table. What do you do? You keep playing, but leave if another opponent gets up from his seat. You keep playing, but leave if two other opponents get up from their seats. You leave the table. You raised before the flop. An opponent raises behind you. What is the smallest pocket pair you can continue playing with? A pair of tens. A pair of kings. A pair of jacks. You need at least 7 opponents at a table to play the Short Stack Strategy (SSS) profitably. Is this true? Yes. No, you need at least 6 opponents at the table to play the SSS profitably. No, you need at least 8 opponents at the table to play the SSS profitably. You are in late position with AK before the flop. What do you do when two players raise ahead of you? You fold. You call. You go all-in. You play 0.05/0.10 (NL10) with $0.10 Big Blinds. Things are going well and you've won some money. When is it time to leave the table? When you have more than $5.00 (50 Big Blinds). When you have more than $2.50 (25 Big Blinds). When you have more than $3.00 (30 Big Blinds). If you suffer losses over an extended period of time, you have to move down a limit when... you only have 10 buy-ins for the next lowest limit. you only have 20 buy-ins for the next lowest limit. you only have 30 buy-ins for the next lowest limit. An opponent ahead of you raised to $0.40 before the flop. If you would re-raise, how much would you re-raise to? You would go all-in. $0.80 $1.20 You are in middle position with pocket eights before the flop. What do you do when no one has raised ahead of you? You fold. You call. You raise. One opponent raises ahead of you before the flop. What is the smallest pocket pair you can continue playing with? A pair of tens. A pair of jacks. A pair of kings. You are playing NL10 with $0.10 Big Blinds. Two opponents have called ahead of you and you want to raise. You raise to... $0.60 $0.80 $0.40 You play 0.25/0.50 (NL50) with $0.50 Big Blinds. With how much money do you sit down at the table? Please select an answer! $10.00 $5.00 $20.00 You have made some money in poker and moved up several limits. You're now considering 0.50/1.00 (NL100) $1 Big Blind games. How much do you have to have in your account before you can play at this limit? $600 $300 $400 You raised before the flop and hit top pair with queen kicker. Now it's your turn. What do you do? You check. You fold. You bet. You are in late position with pocket jacks before the flop. A player raises before you. What do you do? You call. You go all-in. You fold. Finish the sentence: Even the best poker player in the world can't be successful in the long run if... he plays in limits beyond his bankroll. he plays in limits below his bankroll. he doesn't play often enough How many buy-ins of a limit do you need to move to this limit? 25 buy-ins 20 buy-ins 30 buy-ins You have passed the quiz!
  6. kas tasub str purekst teha anna kohe lingi: mingeid muidu pilte ei anna kuna ban 100k ja mida muud erilist polegi kas tasub teha see mu esime p2evik ja plz parandage kui on midagi valesty :ty:ty:ty:ty:ty see ban on 6igemini bank
  7. 1.3ghz protsessor, 256mb ram 120GB kõvaketas. videokaart nvidia geforce 2 64mb Palju siis oleks hind? Sõber müüb tal seisab niisama kuid ta ei oska hinda pakkuda? Endal läks arvuti katki ja vaja asendus arvutit sest see windows 98 paneb nii näkku ja msn junkab Tema ja mina tahaks teada palju hind umb oleks. Sõber ütles ka , et väga kirves ta ei saa olla kuna ta nagu nii ei kasuta . Ostan ta siis nagu vaheldus arvutiks , et saaks midagi vähemalt teha arvutis mitte , nagu windows98 . Thx.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsom99Ds43U loodan,et sellist teemat juba pole ..
  9. TEEMA KINNI! MÜÜDUD: Monkeyfeetile !
  • Loo uus...

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