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The title sums it all up: Three guys go on to experience ghost adventures. That said, let's talk about their methods. They get locked into a haunted site, set their cameras up in places where they expect something to happen and then roam the building for the rest of the night. More often than not they actually catch something. Most of the time it's "voices" that they categorize "unexplained". Sometimes they're lucky and catch some video, too. Their methods don't seem to be too professional. Especially the main guy annoys me a lot, because he's always screaming around. You would think that a ghost also hears you when you speak in a normal voice. Most of their findings are "weird feelings" which have no scientific reason at all, if you ask me. They always show you wishy-washy footage and claim it's paranormal, when in reality you hardly see anything. Well, I only watch this show because I guess they have to be lucky sometime and catch something that can be taken as real proof. But really, after all is said and done, this is just 45min of some guys running around with a camera and yelling and feeling very important. Ghost Adventures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia LÜHIDALT: 3-liikmeline meeste grupp + kaamera käivad ümber maailma kõige (teadaolevate) õudsamates ja nn. kummituslikemates hoonetes (keldrites, kus iganes...), kus nad veedavad terve öö, lukustatuna. See sama grupp varem ei uskunud kummitustesse, aga peale neid kogemusi mis kaasnesid kogu selle kupatuse filmimisega, nad usuvad Watch Ghost Adventures Season 1 Online - Full Episodes of Ghost Adventures & More TV Shows Online with blinkx Remote Soovitan vaadata, antud lingilt saate selle saate osasid netist vaadata. http://www.megavideo.com/?v=3V9ZZ11G
- 43 vastust
- adventures
- ghost
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