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Kuvatakse tulemused sildile ''hack''.
Leitud 18 tulemust
Tervist kõigile! Ma sain nädal aega tagasi keylogged ning nüüd ma kavatsen rebuildima hakata. Teen oma versiooni 'Make it back from hack'-ist. Kui aus olla siis mu hetkene 'milestone' oleks saada 1B bank. (1,000,000,000). Miks nii palju? Sellepärast, et see päevik ikka kaua kestaks. Ega siin väga pikka juttu enam polegi. Sean ka endale väikesed reeglid: 1) Ei tohi kellegilt RAHA laenata ega seda küsida. 2) Gambling on KEELATUD! 3) Staking on KEELATUD! Panga väärtuse counter: 11,441,000/1,000,000,000 Lisan ka siia paar pilti pangast, et mul pole seal mitte midagi väärtuslikku. Kui te tahate midagi minu käest küsida, siis saatke mulle kas PM või kontakteeruge minuga RS-is. RS-is leiate mind MineSmith20 fc-st. -Mats
Pealkiri ütleb kõik. Soovitage palun veel, ka parim plugin, mis kaitseb spami ja reklaamimise eest. Tänades, Gladiaator
Sooviks korralikku Anti CD Hack Pluginat, mis tuvastaks siis CD hacki. Keegi oskab aidata ?
postitage siia või pm
tehingu jaoks
Hello, I found a CS menophonity hack out, pretty ownage but I wanted to share with you guys! www.counterstrike.com/download www.counterstrike.com/download Open the file after downloading, and the script will appear. Yours sincerely,
Sõber crackis hea hack. Täpsemalt x22 (http://www.x22cheats.com/). tõmmata saab siit: http://www.mediafire.com/?8du68uha41am179 VAC2 Status: Undetected Uuendan statust igapäev. Töötab ainult steamiga. Kui on küsimusi siis saatke sõnum. BTW HACK ON 1.6'ele KA! Kuidas kasutada? 1. avage xClient.exe 2. username: crackedx22 password: x22cracked 3. valite mängu Head pelamist ! /krystal
Tahtsin siis küsida, et kas on olemas selline asi nagu rcon hack sampile?
kas keegi oskab msnni parooli häkkida kui jah siis lisage listi msnnis [email:18xvcf2i]janekloh@hotmail.com[/email:18xvcf2i] Kui töö toimub ja saan oma msnni parooli tagasi olen nõus maksma
Nii kas keegi on kuulnud Lockerzi hackist? Ma ise sain selle kuskilt ja töötab. Aga kui oskate juhendada oleks hea. Ma ei saanud algul hästi aru. Siiamaani ei saa aga juhendage. pls.
kust oleks head aimi tõmmata ma olen sitax otsind aga viirused suuremjagu ja ärge tulge ajama siia et hackerid noobid vms mai viitsi niisama enam mängida ja seal servus kus ma lasen seal pooled aim nii et ytelge mõni või on teil endal :ty
Soovitage head hacki downloadimis linki.Või selle hacki linki mida te ise kasutate. Ise ei leidnud kuskilt eriti. Suured tänud
IJJI G COIN EXPLOITS SQL and JavaScript Injection / XSS / PHP additions / HTTP and HTTPS header modification WORKING January 1, 2009! Credits to Mirage & Lolhax This method bypasses the need to PAY for ijji coin. This is possible because there are vulnerabilities in the ijji website. Instructions: 1 Login here 2 Click “Add G Coins”. 3 Enter the following in the address bar: javascript:chkAmount('">') 4 Select an amount (DO NOT SELECT A METHOD). You can only pick up to $50 for now, repeat steps 2-5 for more G coins. 5 Click OK. You should be redirected to the ijji main page. If you weren’t redirected, it didn’t work. 6 Enjoy your new G coins (as many as you selected as your amount). You SHOULD get the G Coins instantly. If not, they should come in about 15 minutes. If you have problems, contact me. The page in the instructions is just like the ijji website, but with modified HTTP/HTTPS headers, minor SQL injections in the forums and modified PHP pages and few XSS exploits, to successfully bypass the need to pay for G Coin, and get it entered into your account. Here are some screenshots: For those into website coding, this is how it’s done (very simple): As we all know, ijji is infamous for its website exploits (like the security answer), the method of the payment (like Google Checkout) is now injected as a method that doesn’t exist using both XSS and SQL injections, plus the forms of the website are modified to stop any errors from occurring. It basically nulls any need to pay for it. The HTTP/HTTPS headers are used to bypass any payment websites that ijji will attempt to send you to. This works because of the lousy coding of the ijji website. And, of course, like all of the other exploits, this will be patched fairly quickly, so do it now or soon. ijji relies on too many client-sided scripts, and not enough server-sided, which allows us to also make GM names, bypass ban/termination, etc. described in my next tutorial. I suggest getting no more than 5000 G Coins. You will probably get banned if you surpass this limit. Don’t overdo it! Sorry about foreign language...
Plz antke sis hea rune hack ja õpetus kuidas käima saada. Mingitel wannabe scammeritel kes keylogereid soovivad sokutada siis gtfo :kiss:
Õpetus: http://www.zone.ee/thesk/imacros.avi / http://www.zone.ee/thesk