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Leitud 20 tulemust

  1. LOL @ fagex, kui see peaks igal pool jõustuma hakkama: http://blog.playerauctions.com/did-eu-just-okay-game-accounts-trading/
  2. Külaline


    Selline asi, et tegin endale pure, panin sinna gp peale, siis oli vaja teisele kasutajale peale panna tagasi, ning ütleb, et "You cant trade 25,000gp at the moment." Mis sellega siis on, kuidas ma raha tagasi saan vms? Proovisin ka drop-trade, sama asi nagu siis kui tradeda ei saanud, lihtsalt ei ilmu maha.. Aidake palun!
  3. koolo

    rwt ban

    sain RWT eest bani , ma arvasin et enam ei saa rwt eest ban keegi veel saanud? i was hacked
  4. Requirements for this guide P2P-P2P version - Membership on both accounts - Seller Needs any of these supplies but not limited to -Energy potions(2) -Combat potions(2) -Any cheap potions(2) , however the above 2 are the cheapest (any potion type can be used) Buyer needs starting cash anywhere from 1m upto the amount of supplies the seller has. P2P-F2P version - Membership on seller account - Seller needs this potion only in order to sell to a F2P -Strength potion(2) - Buyer needs starting cash anywhere from 1m upto the amount of supplies the seller has. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guide to transfer the money Player A = Seller Player B = Buyer From player A's point of view. 1. Sell your noted (2 dose potions) to the buyer 2. The buyer uses Bob barter at the ge to decant the (2 dose) into 1/2 (4dose) and 1/2 vials (The amount of the vials worth is the amount transfered per trade) 3. Buy these potions and vials off the buyer 4. Teleport to nardah using a teleport scroll 5. Decant into (2 dose) at zahur, in the herblore shop south of the teleport spot. (use right click) 6. Teleport back to the ge and repeat From player B's point of view. 1. Buy the noted (2 dose potions) from the seller 2. Decant using Bob barter at the ge, into (4 dose) 3. Sell the (4 dose) and vials to the seller 4. Wait till he returns from nardah and repeat Tips and hints - You can buy 5k (4) dose in the ge + 5k (3) dose , or you can buy 10k (3) dose, with no (4) dose. - This can be done at a massive rate, and the more you invest in transfer supplies, the faster the transfer will be. - Do not allow the player to remain logged into the account if he is not trustworthy, many people will not only scam for money but also the time it took you to buy those supplies and will take your potions! be aware! kes inglise keelt ei oska tõmmaku putsi - aitäh.
  5. Silver.


    .exe lõpuga, botnet või keylogger prob, ban.
  6. Tere, Ostan siis RWT meetodit. Ennem ostmist vaja teada, kas on nõudeid transferiks ja kui kiire meetod on. Alla 15-20 milli tunnis meetodit pole mõtet pakkuda. Kui usud omavat sellist meetodit siis PM. Hinnas lepime kokku.
  7. Raiko

    O: RWT Meetodi

    Ostaks siis RWT meetodi. Peaks olema 5+ m/h Hinnaks oleks 50 eek MSN: [email:org7x8ki]juust10@hotmail.com[/email:org7x8ki]
  8. Tere! Mainin ära, et seda method kasutada peab sul endal olema vabaraha umbes 1-5milli Vajaminev lvl: Crafting 35 Itemid: Tribal mask, 8 iron nails, 2 snakeskins ja hammer Praegune hind: Tribal mask 23.0k (kollane) Iron nails 16gp snakeskin 2 x 3838gp = 7676 Btw päevl oli snakeskin 3090gp vms.. praegu tõusis jõhkralt. Soovitan osta kõik asjad ge-st max price-ga. Panin GE-se 30 tribal maski ostma ja tunniajaga olid need mul olemas. Kollane Broodoo shield (10) maksab 37k Kokkuvõte: 7676 + 8x16 + 23000 = 30804 37000 - 30804 = 6196gp kasum, kui traded selle kasutajale, kellelt tahad raha saada. Ja siis selle teise kasutajga pane low prichega müüma.. aga ei usu et ostetakse.. parem müüa junkina maha vms.. Muide on õeldud, et selle methodiga saab 4-5mill/hours.. aga tegelikult ei oska õelda.. selleks peab suht palju raha endal olema, et sellega kiiresti raha üle kanda.. Kes aru ei saanud siis: Pildil olevad asjad ostad max-ga GE-st. Teed nendest broodoo shield (10) ja traded broodoo shield (10) kasutajale, kellelt raha tahad üle kanda. Iga broodoo shield (10)-ga saad üle kanda 6196gp Kiirus oleneb, kui kiiresti sa tribal mask-e GE-st saad.
  9. Müüa RWT õpetust, millega on võimalik kanda tunnis 5-20m üle. Raha tagasi ei maksa, kui õpetus Teile ei meeldi või Teil see ei tööta. Õpetuse hind: 4 mint cake või 180.- Kokku müün 5-8 õpetust. NÕUDED: member, raha (1m minimaalselt, hea kui 3m+).
  10. ZAMMY VÕITIS:d! 73 oli õige
  11. annan ära ainult tuntud. MANRAYNOR EI SAA, kuna siis ta jälle 1 uus method mida müüa... kes tahab kirjutagu siia.. MINGID 8 tehinguga algajad ei saa. tuntud ainult
  12. Kuna palju soovijaid siis lisan vahvlel.net mõned. Aga ei tõlgi neid kuna tasuta õpetus Võtan vaid Aitahh meetodide eest :who: Kui guugeldada leiab neid veel Ei tea kas fixed või mitte aga Perfect oma ka siin POLE MINU TEHTUD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method #1 – P2P 2-4mil per hour 1. Player A goes to taverly dungeon to pick up scales. 2. Player B buys them for 19k each then drops the scales and keeps re-doing it. There is a lot of scales so it’ll be fast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method #2 – P2P 1. Player A goes red dragon isle in the wilderness. 2. Player B goes too. 3. Player A picks-up as whiteberrys till thier inventory is full. 4. Player B then buys all the whiteberrys off of Player A, then drops them on the ground. 5. Player A Then repeats step #3 and #4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method #3 – P2P 1.Buy the Furs from the Runescape Official Forums, there is a limit of 100furs/4hours on the G.E. If you want to RWT with another person, PREPARE AHEAD OF TIME!!! If you want to transfer with yourself, Have fun =). If youve ever gone hunting, you will know that you can make hunting clothing. These hunting clothing are easy to make, but never sell. However, they are really expensive!! Just get three of the coresponding furs, make them into the clothing, and sell. The fancy clothing store is South-East of the East Varrok Bank. Feldip Weasel requires 4 hunter. Desert Devil requires 10 hunter. Common Kebbit requires 1 hunter. If you need hunting experience fast, just go to the curator in varrok museum, go downstairs, talk to the guy to do the 5 minute minigame and it will get you 10 hunter! Much faster than actual hunting. Steps: 1. Buy Desert Devil Fur or Common Kebbit Fur or Feldip Weasel Fur. 2. Go to the Fancy Dress store with 20gp every 2 Furs. 3. Make the Camo Top if your using Desert Devil Fur, Make Camo Legs if your using Common Kebbit Fur or Feldip Weasel Fur. 4. Bank, repeat. 5. This will give you 6x or 4x your money, Desert is 6x but slower, Common is 4x but much faster. Feldip Weasel Fur gives like 12x but its slow, believe me. This should get you 7.5k an inventory. Feldip Weasel Fur is slower but its really cheap and goes for 5k an inventory. Information: Feldip Weasel Is cheap, at 15gp per fur and 468gp per camo legs. This is slow however. Desert Devil Is Medium price, at 93gp per fur and 822gp per camo top. This is pricy but fast. Common Kebbit Is expesive, at 186gp per fur and 1166gp per camo legs. This is expensive but fastest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method #4 – P2P Requirements and items needed: ring of dueling, a rope, and 25 agility. Steps: 1. With ring of dueling teleport to castle wars w/ both accounts. 2. Then head out and go west and you will find a small island that has 4 Jangerberries. 3. Now use your rope on the branch to get on the island w/ both acc;s. 4. get on island where the orges are they dont attack though. 5. each jangerberrie is 495 gp ea and they respawn fast. 6. collect them and sell to other account with money. Continue collecting while other accounts banks in castle wars. 7. Account giving will head back to area and then give money when another load is ready. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method #5 – P2P 3mil per hour Person A – xfering the money OFF this person Person B – receiving the money Both players will meet at kalphite soldier lair where 3 potato cactuses respawn. They will wait at the safe spot for 15 minutes until the monsters are unagressive. Then logout and in to make sure none of the monsters are following them. Person B picks up a load of potato cactus and sells to person A. Person A drops the cactuses and we begin the cycles again. To find the price of potato cactus go here. RuneScape - the massive online adventure game by Jagex Games Studio Best to do this in a populated world where they spawn faster. There are 3 spawns and you can probably get 27 of them in about 45 seconds – 1 minute so about 2.8mil per hour. If you go fast 3mil per hour is easy. BRING AN ANTIPOISON AND A COUPLE FOOD INCASE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method #6 – P2P Requirments: both player have to have finished the quest: The Fremennik Isles Steps: Person A buys Helmets of Neitiznot from Mawnis Burowgar that is found on the Neitiznot island northwest of relleka. Player B then buys all of the helmets player a buys till he is out of money, remember player A can only have 1 helmet at a time, so there will be alot of trades going on at a time -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. ostan rwt guide lisage [email:5bx8f89v]ei_noh_mida@hotmail.com[/email:5bx8f89v]!!! peaks olema 1m+/H guide..
  14. i failed, it doesnt workzz
  15. ostaks siis RWT methodit millega saaks vähemalt 3m tunnis tõsta, ostan rune rahas või päris rahas mul suva MSN: [email:3572pgtl]juust10@hotmail.com[/email:3572pgtl] ette annan 40+ tehingutega vendadele!
  16. K-Cobain

    O: RWT meetodi

    Kes müüb see pmigu. Ja et kontrollitud oleks ja töötaks. maksaks rs mill or ir lrahas:) Ning müün mille 15 ea. 20m müügis:) NB: meetodi levitama ei hakkaks:)
  17. 666

    M: RWT Method

    Sain siis teada RWT methodi, kuid niisama ma seda ära ei anna. Accoundid peavad olema mõlemad P2P , üks non-buyable skill peab olema suur, see skill on suht lihtne, niiet ei tule probleeme sellega vist. Müün ainult 10 koopiat sellest, ostsin ta sythe foorumist, proovitud ja töötab! VASTU VÕTAN AINULT, AINULT PÄRIS RAHA, EEK! // UNUSTASIN MAINIDA, 1h'ga saab üle kanda ~20m :-):ty
  18. crosshood

    Rwt Meetodid!

    Panen siia tasuta üles raha kantimise meetodid pole aega testida kas kõik töötavad, kui mõned pidavad neist töötama küll! Kui kellegil kahju pole mulle selle eest p2p pinni anda siis oleks tänulik! Tõlkida ei viitsi! Method 1 - P2P Get a barrelchest anchor and bring it into BH. Keep protect item OFF. When the person kills you, instead of anchor, 260k CASH drops instead. ================================================== ================================================== ============================ Method 2 - P2P No Reqs Player A - Seller Player B - Buyer -Player A goes to a small area where nobody is along with player B. -Player A spins 27 toy mice on the ground. -Player B waits for them to drop and then he picks them up. -Player B sells the mice back to player A for 45k/27 -Repeat ================================================== ================================================== ============================ Method 3 - P2P Requirements - 40 smith and cost of 4k iron bars 1. buy 4k Iron bars 2. smith all to oil lamps 3. sell to other char for 600gp more each 1k bars = 210k 1k lanturns = 822k ================================================== ================================================== ============================ Method 4 - P2P Player A=Persong Geting Money Player B=Person giving money All u have to do is this have player A and B go to the bakers stall in arogadune or the bakers shop in yanille and have player A Have The Following Items in hisInv 1.Money(anywhere from 10-1000000000k) 2.A knife ...... Player B just has the money he is giving to player a.......then player A buys 26 chocolate bars from baker for 20gp ea then he uses a knife on them thus making them into chocolate dust (you must use knife for this to work....not pestle&mortar) now u have 26 choco dust and they sell for Aprox. 160 ea i beluive ...then u sell them to Player B and he can either drop them or bank them and then reapeat..... kinda slow but it works.... ================================================== ================================================== ============================ method 5 - P2P 1:Ok go to the lowest world as possible go on runescape world switch and go to people and press the arrow facing down to get the lowest world 2: Now go to fallador party room and check upstairs and downstairs for no one 3: Bring a freind or multi log to be back up 4: you can transfer 0-20k per time 5:it will take about 10 secs and will drop ballon (Wont tell evryone that there is a drop because its low) 6: no one will come because they wont know becasue they only tell whole world if its over 20k or so 7: Pop balloon till you get the money etc ================================================== ================================================== ========================== ================================================== ================================================== ============================ Method 6 - FTP Req: Pures: None Others: 40+ defense Recommended: 43 pray Step 1: Meet in world 122 (German F2P BHing world) NOTE: DO NOT USE P2P! You will die very easily! Sellers inventory: possibly bounty locater runes and full iv of lobs/swordys Sellers gear: rune full helm, rune platelegs, rune kitesheild, rune skimmy and amulet of defence ^ Does not apply for pures!^ Step 2: The buyer brings in zamorak or saradomin platebody (pures bring in wizzy (g) or increments of 1k in runes) with NO food. (If you eat too much food and they seller kills you, you won't get the kill, even if you get out of crator.) Step 3: The buyer tells the seller which wall he/she is at. If the seller isn't near him/her, they will use Bounty Locate and see if they get any closer. Eventually, walk over to them and kill. Step 4: The seller picks up plate and WEARS IT (for the extra defense bonus) and stays there. If no one is there, don't waste pray. Don't go into the middle also, it will just make you have less chances of getting away later. If someone comes, just stay there, fight back, and pray. Don't use fighting prayers like Ultimate Strength or Eagle Eyes, just protection prayers. Step 5: The seller uses minimul food, gets out, and the trade is done sucessfully. ================================================== ================================================== ============================ Method 7 - FTP Recommended: 43 prayer. items needed: armor addy-rune (for protection), a full inventory of lobster, some bounty hunter teleports 1. both players meet at bounty hunter, the seller has a saradomin plate in his inventory, in an unpopular bounty hunter world 2. enter bounty hunter, run to the center and both players log out 3. log on back on and you will have nobody as your bounty hunter target, nor will anyone have you 4. because no one is going to be able to tele over to you through bounty hunter locate, this leaves your free to receive the items safely (you will only have no one as your target for 1 min) 5. meet in the center of the bounty hunter, kill the player get the plate and wait, if someone comes start dipping and make sure you have prayer on if theyre hitting you otherwise SAVE YOUR PRAYER ================================================== ================================================== ============================ ================================================== ================================================== ============================ Method 8 - P2P Requires 900K on reciever. You will lose this. How it works: GS Shard 1: 509k GS Shard 3: 398k Godsword Shards (Combination of 1-3) = 1.8M 1+3 individually = ~ 900k Buy shards 1-3 in GE for 900K individually on the recieving account. Combine the two into "Godsword Shards" (you'll probably need to use assist for the 90 smithing requirement) Sell them to the Sender for 1.8M ja üks viimane selle lisan lingina! http://www.zimbio.com/Runescape+Guides/articles/1618/Runescape+Create+1000k+Junk+Hour+New+RWT+Method
  19. nagu pealkirjast näete kas on siis?ja kui on siis saate kirjutada?
  20. manraynor


    Leidsin sellise naljaka asja I just got bored and saw a swiftshift add about selling RS gold. I pressed just to see how hard the update has hit them, they have now resorted to scamming. I chose "Buy rs gold" and this paragraph was shown at the top: QUOTE Gold Selling business is back, your account ID, password and bank pin must be given to us. We will do balanced trade only,your account is given to us for the purpose of trading the gold for you . Did you notice the scam ? "We will do balanced trade only" Theyre basically saying give us all your account details, plus $7 per mill and we will trade your bank items for cash. ROFL, Thats the same as putting items into the tge and collecting cash the next day. Part from your loosing $7 in the process.
  • Loo uus...

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