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Kõik, mis on postitatud robi69 poolt
Hetkel olen müünud 10 whip trikki. Nendest 7 inimest on whipi saanud. Üks sai whipi asemel Vesta's longswordi(15M) ja 2 inimest ei saanud, sest ühel oli EP% 2 ja teisel oli risk 300k. Kui teil on risk suurem, kui see asi, millega mina suren ja EP 100%, siis peaksite selle asja saama. robi69
Esimese kasutaja eest 80$ PayPalis ja vahetusi saab pakkuda. Olen hetkel PowerBotist ajutiselt banned, sest reklaamisin oma PVP poodi liiga palju.
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Sildistatud koos:
Tere! Mul on PowerBot.org foorumis suur PVP trick shop. Postitan selle teema ka siia, kuid inglise keeles, loodan, et te kõik mõistate seda. Hello! This is my PVP trick shop, where I sell all kind of BH/PVP tricks. Remember, that my BH/PVP trick shop is the cheapest. To check out my vouches, click here: http://www.powerbot.org/vb/threads/400541-robi69-vouch-thread(dealing-with-Runescape-black-market)?highlight= If You are iterested, then "Reply" to this thread add me in the MSN: [email:1g9z7g5r]RS2BlackMarket@hotmail.com[/email:1g9z7g5r] and tell, what kind of trick do You need. ***--For those, who don't know about BH/PVP tricks--*** This trick allows users to transfer wealth from one account to the other. For example: I die in BH/PVP for You and if You have high EP%, then you should get the item, that You buy. From 100% EP and with enough risk, the whip and d boots tricks work simple: I die with whip and d boots and You will get these items. ***--------------------------------------------------*** I have 2 users, that I can use to do the tricks: Combats: *119+9: P2P/F2P tricks *105+5: P2P/F2P tricks Just pick the most suitable combat for You. Prices: *Whip: 2.40$ *D boots: 0.5$ *76k/78k tricks: 0.09$ *26k trick: 0.03$ *Any barrows item: price depends on the item If You want any other item or items combined, then just ask. When buying more then 1 item or trick, there will be discount. Items together price system: whip+d boots=2.40$+0.5$=2.90$, but when You buy both of them, there is a discount to 2.80$. Tricks done: *Whip: 10 *D boots: 9 *76k/78k: 49 *26k: 21 *Any other items: 2 If You feel, that You are interested of doing tricks, then post "Reply" to this message and add me in the MSN: [email:1g9z7g5r]RS2BlackMarket@hotmail.com[/email:1g9z7g5r] These are some of the pictures about tricks, that I have done: To check out my vouches, click here: http://www.powerbot.org/vb/threads/400541-robi69-vouch-thread(dealing-with-Runescape-black-market)?highlight= If You are iterested, then "Reply" to this thread add me in the MSN: [email:1g9z7g5r]RS2BlackMarket@hotmail.com[/email:1g9z7g5r] and tell, what kind of trick do You need. robi69, the best trickman ever!
Hello! This is my Runescape 2 account shop and I sell my accounts for the cheap prices. If You want to check out my vouches, then they are in here: http://www.powerbot.org/vb/threads/400541-robi69-vouch-thread%28dealing-with-Runescape-black-market%29?highlight= Account #1:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Price/Auto-Win: 120$ A very rich and good main user. This account has done some of the quests and has very good skills. Very good account for moneymaking in GodWars dungeon. Also there are 6M wealth in bank. Stats: Wealth on account: Combat level: Quest points: Melodies opened: Log-in screen: If You are interested, then "Reply" to this thread and add me in MSN: [email:3vvylhgd]RS2BlackMarket@hotmail.com[/email:3vvylhgd] Account #2:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Price/Auto-Win: 45$ Good main user, that has good skills. This account has 80 slayer, that is very awesome. Account has some good quests done and some good items from quests/minigames. Also there is 100k wealth in bank. Stats: Wealth on account: Combat level: Quest points: Melodies opened: Log-in screen: If You are interested, then "Reply" to this thread and add me in MSN: [email:3vvylhgd]RS2BlackMarket@hotmail.com[/email:3vvylhgd] Account #3:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Price/Auto-Win: 9$ Good PK-er, don't hit very many 0-s, because of a good attack and strength level. I think, that user is a starter pure for members. Stats: Wealth on account: Combat level: Melodies opened: Log-in screen: If You are interested, then "Reply" to this thread and add me in MSN: [email:3vvylhgd]RS2BlackMarket@hotmail.com[/email:3vvylhgd] Account #4:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Price/Auto-Win: 45$ The best account for PK-ing in F2P or P2P. This account is trained for being void ranger PK-er. I has done Quests: Desert Treasure, Animal Magnetism and other good quests. Good pure for blitz+d bow. Stats: Wealth on account: Combat level: Quest points: Melodies opened: Log-in screen: If You are interested, then "Reply" to this thread and add me in MSN: [email:3vvylhgd]RS2BlackMarket@hotmail.com[/email:3vvylhgd] Account #5:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Price/Auto-Win: 85$ Very good account with highest strength and magic level. Has done many important quests(Desert treasure) and has some good items from Quests/Minigames. Good accout for main-PK-ing and good for moneymaking in GWD and other places. Stats: Wealth on account: Combat level: Quest points: Melodies opened: Log-in screen: If You are interested, then "Reply" to this thread and add me in MSN: [email:3vvylhgd]RS2BlackMarket@hotmail.com[/email:3vvylhgd] If You want to check out my vouches, then they are in here: http://www.powerbot.org/vb/threads/400541-robi69-vouch-thread%28dealing-with-Runescape-black-market%29?highlight=
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Sildistatud koos:
Ostsin ühe UK SMS pinni. Diil oli kiire, pin soodne(50 EEK-i) ja kõik sujus . Soovitan soojalt. Robert Rivik
Tere! Mul on PowerBot.org-is uncut onyx-ite pood. Postitan selle teema ka siia, kuid inglise keeles. Loodan, et te saate inglise keelest aru. If You are interested of buying, then add me in MSN: [email:3rwt881a]RS2BlackMarket@hotmail.com[/email:3rwt881a] To check out my vouch thread, click here: http://www.powerbot.org/vb/threads/400541-robi69-vouch-thread%28dealing-with-Runescape-black-market%29
Tõmban enda tehtud marki, nimeks MURU. Kuivatan aiast peale muruniitmist võetud muru ära, kuivatan selle ära, keeran paberi sisse ja hakkan suitsetama, JA OLENGI PILVES!
Varem tõmbasin kanepid, aga nüüd kui masu on, siis peenestan omale muru peale muruniitmist, kuivatan muru ära, lahustan selle vees ka süstin veeni.
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Sildistatud koos:
Tegin kaks teemat, et kõik näeksid, nii ostmise, kui ka scammerite sektsiooni all, et selline kaabakas on liikvel.
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- arvatavasti
- kesa
(ja 3 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
Scammer, kes lasi kanda raha Mihkel Kesa pangakontole, scammis mind. Tema MSN on [email:1gyn6oel]froodo14@hotmail.com[/email:1gyn6oel]. Ta lasi kanda Mihkel Kesa arveldusarvele, milleks on 221025433321. Pangaks on Swedbank. Scammer võib olla ise Mihkel Kesa, kuid ta võis ta kellegi teise arvele kanda. Tõestus tehingu kohta on siin: http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/6...nkilekanne.jpg Palun aidake mind scammeri tuvastamisega: 1. Kas keegi teab tema täispikka nime/kas temale kuulub see arveldusarve. 2. Kas keegi teab tema aadressi/telefoni numbrit/mõnda teist MSN-i aadressi, mida ta kasutab. Selliseid scammereid tuleks õpetada läbi päris elu. Öeldakse küll, et sõnadega rääkimine on mõistlikum, aga sellised tattnokad ei saa rääkimisest aru. Seega sooviksin saada oma raha tagasi, kasvõi vägivaldsel teel. Kui kellelgi on infot scammeri kohta, siis palun kirjutage siia postitusse. Tänud, Robert.
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Sildistatud koos:
Tere. Mind scammis inimene, kelle MSN on [email:1v5x6syp]froodo14@hotmail.com[/email:1v5x6syp] (ehk tema). Tõend on mul olemas. Kandsin SEB-pangast talle Swedpanka, tegin pildi nagu Ta palus. Näitasin talle pildi ette, andsin kasutajate paroolid. Ta ei teinud kumbagi memberiks, kui ei muutnud ka kummagi kasutaja andmeid. Ta pidi mulle müüma 89 EEK-i eest 2 pinni. Tõend pildina on siin: http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/6735/swedbankilekanne.jpg Kui sina- [email:1v5x6syp]froodo14@hotmail.com[/email:1v5x6syp] ei scamminud mind, vaid juhtus midagi, mille pärast pidid arvutist eemale minema ja ei jõudnud mind memberiks teha, siis võta ühendust telefonil: 50 88 417 või MSN-is: [email:1v5x6syp]robi112123@hotmail.com[/email:1v5x6syp].
Tere. Mind scammis inimene, kelle MSN on [email:1fmxgr1x]froodo14@hotmail.com[/email:1fmxgr1x] . Tõend on mul olemas. Kandsin SEB-pangast talle Swedpanka, tegin pildi nagu Ta palus. Näitasin talle pildi ette, andsin kasutajate paroolid. Ta ei teinud kumbagi memberiks, kui ei muutnud ka kummagi kasutaja andmeid. Ta pidi mulle müüma 89 EEK-i eest 2 pinni. Tõend pildina on siin: http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/6735/swedbankilekanne.jpg Kui sina- [email:1fmxgr1x]froodo14@hotmail.com[/email:1fmxgr1x] ei scamminud mind, vaid juhtus midagi, mille pärast pidid arvutist eemale minema ja ei jõudnud mind memberiks teha, siis võta ühendust telefonil: 50 88 417 või MSN-is: [email:1fmxgr1x]robi112123@hotmail.com[/email:1fmxgr1x].
- 3 vastust
- froodo14@hotmailcom
- mind
(ja 1 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
tule MSN ma ostan 1
Lisa mind messangeris ja räägi minuga või pane oma MSN siia kirja ^, Minu MSN- i aadress on [email:2m7c34dx]robi112123@hotmail.com[/email:2m7c34dx]
Hea diil- usaldusväärne