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- Teised grupid Blokeeritud
- Sünnipäev 12.08.1979
hästi paned raul või kes sa iganes oled , sa õpi scammima ennem kui sa mu nime laimama tuled.. muidugi see polnud mida :@ .. putsi küll , nüüd reostavad mu nime ka veel , mida järgmiseks ? DeBiIiLiKuD pRiLlId
Hi there, Thank you for contacting Jagex billing support. I can confirm that the PIN in your message has been redeemed against an account for 31 days of RuneScape memebrship credit. I'm afraid that for security reasons we are unable to tell you which account the PIN listed in your message has been redeemed on. We would require you to provide us with the telephone number used to purchase the PIN in order to do so. I hope this resolves your query. Kind regards, Mod Mosley Jagex Billing Support **BREAKING NEWS!!** PayPal Recurring has now been launched! Fed up of having to re-subscribe every time your payment expires? Why not try the new PayPal recurring payment option? This payment method ensures continuous membership without the need to re-subscribe each and every month. You will no longer have to worry about your membership, you can just continue playing the game! IF YOU WISH TO SEND US ANOTHER MESSAGE DEALING WITH THE ABOVE, PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU USE YOUR REPLY FUNCTION, THANK YOU. -----Original Message----- From: gwerfwe [mailto:eliiteliit@hot.ee] Sent: 26 December 2008 22:39 To: Billing Support EN Mailbox Subject: Hello Hi, could you please check status on the membership pin 74031912, thanks. ---------------------------- Ekspressi Päkapikud 2008: Liis Haavel, Perekond Simm ja teised http://ads.hot.ee/reklaam/click?rel=4950b87dad61f> -- IMPORTANT NOTICE The sender does not guarantee that this message, including any attachment, is secure or virus free. Also, it is confidential and may be privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, do not disclose or copy it or its contents. Please telephone or email the sender and delete the message entirely from your system. Jagex Limited is a company registered in England & Wales with company number 03982706 and a registered office at St. Andrews House, 90 St. Andrews Road, Cambridge, CB4 1DL, UK. Saatsin siis kirja ja see saadeti vastu
ostan arvatavasti ära räägin praegu msn
proovi äkki jagexile kiri saata vms ?
kle sa urood ? tahad ma panen vahvlisse ülesse , kus sa ütlesid mulle et panema ns tehingu vahvlis . tahad ? niiet ära haugu nii palju kui sa oled ise samasugune. kuradi kits sa vaata vahepeal et enda asjad sul korras oleks kui teistega mölisema tuled -- Ja mis see sinu perset torgib ? Minu asjad ei peaks sulle kroda minema urood . ja tõmba nahhuj mu teemast , see on ammu sold
kle sul sitale ongi neid vaja , vana scammer. anna millid tagasi , mida sa müüd mu mille ahv rsk ?
Ownedownedownedowned ownedownedownedowned ownedownedownedowned ownedownedownedowned owned owned owned owned owned ownedownedownedowned ownedownedownedowned ownedownedownedowned owned owned owned owned owned ownedownedownedowned ownedownedownedowned ownedownedownedowned ownedownedownedowned
eisaagi aru , nad arvavad et , kui siin keegi foorumis kohe ei räägi et siis , teeme ise tehinguid ja mida veel .
müüa 8m , üliodavalt. kes soovib siis pm .
- 145 049 vastust
- oasis oli siin
- vabateema
(ja 1 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
esimestkorda kirjutas Positiivne tagasiside liikmele getafakk
mul oleks üks pakkuda tegelt. nimi:vildivalvaja
alati kasuta MM , kui vähegi inimene kahtlane tundub..