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Kõik, mis on postitatud KummiMees poolt
tere kui kellegil juhuslikkult on anda 2ra mingi kasutaja millega enam ei m2ngi siis kas saaksite mulle anda oleksin nagu ylimalt t2nulik ma olen n2ind et paar inimest siin on andnud 2ra ja jse olen suht ilja hakkand asja uurima ja ise mudu m6tlesin et hakkaks uuesti runescape m2ngima(quittisin 2aastat:D) combat level on suht savi ja msn ok keki911hot.ee kui juhuslikkult kellegil on 2ra anda:ty:ty:ty
- 14 vastust
- accile>d
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(ja 2 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
did i adverst my server here>O...tell me where..............i just sayd i helped you to make piccs for runelocus if u remember m t a f f at start i liked ya server and all it was cool>D but i have to still say good work beacause u gt alott players online>D
shitt server alott lagg alott buggs alott crapp and auto restarts every 15min so yea i dont like it now .......be4 i liked it and mark should remember me i am m t a f f who helped makeing special hitts you did the hitts on me at mage bank like year aggo or so but tht server has turned shitter than it use to be be4 i didnt lagg at all and now i get licked every 1minute(not my pc or internett problem)
healib selle hitti mis sul special hittiga tuleb ja iga special htt annab prayd juurde 10(vict oli 10) ja hittib paremini kiirem ja kõik:D
aga mudu kust ta siis ned piccid sai......privaat se pole kuna dungeoneeringuga serverit pole veel v'lja lastud nagu et nii hea graafikaga ja mitte yhelgi serveril ei toimi .g.e. et ta nii ytleb niiet te ei saa olla 100% kindlad......ma soovitaks sellel kasutaja omanikul acc lasta yle kontrollida siis ei oleks selliseid kommentaare kah niiet jah 138 omanik lase model yle kontrollida ma oleks siis isegi 3000./iga n6us ostma kui ta l2heb kontrollitud kasutajate hulka
2summerjammi piletit selle pure vastu aga suht h2h soovin kui tahad>D....2piletit) 500./+ lase 2ra kontrollida ja las pistavad kontrollitud myygi kohta
vale koht postitamiseks pole w>D
oukay sooviks siis vahetada enda summerjammi pileti mingi useri vastu summer jam pilet) 225 krooni niiet pakkuge ma j''n ootama parim oleks kui saaks h2h teha p2rnumaal msn)keki911@hot.ee tel) 56191817 ise elan tori vallas j6esuu kylas aga j22n siis ootama ehk keegi soovib
BEFORE READING, YOU NEED OUR CLIENT. forums ]webclient http://fire-blade.nl/webclient.html http://www.mediafire.com/file/w35zzml3wrg/Fire v8 download!!!!! http://www.mediafire.com/file/w35zzml3wrg/Fire v8 download!!!!! http://www.mediafire.com/file/w35zzml3wrg/Fire v8 download!!!!! http://www.mediafire.com/file/w35zzml3wrg/Fire v8 download!!!!!! highscores .V.O.T.E. Id like too show you something about our amazing server fire-blade! After being allmost a year 24/7 online and bringing 7 special clients to live we created a really cool server. Delta based 317 This server isnt about smashing some ugly npcs which doesnt attack back. !!!! Its an adventure !!!! All npc’s attack, and most npcs are fully animated, soon every npc will. We are ALWAYS online! We havnt got any problems with spammers/hackers. We got always ppl online. We have got an great staff members. Our max lvls are 120! 0.0 , and cb is 154! You will need our ''Easter client'' too play else youll get kicked. Some other features: 100% pking(custom pk iland) 100% costom godwars with strong annimated bosses AND subbosses(on v8 full god wars dungeon) which drop hilts, shards zamorakian spear and armour parts 100% Duel arena 100% castle wars 100% barrelchest animated, with emotes + the barrelchest anchor (with a minigame ) 100% skills 90% clanchat 100% equipment and items on death interface. 100% barrows 100% kalphite queen, like rs has. (ofc animated) 100% The Inadequacy boss and small monsters(animated all) 100% Sled race?? yup. costom, home desgined 100% godswords stand+special attacks (and ofc the normal emotes still fully work) 100% npc animation 100% wilderness ditch(you can jump ower it) 503 login interface+buttons 508 gameframe Costom home+ bank custom catherby bank:P Costom skill cape anims, which you have never seen before! Over the 80 costom items, im not talking about failing pink items, but about the real rs costoms, like: Slayer helm 100% pvp armour Statius’s Vesta’s Morrigan’s AND zuriel’s! 100% god robe vesments 100% Ranger god hide 100% Lunar armor sett 100% skill cape emoticons on v8 client 100% bh (like runescape) (maby) 100% tormented claws (with special ofc) full skelton full armadyl full bandos guthix godsword all spirit shields WITH elixer and sigils 100% working All godswords WITH hilts, blade’s and sharts 100% working A dragon plate, WITH all 3 parts 100% working A dragon fire shield, animated WITH ofc 100% working visage Dragon claws, soon it will look exactly like real rs And theres just too much too post in here :0 Watch the videos !!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcgu5N9h2MQ (really, watch them!) I reccomend youll visit our server, you wont regret it IM SURE! Some screens: Upcoming updates: -Client V8 -Godwars ma loodan et teile meeldis ja et te tulete ja yhinete:D
nice scam nub , 0,1p
täna on see hoopis.
okey oleks siis soov vahetada oma level90 yhe pinni vastu..... pinni scammi ei soovi niiet ette ei anna endal rsis 125 mida soovin memberiks saada niiet andke minna msn on [email:3ekflf4y]keki911@hot.ee[/email:3ekflf4y] kasutaja pank mingi 3m vms täpsema info saab msni kaudu