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- Teised grupid VIP
Krõbe Vahvel
- Sünnipäev 06.12.1990
Viimased profiili külastajad
Viimaste külastajate blokeerimine on keelatud ja teistele kasutajatele seda ei näidata
Vähem, kui tunni ajapärast aglgab santa hat drop party! Liituge serveriga! T
http://www.rschill.com/ What to Expect Authentic 2001-2003 RuneScape Classic experience Stable server with minimal downtime Customized events and regular updates Dedicated community discord and support This is your chance to dive back into Gielinor, take on familiar quests, and join a community of classic RuneScape enthusiasts!What to Expect Authentic 2001-2003 Experience Enjoy the classic gameplay, quests, and mechanics that made RuneScape Classic memorable, with faithful attention to detail to give you an authentic experience. Free-to-Play Content All original free-to-play features are accessible, allowing players to relive the early days of RuneScape without any paywalls. Custom Wilderness AFK Spots Unique AFK training locations are available in the Wilderness, including: Dark Wizard — A challenging AFK spot Dark Warrior — Ideal for combat training. Hobgoblin — A mid-level AFK spot with decent drops. Lesser Demon — For higher-level players looking for an engaging challenge. Enhanced Lava Maze with Red Dragons The Lava Maze now hosts 3 Red Dragon spawns, adding a high-risk, high-reward element for daring adventurers. Red Dragon Rare Drop Table Red Dragons now have a special rare loot table, giving players the chance to obtain: Rune Battle Axe Rune 2-Handed Sword Rune Kite Shield Quality of life improvement No Logout Timer — Stay logged in for extended AFK activities without being automatically logged out. Right-Click Bank / Shop — Quality of life improvement that allows for easier banking and shopping with a right-click option. Upcoming Features Runite Smithing Requirements Changed to Dragon — Future updates will make Dragon items craftable, requiring smithing levels previously set for Runite. Dragon Armor Enhancements — Dragon armor will have slightly better defensive bonuses than Rune armor, adding a rewarding edge to high-level armor. First Server Event: Christmas Event — A limited-time Christmas event on December 23 and 24, 2024, offering exclusive holiday-themed rewards and challenges.Authentic 2001-2003 Experience.
Tere! Otsin inimest, kes teeks viimased 24 taski ära. Paku välja oma hind. Võid kirjutada mulle postkasti.
- trailblazer league
- trailblazer
(ja 2 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
Tere! Oleks vaja Trailblazer leagues 24 viimaste taski ära teha, et unlockida viimane area. Palju maksma läheks? Lisan pildid lihtsamatest taskidest
- 516 vastust
- 07 or eoc
- 07 or eoc or darkscape
- (ja 11 veel)
Tere! Kas Trailblazer league taske ka teed? Oleks vaja viimased 24 taski ära teha, et unlockida viimane area. Lisasin pildi, mis taskid on võimalik teha, nimekiri on päris pikk.
Kirjutasin sulle.
Küsimus, kas on mõistlik investeerida rahasse, kui seda iga aasta juurde prinditakse? Laenu andmine on ka investeerimine rahasse, 10~15% tootlusega, millest inflatsioon sööb iga aasta vähemalt 3%, kui mitte rohkem. Lisaks arvesta sinna juurde halvaks läinud laenud.. hea oled kui paari % plussi jääd. Keegi on teinud endale selgeks liability ja assets-i? Mis liability oled lahti saanud?
- 290 vastust
- investeerimine
- raha
(ja 1 veel)
Sildistatud koos: