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Kõik, mis on postitatud mydilo poolt

  1. Ostaks ka ühe, lisasin su msni [email:2cctztew]kotkas29@hotmail.com[/email:2cctztew]
  2. Mitmes omanik acc nr5-l? Kuna stats rivi on väga sarnane ühele minu accile, mis ostsin ja ära varastati jälle. Ega login name ei hakka o tähega?
  3. 1000 müüd? Huvi isegi osta, kui läheb kontrollitute alla. Fagexi käest proovin veel paar päevad vanad kasutajad kätte saada, kui ei siis ostan...
  4. Mis te põete, tehke ülekandega;) Ülekandele kindel seletus nimetusse Ning varastamine (pm raha varastamine) on krimnaalselt karistatav, võsjoo
  5. Milline näeb üldse macro proof välja? ropendamise eest näeb nagu proofi aga mis selle eest? või on üldse? kui on, keegi pici saab panna? Mängi peale update! KOHE Ma arvan nad võtavad selle järgi ka midagi. Kuna siis on kõik botid out of date arvadavasti ja botterid ei saa siis mängida
  6. karvane värk sul see xp/h päriselt Kas mu silmad ei selta õieti või 1,1m xp 2,5tunniga
  7. Kuna see fletch pilt oli hiline ehk mul oli ikka mõni päev fletch 99 enne pici lisamist, siis olen suudnud alchida ka vahepeal:)
  8. Tänan:) Lisasin:) Kuna sirka 20päeva p2p, siis ei tee plaanidagi, kuna ei plaani kohe peale seda uuesti p2pks teha:/ Aga muidu kindel plaan on kõik bowd ära alchida ja siis vist hunt/agi/thiev teha Kõige suurem tõenäsusega hunt kuna raha oleks vaja:)
  9. karm nimi, tean aga mingis keelest see tähendas sõdalast:D preagu siis natuke alchi ja mõtlesin isegi tipa hunti teha:) pealmine goal 2k total ainult kindel, lvlid tulevast vist läbisegi
  10. No eks ma siis ole hea inimene aga tõlkige ise Method number 1 - Requirements: Being a member in Runescape; 25 agility. - Items needed: Ring of Dueling; a Rope; Coins (only in one of the accounts). * Steps: 1. Teleport to Castle Wars using the Ring of Dueling, with both of the accounts. 2. Follow the path marked with the orange color (in the picture below) until you see a Long Branched Tree (in the other picture below) 3. Then use the Rope on the Branch and you arrive to the little island, with both accounts (in the picture below). 3. Now with the account that is going to receive the money, pick Jangerberries from the floor (the location of the Jangerberries is in the picture below). They are worth 349 coins and their Respawn Time is 10 secounds. 4. Pick the Jangerberries, until your inventory is full, and then trade them to the other account (the one that has the money) and the other account gives you the money. Example Math: If each Jangerberrie is worth 349 coins, then a Full Inventory is worth: 349 x 28 = 9772 coins 5. Continue picking the Jangerberries, while the account with the money banks in Castle Wars. 6. The account with money will be back in time to the island and buy another Full Inventory or Jangerberries. If you use this method, you will be able to transfer 2m to 3m an hour. Method number 2 - Requirements: Being a member in Runescape. - Items needed: Coins, in both of the accounts (although, in the account that is going to receive the money, the amount of coins needed is very low). * Steps: 1. Walk to the marked zone (marked with “You are here”) in the map below; it’s West of the Fishing Guild. 2. In that area, you will find a NPC called Rasolo, like you can see in the picture below. 3. Trade him, and in the Main Stock you will find an item called Olive oil(3), its price is 52 coins. Buy 27 Olive oil(3). Example Math: If each Olive oil(3) costs 52 coins, then 27 will cost: 52 x 27 = 1404 gp 4. After buying 27 Olive oil(3), trade it with your other account and you will notice that the med price of the Olive oil(3) is around 226 coins. So the other account will pay 226 coins for each Olive oil(3). Example Math: If each Olive oil(3) is worth 226 coins, then 27 are worth: 226 x 27 = 6102 coins 5. The account that have traded the coins for the Olive oil(3), will sell them to Rasolo. If you use this method, you will be able to transfer 1.5m to 2m an hour. Method number 3 - Requirements: Being a member in Runescape. - Items needed: Coins, in both of the accounts (although, in the account that is going to receive the money, the amount of coins needed is very low). * Steps: 1. Walk to Canifis with both of the accounts, like you can see in the picture below. 2. With the account that you want the money in, go to the Meat Emporium, which is a shop that sells meat and is located north of the Canifis bank, and trade a NPC called Rufus. 3. Now buy 27 Raw bear meat from Rufus. Each Raw bear meat will cost you 8 coins (like you can see in the picture below). Example Math: If each Raw bear meat will cost you 8 coins, then 27 are worth: 8 x 27 = 216 coins 4. After you bought 27 Raw bear meat, trade it with your other account (the one that you want the money out of). You will notice that each Raw bear meat is worth 43 coins. Example Math: If each Raw bear meat is worth 43 coins, then 27 are worth: 43 x 27 = 1161 coins 5. You will have two choices in this method. a) The account that has just bought the raw bear meat goes to the bank (which is near the Meat Shop; like you can see in the picture below); using this option will give you the option of selling all the Raw bear meat later at the Grand Exchange. b) The account that has just bought the raw bear meat sells it back to Rufus; using this option will make your money transfer faster. Method number 4 - Requirements: Being a member in Runescape; 35 crafting. - Items needed: Coins, in both of the accounts (although, in the account that is going to receive the money, the amount of coins needed is very low); and other items that will be bought. * Steps: 1. With the account that you want the money on, go to Grand Exchange and buy one Hammer, one Tribal Mask, two Snakeskins and 8 Iron Nails (you will need these items for each Broodoo Shield (10) you will make), like in the picture below. 2. Use the Hammer in the Tribal Masks and you will make a Broodoo Sheild (10). Doing this will make your 8 Iron Nails and your 2 Snakeskins disappear. NOTE: You will need 2 Snakeskins for each Broodoo Shield (10) you will make. NOTE: And you will also need one Tribal Mask, but there are 3 kinds of Tribal Masks. Each one of them has a different price in G.E. (Grand Exchange). Example Math: If you make a Broodoo Shield (10) with the first Tribal Mask (the orange one), you will spend: 2180 + 2125 = 4305 coins (Plus the price of the 8 iron nails, which is really low) And after you made the Broodoo Shield (10), using the orange Tribal Mask, the Broodoo Shield will be worth 9758 coins. As you can see, in the picture below. And the same thing happens with the green and the white Tribal Mask, which means that you will spend less money in making Broodoo Shields (10), then what they are worth. 3. After you made the Broodoo Shield (10), trade it to the other account (the one that you want the money out of) and the other account will give coins in return. This way you spend about 4000 coins in making a Broodoo Shield (10), using the orange Tribal Mask, and it will be worth around 9500 coins. 4. Now sell the Broodoo Shields (10) in Grand Exchange with the account that have bought the Broodoo Shields (10). If you use this method, you will be able to transfer 4m to 4.5m an hour. Method 6 Found this also on my PC. Person A - xfering the money OFF this person Person B - receiving the money Both players will meet at kalphite soldier lair where 3 potato cactuses respawn. They will wait at the safe spot for 15 minutes until the monsters are unagressive. Then logout and in to make sure none of the monsters are following them. A Person B picks up a load of potato cactus and sells to person A. Person A drops the cactuses and we begin the cycles again. To find the price of potato cactus go here. RuneScape - the massive online adventure game by Jagex Ltd. Best to do this in a populated world where they spawn faster. There are 3 spawns and you can probably get 27 of them in about 45 seconds - 1 minute so about 2.8mil per hour. If you go fast 3mil per hour is easy. BRING AN ANTIPOISON AND A COUPLE FOOD INCASE! HAPPY TRANSFERING! If you know someone selling these or ARE selling them please tell me and i will remove. These guides are well known and i am not sure if all of them work. Method number 5 - Requirements: Being a member in Runescape will make this method transfer money faster, but it is not necessary to be a member to use it. - Items needed: Ranged level, the ranged depends on which items you will be transferring. * Steps: 1. One of the accounts throws Rune throwing knives (required 40 ranged level) at a NPC and the other account picks them up. NOTE: You can also use Rune Throwing axes, Rune arrows, Runite bolts, Dragon darts (required 60 ranged level), even Adamant arrows (which is the best ranged item you can transfer using this method, in Free-to-Play), and others. If you use this method, you will be able to transfer 2m to 3m an hour. (If you use expensive arrows/bolts to transfer) Extra Information: If you buy items in Grand Exchange at the lower price, you can trade them to another account for the medium price. This is only useful if you buy many items. There are many examples of items that you can do this with, like: Summoning pouches, dragon boots, feathers, willow logs, unstrung bows, etc.
  11. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx vot seda teeb suitsetamine
  12. Ei tea tegelt, plaanid oleks. Fletch 99----Totalt 1967 Mag 93 (alchimisega)----total 1972 Thiev 80---- total 1973 teha greegree agility 80----total 1978 siit edasi siis thiev ja agility vist vaheldumisi:P, eks näis kumba viitsin ja vahepeal vb tuleb isegi mingi muu lvl aga raskelt usutav
  13. Miks teda seda arvate? Selle acci vanus on väga vana ja selle aja jooksul niuksed lvlid pole üldse raske:P Muidu peaks hakkama küll:/ aus viis liiga jama:/ Bottimine sitaks parem:) siin neid bot päevikuid vaadates. Tänu sellele, kuna kursuse tööd, eksamid ja järeltööd, pean suht palju arvutis passima ja need skillid ei vaja eriti pühendust:) Tulevad siin mõned suuremad lvlid viimasel ajal
  14. KAs peab kogu jama uuesti tegema? monkey amouleti ja siis sellelt ahvi lapselt uuesti küsima seda greegreed või on kuidagi kiirem viis seda tagasi saada?
  15. Mõtlesin, et lisan ka üle pika aja pici:) Summoning tegelt 57 aga mingi questiga sai see nagu potitud61le ja jäänud nii
  16. tanke:) jeah uuziwuuzi, kust sa mind tead:P
  17. 4/1O hakkab sul ilmet võtma juba
  18. Bs tehes mõni crafti lvl ka tulnud:) aga bs veel kõvasti teha:(
  19. mydilo

    M: Junki

    hmm käid ette? ei ole soovi veel msni läbi rääkida
  20. pm küll:) Natuke teadvustan veel sellest end mõjal:) aga tänud
  21. Soovitan soojalt teda, pole vaja sul karta:) Kanna üle, teeb kohe ära kah
  22. jap sain kõik ilusti kätte:) tänu jagexil viivitus see asi aint:) muidu väga hea värk
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