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Pureja Peni

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Postitused postitas Pureja Peni

  1. like wtf :D sain jaxilt kirja et mingi v6in saada player moderatoriks kui tahan aga eriti pihta ei saanud mis teha tuleb

    2kki keegi oskab aidata

    We would like to invite you to become a player moderator for http://www.runescape.com, The choice is open, And we will understand why, and if you decide against applying to become a player moderator. We have sent out numerous invitations for this opportunity, and hense why each application will first be verified, then you will be given a 1 week trial period to prove yourself.


    But, please let me first inform you the benefits of it, And how you can go about signing up to our Scheme.


    ma sain ka, aga ma sain emailile, väga hästi tehtud fake oli :D

  2. Niii, lõpuks jõudsin koju, eks arendama siis, oleks tore kui peale minu posti tuleks veel kellegi poolt post, et ei tuleks mul topeltpost kui hakkan pilte lisama :)


    Topeltposti vältimiseks lisatakse postitused kokku süsteemi poolt :) aga soovin edu kasutajaga :)

  3. Hello Runescape Member,

    Recently, Runescape has had a declining number of player mods. This has obviously led to more players cheating, and abusing the rules, Which has made the whole team here at the Jagex Headquarters knock our heads together to think of ways to not only get new runescape player moderators, but to get honest and trusted player moderators.


    We would like to invite you to become a player moderator for http://www.runescape.com, The choice is open, And we will understand why, and if you decide against applying to become a player moderator. We have sent out numerous invitations for this opportunity, and hense why each application will first be verified, then you will be given a 1 week trial period to prove yourself.


    But, please let me first inform you the benefits of it, And how you can go about signing up to our Scheme.


    Player Moderators have two ways to deal with rule breaking in the game:


    * The Report Abuse button

    This is the same Report Abuse button that all other players have, but a dedicated team of Jagex staff members will be assessing each of these reports as a matter of priority.

    * Temporary mutes

    In extreme cases of the Rules of Conduct being broken, Player Moderators also have the option to mute players for 48 hours. To avoid the possibility of this power being abused, each mute will be checked by a member of Jagex staff as soon as possible to ensure that each action taken by a Player Moderator is completely correct.


    Since Player Moderators look no different from any other character, to avoid confusion Jagex has made all Player Moderators very easy to identify. Every Player Moderator will have a small silver crown next to their name when they type a message. Below is an example of the crown you will see next to the name of a Player Moderator.


    To send in an application, please visit our dedicated Moderation website, which is where we have application forms. Click here


    Thank you,

    Jagex Staff.




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Selle veebisaidi paremaks muutmiseks oleme teie seadmesse paigutanud küpsised . Võite kohandada oma küpsiste seadeid , vastasel juhul eeldame, et te olete küpsiste kasutamisega nõus kui jätkate veebisaidil sirvimist.. Palun lugege läbi Kasutustingimused ja Privaatsuspoliitika.