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Kõik, mis on postitatud BoitsenkoIlja poolt
Wait , this is chat log when he added me , I waited about 3 weeks , after I started work and we discussed all , he didnt told me about this. Wait 2 minutes I try to find chatlog. EDIT: He added me and told about all at 31.08.2012. There is proof , but I cant find , but started mine work when he pay at 14.09.2012 or smth, so I dont see point to reclaim him money. When he paid my money he didnt told about what I need to do. About ssh , we talked with him and he choosed that I will pick done sources and just reedit them. SSH and ESTOMINE , pm me ur msn/skype I want to talk with also check chat logs. I CANT TALK WITH SSH until HE PM ME. I cant TALK WITH ESTOMINE because HE OFFLINE , 24hours is not engough.
Close topic. He sent my money.
Host OC? You buy it? I think this too old sources to host , but I will come to fun. Remember times when was minigame at RC altars or 1 K0 spell called air wind ;D
One question , you going to release it or host? I can help you if you need ;P
Sold GP 5+
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- 015€ or 1m
- 015€ or 1m
(ja 23 veel)
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- rstehingud@hotmailcom
Müün Runescape kulda! 0.26-0.30€ / 1M Nimi: Ilja Maakond: Ida-Virumaa Linn: Kohtla-Jarve Kontakt: BoitsenkoIlja@hotmail.com Skype : BoitsenkoIlja Sold! Close!
- 75 vastust
- 30€ or 1m
- 30€ or 1m
(ja 3 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
Lol , I tryed to login , miss old runescape music ;D Very nice song at Castle Wars
Mulle meeldib see serial. Ootan uue season
Good luck bro:) Love old sources so much
- 259 vastust
- casinoscape
- nüüd
(ja 1 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
What sources you took? Lol , I remeber old days , when teleport was at emote tab Goodluck I will try it after release
I used sources from R-S. So show me chatlog about discussing of server.
And? I out from discussion now , back tommorow.
I want to see chatlog about our server and etc.
EDIT: I have 10 minutes , then I go. So I want to discuss it tommorow , if possible. Please translate all what you post in you first post.
That proof doesnˇt mean anything , because I showed him that the player wont donate money to him. Also I talked with him INGAME.
Tere Vahvel! Vabandust , et mina eesti keel halb , ma olen venelane Ma tahan müüa dung akki. Andmed Nimi: Ilja Elukoht: K-J MSN: BoitsenkoIlja@hotmail.com Skype: BoitsenkoIlja
Anyone supporting me? Supporters: 1.Boitsenko (Im) 2.HardStyleFTW 3.delluq Post you In-game name:) Server topic link: http://vahvel.net/showthread.php?153045-VahvelScape
- 8 vastust
- privaatserverid
- stick
(ja 2 veel)
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Hate 508+