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10 Goodinfo Lmfao'i kohta
Metsakutsu kirjutas Positiivne tagasiside liikmele Lmfao
Ostsin p2p pinni, väga kiire ja usaldusväärne!
- 310 vastust
- <
- 52€ or 19m
- (ja 23 veel)
Fixisin lingid , nüüd peaksid töötama.
Tzhaar-Eco is an eco based server, we are currently looking for moderators to act as the forefront of the community & staff. Tzhaar has many features including: -Fully working Nex, with all 4 phases complete with changes -Fully Functioning Grand exchange buying (Selling to come at a later date) -Fully working GWD bosses -Donatorzone with custom NPC area's and drops -Vote4points/cash via admins -Vote shop included too -QBD working -Nomad working with proper drops -Custom NPC Area's -Fully Functioning Corporeal Beast (With Dark Cores) -Fully Functioning Dungeoneering, complete with a dung token shop -Great customs! -Working Tormented Demons and Darklight Effect! -And much much more! VPS is up andrunning, server will be up 99.9% of the time now! So what are you waiting for, come and join us today! Forum : http://w11.zetaboards.com/tzhaar_eco/index/ Download : https://www.dropbox.com/s/2bhxngnozjv88zl/Tzhaar-Eco.jar web : http://w11.zetaboards.com/tzhaar_eco/pages/webclient/ Ise olen ingame Sidrun , võite lisada kui midagi vaja on vms.
Ei saa mängida enam. Panen clienti tööle ja ei lähe edasi enam , jääb seisma Checking for updates 0%..
Väga hea server. Tulge joinige. ingame : Sidrun
dvjj kõik pelama , ingame:Sidrun
Mmm server offline ? Ütleb et Error connecting to server. EDIT: Nvm , lugesin foorumit,
Kus kohas kala püüad? ja palju lased fishi?Palju Xp/h saad? Muidu eduuu!
Edu , vaata et banaani ei saa .
Nicee, edu Fletch 99 saamisega!
- 283 vastust
- boratftw
- kurgivedelik
(ja 2 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
Nice! Edu acciga!
- 3 111 vastust
- #anotherone
- 212
- (ja 23 veel)
Kiire , usaldusväärne , Soovitan!
Gz! Väga nice acc . Hoian silmapeal päevikul! Edu edaspidiseks