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Kõik, mis on postitatud manraynor. poolt

  1. manraynor.

    O: Torso

    Mul on olemas orjamis teenus ja teen nüüd Torsosid ka,addi mind
  2. Krt küll,ma tahtsin 1 acci sisse logida ja Nad on heast peast bänninud minu p2p looteri! Ja evidence oli Accountide vaheline trade....WTF!!!????
  3. Ma ei tea kas scammer või mitte. Põhjus: Niipalju kui 1 mu sõber ausiest on Helistamisega proovinud ei ole töödanud ja tema sõbrad ka nii et...
  4. Mul oli juba Brine olemas MSNis aga mingi fake lisas.Ma kontrollisin Aadressid ära ja siis tahtsin nats nalja saada . B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: Tsau Bored says: Umm Bored says: tere? B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: Tead mind ? Bored says: Sa brine v? B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: Ei tead monekey Bored says: Lol Brine oled jh B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: Kust tead Bored says: Msn B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: OKei B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: Okei* B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: Aga sa müüd mille `? Bored says: Jah Bored says: 4m veel alles B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: aga ma ostan kõik B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: ma hakkasin skillerit arendama Bored says: Ok B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: level 4 aga ikkagi B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: Bored says: Saada foorumis PM ka,Brineil on palju fänne.Siis tean et oled õige B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: nagu sa näed B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: ma ei ole praegu B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: foorumis sest B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: ma interneti punkti B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: s B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: aga ma ei taha sisse B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: logina Bored says: ok B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: mae võime päraast kah diil teha B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: Sorri B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: mul kodus läpakas Bored says: Teeme prgu ära,mul vaja ära müüa kiirelt B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: Ja ma vabandan et kirjavead B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: mis world kokku saame? Bored says: hmm B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: Ma tean et sa ei scammi aga ikkagi Bored says: Gf u tried Fake Brine hehe.Owned.Õige Brine on [email:1dpis52d]Taaberland@hotmail.com[/email:1dpis52d] mitte [email:1dpis52d]taabreland@hotmail.com[/email:1dpis52d] Nub gf gf gf...! Bored says: Ja mul on õige Brine MSN mitte fake kes just addis Bored says: nub B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: Omg B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: ränk avastus B.r.i.n.e. MAA POLE BRIKI mA POLE TEDA NÄINUDGI says: ? Ja siis offline. Vaadake alati ta MSN!!!
  5. manraynor.

    M: MM Pusle

    Puzle tegemise aeg mul:5 minti ja done =/
  6. 1 tahtis osta mult 4m 40 ea aga tahtis 1m ette ja siis oleks raha kandnud 160 EEK.1m on tüüpiline scamm asi.Kohe kui ütlesin raha ette siis ütles no deal. Prison break yli hea film says: ma ostan 4milli ära MÜÜN 4m 40 ea! says: 160 eek siis Prison break yli hea film says: aga enne ann 1mil siis kannan 160eeku ja siis teine 3mil MÜÜN 4m 40 ea! says: Mis pank? MÜÜN 4m 40 ea! says: Ei ei...Mul foorumis kirjas RAHA ENNEM! Prison break yli hea film says: ok then no deal MÜÜN 4m 40 ea! says: ok.. MSN:taunonoormets@hotmail.com
  7. Kutseka 1 kursus Mul hea tunniplaan ikka CRAPY NEW SCHOOLYEAR TO ALL!!
  8. Hahaha BUSTED! Sa oled ikka idikas Kelk.Ma olen teinud endale 2 torsot,paarile inimesel ka ja ma olen lvl 5 heal,2 def,2 coll,2 att ja ma tean kuidas mäng käib nuub. Kui 1 tahtis scammida ja 1 scammis siis ärge Andge Bank PIN kui usaldate et ta teeb
  9. Nhjh,aga vähemalt teeb homme kasvõi 50 lol
  10. Müün siis Rs2 mills 40 ea price FIRM! Stock:4 Msn Signas. Scammerit Vuck You! Ette ei anna!Ainult erikorras modedele ainult!
  11. Umm,kui ta scammer,Tõestus ja Neg tehing?lol.....
  12. Palju tahad et teeksid range 44-60 2 päevaga?
  13. Bloodhound gang - Discovery Channel ja Scatman - Scatmans world
  14. Ma ostan,kui sina annad ette
  15. Ty for liking my helm ,Sinna sobiks rune defender vahele ja whip ja fire cape.Ongi hea style
  16. Jah,see õpetus on mul mingi 3 nädalat vana kui sain.Ma updatein siis kui viitsin
  17. Merchanting\XP =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-==- While many people love merchanting, others enjoy skilling. Why not do both? For example, if your on fourms and your waiting for buyers to buy whatever your selling, you could always do something in the mean time. You could train lots of skills while waiting. While waiting, you could burn logs, or alch bows, or fish for fish! So if you want to do something in the mean time while waiting for buyers, why don't you train skills! ~Anti-Scam Guide~ *Remember to look at the 2nd trade screen! What may look like a dream come true could end up a dream being destroyed* Tip 1) ..Your in world 2. And you currently have around 10k dragon bones. Someone trades you and offers bones, you trade the cash and accept. The trade is done, but its not what you wanted. You just got b bones!.. If your buying quantites that are noted. You should have this in your inventory. Your Inventory Should Look Like This: C= Cash N= Noted Item Quantities that your buying X= (Random Junk UNOTED) Ex. Unoted Pure ess, raw lobbies. C N X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X That way since your inventory is full, if someone switches thier item into another item, the trade won't be done. Tip 2) Make Sure The Person In Another World Is Selling. Often times, i get off world 2 to find that the player has tricked me and made me get off world 2 for no reason. Solution: After saying: Switching Worlds, turn private chat off and see if the player is still logged in. After around 10 seconds or so, log out to thier world and trade. Therefore you won't get off world 2 for no reason. Tip 3) Here's one for common sence..avoid the wild. Never trade anyone pass the wilderness ditch. Now start making money u noobs ,Ma jagan seda guide kuna mulle meeldib siin foorumis selstkond
  18. Tere.Ma Hankisin 1st kohast 1 Guide mis töötab hästi Kirjutamis vaeva eest ärge rategi kuna ma ainult copy pastin. Posts: ~Introduction ~Notes I: P2P Merchant Guide:100k To 1m II: P2P Merchant Guide:1m To 5m III: P2P Merchant Guide:5m To 10m IV: P2P Merchant Guide:10m To 12m V: P2P Merchant Guide:12m+ VI: F2P Merchant Guide I: Tips,Tricks,And What Not to Merchant + Merchanting\XP VIII: Ways to not get scammed! I. 100k to 1m Welcome to the basic method of merchanting! You will not make alot at this step yet, but you will eventaully! At this time, you will require alot of patience because believe me, you will get aggrivated here. *100k to 300k* Pure Ess Buy 60 Ea Sell 80 - 100 ea. Location: Selling In World 2 Is The Best Place, but you can also use fourms. Wealth Rings Buy: 30k ea Sell: 50k ea Location Recommendation: I Recommend Around World 2 Fally Bank If Your Selling\Buying At The Same Time. If Your just buying and planning to sell it later, try Cammy Bank OR Fally Banks.(On Full Worlds) Wizard (T) Items =-=-=-== Hat: Buy 80k, Sell 120k Top: Buy 100k, Sell 150k Bottem: Buy 50k, Sell 125k+ Location:F2P Varrock West Bank(World 1,3,4)World 2 Glories: Buy: 40k Ea Sell: 60k Ea (charged) People Want Charged Glories, They sell a bit more then average. Location: Varrock, Fally, Cammy Banks. Rune Plate Armor Buy: 40k Ea Sell: 60k Ea Location:F2p Worlds:1,3,&4 At Varrock. P2P Worlds:Any World(Any Bank) Full Blue Mystic Robes Buy 160k Sell 200k Location: Fally World 2 Garden, Cammy Bank World 6,9,12, ETC. Dragon Med Helm Buy 250k Sell 300+k *Buying May be easy, selling is the hard part* Location:Fally World 2 Garden (East Lak Obby Capes Buy: 250k Ea Sell: 300k+ Ea *You could make alot of profit with theese if u have 2.4m+ Later on* Location:World 2 Fally Garden,Fourms, Cammy Banks Obby Mauls: Buy: 80k - 100ea Sell: 200k Ea(on fourms) 1m Profits Are Easy once you got 1m. Locations:Fally World 2(East Bank),Cammy Worlds(6,9,12,18,22),Duel Arena Banks. *These Are Very Hard* Warrior Ring: Buy 350k Sell 450k Location: Fally World 2 Garden(Southwest Entrance;Fury Ammy Place) Bolt Racks (1k) Buy: 350k Sell 400k Locations:Fally Garden World 2(Karils Area) Dragon Skirt Buy:350k Sell450k+ Location:Fally Garden World 2,Cammy Banks(W6,9,12,18,22 II.1m To 5m Gratz! You finally have 1,000,000gp. You are now on your way to start earning millions! Rune Arrows (2k) Buy For 400 ea (800k) Sell For 500 ea (1m) Location:Buy In World 2 Fally; Where they sell cannons, Sell on fourms, Duel Arena (W18) Archer Ring Buy:1m Sell: 1.3m Location: World 2 Fally Garden (Buy And Sell There) Raw Sharks Buy:900 Ea Sell 950Ea. Location: Buy In World 2 Or Fourms\Sell In Either Infinity Boots Buy: 900k ea Sell:950k+ Location: The Farming Patch In World 2 Fally Garden\Sell Fourms Or World 2 Obby Sets (cape & shield) Buy: 550k Sell:650k+ Location:World 2 Fally Garden OR Cammy Banks (Full Worlds) Cooked Lobsters: Buy: 190 ea (1k increments) Sell:220+ ea Buy In World 2, Or Fourms, Sell On F2P Worlds (1,3,4 Varrock) Bowstring Buy:170 ea (1k increments) Sell:200 ea *These are great sellers at world 132 yannile(The Fletching Guild) *2.5m to 4.5m* *Use World 2* Bezerker Ring Buy 2.2m Sell 2.3m+ Dragon Plate Legs Buy:2m Sell:2.2m+ Location:World 2 Fally Garden (East Lake) Abbysal Whip Buy: 1.6m Sell:1.65m+ Location:World 2 Fally Garden (North) *4.5m to 5m* Robin Hats Buy: 4.5m Sell 4.7m+ Location:World 2 Fally Garden (Karils Section) Full Verac Buy: 3.95 Sell: 4.1+ Location:World 2 Fally Garden (Northwest) ~Look at Verac's for a lil while, They are decreasing~ Yew Logs: Buy 300 ea (1k increments) Sell 330 ea Location:F2P Worlds(1,3,4), P2P Worlds(2,6,9,12,18,22) Or Fourms *Try F2p Worlds, Or Use Fourms* III. 5m to 10m Gratz! You now have 5,000,000 GP. Ready to double that amount? Saradomin Pl8(Buy 5) Buy: 1m Ea Sell 1.1+ Ea Location:World 2 Fally Garden (Northeast) Dragon Legs (a***n, buy 2) Buy: 2m Sell:2.2m+ Range Boots (Buy 2) Buy: 3.1m ea Sell 3.3m ea ~Easy World 2 Sellers~ ~Easy Fourms Buyer~ Location:World 2 (Karils Section) Yew Logs - Very Effective! Buy:300 ea Sell:330 ea ~I'd stick with this if i had 5m~ Location:Fourms, World 2 Garden, Cammy Bank Verac Brassard Buy 1.4m Sell 1.6m Location:World 2 Fally Garden (Near bridge) Nature Runes Buy 280 ea Sell 300 ea Location:World 2Fally East Bank, Fourms Maple Logs Buy 70 ea Sell 80 or 100 ea Location:Cammy Bank, Fourms 10 Obbisiden Mauls Buy 100k ea Sell 200k ea ( on fourms) 1m Profit!! Location:World 2 Fally East Bank, Cammy, Fourms *Extremly hard, but good profit at end* Black Cavaliers Buy 1m Sell 1.2m Location:World 2 Fally Garden, East Lake Dragon wc axe Buy 2.8m Sell 3m+ Location:Fourms, World 2 Fally Garden (Entrance) Oak Planks (Quanity Of 5k) Buy 400 ea Sell 450+ ea IV. 10m To 12m. You only need 2m to start making 1 to 2m per hour! Feel free to merchant any of the items above! Here are some more: Raw Sharks Buy 900gp ea Sell 950+gp ea Location:World 2 Fally East Bank, Fourms Cannon Balls Buy 180 ea. Sell 200 ea Location:World 2 Fally(Arrow Section, South Of Garden) Dragon 2 handers Buy 1m Ea Sell 1.2m Ea Location:World 2 Fally(Entrance to garden), Fourms Full Ahrims (No Staff) *Simply when buying\trading, say: Selling Full Ahrims (NS) Buy 1.7m Sell 1.85m Location:World 2 Fally Garden(Near Karils Section) Cannon(Full) Buy 500k or 550k Sell 600k *Warning: Look for the sepreate parts to make sure they aren't the same* Location:World 2 Fally(Arrow Section) Dragon Med Helm (More then 1) Buy 250k Sell 300+k Location:World 2 Fally Garden, East Lake Mage's Book *Make sure it says Mage's Book, Not Arena Book Arena book is 1gp* Buy: 4.4m Sell 4.7m+ Location:Fally World 2 Garden(Farming Patch Section) Amulet Of Fury Buy 4m Sell 4.1m Location:World 2 Fally Garden (Farming patch section) Range Sets(Robin Hat And Range Boots) Buy:8m Sell:8.3m+ Location:Fally World 2(Karils Section) V.12m+ C0NGRATZ!! You are now able to make 1m a hour at most. At 12.5m Full Infinity Robes. (Buy Seperate Items..Then Sell Full. Hat:2.8m Boots:900k Gloves:1.1m Top:3.4m Bottem: 4.3m = 12.5m Then Sell For 13.8m+ Location:Fally World 2 Garden (Farming Patch) At 15m: Dragon Chains - Buy 14.7mm Dragon Chains - Sell 15m+ Location:World 2 Fally Garden (North) At 15m. Green Dragon Hides (Make Sure it says hides..not leather) Buy: 1500 ea Sell: 1550+ ea Location:World 2 Fally East Bank Green Dragon Hide Tanning Option. Buy Around 10k Green D Hides, 1.5k ea (15m) Now Tan all of them. Cost For All: (200k) Then sell them to crafters for 1.72k Ea. 2m Profit At 17m: Dragon Bones: Buy:1.7k ea Sell 1.8k ea Location: World 2 Fally (East Bank) Fourms:Misc. Forum 1m Profit After you sell 10k. At 30m. Yew Logs (Yews are currently rising.. so if you want to make 3m in less then 2 hours.. listen up ^_^.) Buy 100k Yews Logs For 300 ea(30m) Sell All Yews Logs For 330 ea+ (33m+ Or Higher) Location:World 2 Cammy Bank Or Fourms At 80m. Buy Mask Set. (Try Buying Sepreate Masks..then sell as a full set. Green Mask - 17.8m Blue Mask - 23.8m Red Mask - 34.8m +++++++++++ = 76.4m To The Range Of 76.8m Then Sell For 77m+ Easy Profit. VI. Tips And Tricks! -Merchant Wanted Items Only!! (No one wants to buy something like 1k bronze swords.) Lol -Use World 2 And have fourms open. -Try bringing the seller to lower his price by asking him. -If you cannot buy\sell a item, take a break! -Make sure you say please and thank you, so you are a very kind merchanter in the world of RS. What Not To Merchant? -Santa Hats (just to many of them that you'd only make 100k on a busy day, almost for all rares)Although i've heard that masks are good. -Eatable Rares(Halfwines,Easters, Pumpkins) -Disc Of Returning. -Treasure Trail Items (Some people don't buy them) -Useless items..(1k wool..ETC) -Arrows( Do not attempt unless you have 100k of them) -Basic Runes- Fire,Earth,Air,Water (Useless) -New Items That Just Came Out (Dark Bow, Dragon Fire Shield, Dragon Visage, and ETC Are NO NOs ) THE MERCHANT WORLDS: F2P Worlds: World 1 Varrock West Bank, Fally East Bank World 3 Varrock West Bank & West Bank, Fally East Bank World 4 Varrock West Bank, Fally East Bank P2P Worlds: World 2 World 6 World 9 World 12 World 18 World 22
  19. Lol ärimees ja kuidas sa tead?Oled plastik ise v? LOL 100 EEK regamise eest,aind uutele mitte nendele kes juba reganud siis xD
  20. Jah,kutsega sobiks.Ainult Usaldatavad ma ei tea 20+ - 30+ tehingud saavad aind kutsuda
  • Loo uus...

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