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Ei ole teinud seeni ja hetkel pole ka plaanis. To efkz on kanep. See on nagu way of living. Ma suitsetan päevast päeva peale, kuid mitte sp. et äge olla või kuskile kivipeade seltskonda kuuluda, aga see tekitab lihtsalt nii mõnusa tunde, paneb maailma nägema hoopis teisest nurgast, diskuteerima igapäevaste küsimuste üle, täiesti kirjeldamatu tunne on see ning sa tead, et iga lespose jäm on erinev, kui oled seda tarvitanud. Kõik, kellele on õpetatud, et kanep on karm narkootikum, sellest ajast saati, kui nad vbl. lasteaia-aegses vanusegrupis olid, siis palun mitte sellel teemal sõna võtta, sest te simply olete teemast taga. Ise tegelend nii ''tavalise suitsetamise,'' vahet snusi tarbimise, joomise ja taime kõrvetamisega ning ma võiks nagu päris kohe ausalt öelda, et ''tavaline suitsetamine'' tekitab minus 10x rohkem sõltuvust, kui bob. Joomine on imo hullem, kui bob, sest see teeb targad inimesed indirectly öeldes lolliks, mitte kõik otseloomulikult, aga paljud muutuvad negatiivselt olles selle ''mõju all''. Seda bobiga juhtub väga harva. Oleks ükskord ''meie generatsioon'' valitsuses, nagu kunagi keegi ütles, siis loodetavasti saadaks ''oma kogemusest'' teha seadused, mitte mingi targa teadlase uuringute järgi. Uuringud näitavad nii üht, kui teist, aga kogemus on ikka kogemus. Lühidelt öeldes: kui sa kivi teed, vahest või tihti, see ei tee sind narkomaaniks. On inimesi, kes on haritud väga edukalt, esp. intelligentsed ja elus toimetulevad ning suitsetad samuti peale. Ma saan aru, kui mingitest heroiinidest ja kokaiinidest oleks jutt, aga taim on väga ''ületähtsustatud'' selles general narkomaailmas. I'm out, kui keegi mingi jutuga peaks tulema jälle, et ''ärge tehke narkot, saab ilmagi õnnelik olla'' ning see on suunatud kivipeadele tänu sellele, et Teie ema-isa nii ütlesid ilma, et Te oleksite selle järgi proovinud: pange mingi hea laul mängima, mis teile meeldib, vajuta vahvli ''Post a reply to the thread:'' tabil back nuppu ja go on with Your life. quite seriously. Thanks for reading.
Tulevikulootus valmis ju. Meedias ka sind näha on? Välja arvatud juhul, kui sa neid pikkuseid sentimeetrites mõtlesid.
- 59 vastust
- 800
- kaugushüpe
(ja 3 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
Suutsin terve suve peale teha nii, et pidin vist ainult approx. 15€ maksma enda rahakotist. Teoreetilist oleksin saanud ka terve suve igapäevaselt ilma rahata suitsetada, aga selleks jäi tahtmisest ja viitsimisest puudu. Loll jutt suhu tagasi, kui midagi ei tea.
- 1 163 vastust
- kas
- narkootikume
(ja 1 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
Hooajal pidi 80.- eest ennast korralikult sodiks sööma, kuid see oli ka veel krooni ajal ja peale seda pole kuigi palju teemas viitsinud püsida, sest ise ei tarbi. Ei taha ka, taim sobib mulle väga hästi.
Nüüd juba TZAC, aga mängida võiks. [email:1rwks8cj]kkkkkush@hotmail.com[/email:1rwks8cj] - võin mixida, gatherida, cwda ja pubi lasta.
- 228 vastust
Main Website - Main Forums ibp-rp.com - forum.ibp-rp.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IBP:RP SA:MP Server Hostname: Port: 7777 You can download SA:MP here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IBP:RP Ventrilo Server Address: Port: 4290 Password to Channels: sutpik You can download Ventrilo from here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IBP:RP mIRC Channels Server: irc.gtanet.com Port: 6667 Possible Channels: [list:3d35vkcr]#ibp-rp - The Main IBP:RP Channel #IBPSupport - If you're in need of support, feel free to visit this Channel[/list:u:3d35vkcr] You can download mIRC from here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Your account, your character, your role-play, you're dream. IBP is a quickly growing SA-MP community who has been up for a year now. We have a professional administration team who all have a lot of experience behind them, as well a friendly community who always are here to help you along with your game-play. IBP Role Play, big or not, it's the home of sharing you best role-play experience and the funniest SA:MP experience, give it a chance and stick on the first time logging in. Unique custom mappings. [list:3d35vkcr]Mappings are sometimes entered on a weekly/monthly basis; each map is produced by members of the community and implemented by the Development team to produce and create the best roleplay possible from our members. These unique custom mappings cannot be found anywhere else. [/*:m:3d35vkcr][*]Special weapon system. Due to large reports on deathmatch and the 'easy way to gain a weapon' complaint, we've improved and enhanced the weapon system to make weapons only available for official factions and from an ammunation (but you must require a weapon license which can be applied for). This reduces deathmatch and the use of weapons, creating better roleplay instead of using combat techniques. [/*:m:3d35vkcr][*]Revision of a whole new drug system. Our unique drug system allows large groups of members such as mafias or organisations to gain the drugs in bulk and then sell them on in bulk for a profit. Or, these bulk items are sold individually to the gangs/gang members on the server and more 'business' or 'slanging' roleplay is created there. [/*:m:3d35vkcr][*]Special faction system and it's suppliments. The server goes by the standard un/official faction procedure, giving out certain and decent requirements for the unofficial factions to follow by in order to gain official. We make the official spot hard to gain along with not many advantages, therefore not all factions are going towards the power side of things but instead the roleplay. [/*:m:3d35vkcr][*]Professional vehicle system. Vehicles are bought on the server via the /v buy system at the dealership, and these vehicles come with many, many more commands under the /v command. These include buying GPS for your vehicle, spawning your vehicle, modding your vehicle, buying insurances etc. Also, when you reach level 2 and can not yet buy a car, you can always try our unique 'Car Credit' system where you buy a vehicle and pay it off later in the future; with interest of course. [/*:m:3d35vkcr][*]Realistic economy. In our previous economy, prices were very high such as $280k for a sultan. But after a recent change, a realistic economy has been implemented and enhanced to make all prices reduce by at least 90%. Therefore, the sultan is now $28k same with all other vehicles and properties. [/*:m:3d35vkcr][*]User Control Panel is being build on (preview has been released) A new enhanced UCP is being worked on as we speak, and is very, very close to being completed. When completed, this will be accessible by all users and fully working with no bugs. This will make it easier for you as a character and for the professional staff team who can always use logs to find those hackers. [/*:m:3d35vkcr][*]Special Payday system Instead of the average payday per hour technique, we have implemented a new payday system which gives you a payday after every hour you've been online. Therefore, playing for 60 minutes will give you your first payday. This helps players as they may miss the payday, but not in this case. All cheques go straight to the bank account in a realistic economy; and we have also implemented a savings account which gradually increases when you deposit some in it. [/*:m:3d35vkcr][*]Addition of /anims All anims have been renewed with new commands and can be found under /animlist. Each command comes with at least five different animations, giving you the best out of imagining your roleplay or creating a picture when roleplaying. [/*:m:3d35vkcr][*]Rental cars Various rental cars are scattered around the city of Los Santos, making sure new players are not having the trouble of running around everywhere. These rental cars are able to buy via on screen actions, and do not cost a penny. Rental Cars can not be shared, neither. Once you purchase or rent the rental car, it's yours until you log off. [/*:m:3d35vkcr][*]Weapon damage at specific player's place Instead of the average shooting and attempting to hit precisely via GTA: SA requirements, we have implented a new system which deals damage depending on the players stance or place where he is standing. This gives shootouts a realistic feel to them, along with the police being involved also. Players are then able to go on and roleplay their injuries much more and much more realistically. [/*:m:3d35vkcr][*]Radio system Our new Audio Plugin system, thank you to Draak for implenting, includes a /radio command in all cars without having to buy a radio in the first place. Here includes your own tracks and certain radios picked out by the development team; you can also suggest online radio stations on the forums and they will be looked at, reviewed and hopefully accepted. [/*:m:3d35vkcr][*]Weapon system allows the player to drop the weapon and be seen on the ground, also able to be picked up by a commands Via commands /dgun and /pgun, you're able to drop weapons and later on pick them up to enhance roleplay situations for dealings for example. These weapons are also visible perfectly without any bugs and only disappear on a server restart. [/*:m:3d35vkcr][*]Donator Memberships Donator Memberships come with four packages; the average namechange donation, bronze donation, silver donation and gold donation. A part from the average namechange donation, these all come with large amounts of benefits to give you the best advantages in your roleplay. These benefits are a must if you're hoping to stick around the server, and it also keeps the server up and running. So for more information, click here.[/*:m:3d35vkcr][/list:u:3d35vkcr] As a member of IBP:RP you have a lot of possibilities and if you join our community right now, then it's benefit for you. It's benefit to you, as a fun-seeking player, because there are currently many available positions in different factions and you have an easy chance to advance in IBP roleplaying community. We're currently offering class 'A' roleplay under every roleplay type, although we're just lacking of dedicated and loyal members, who're willing to also give something back to the community. Players around in this server are helpful and professional, staff team isn't as ignorant as it appears to be in every other bigger role-play communities. Staff team consists of handpicked members, who've proved themselves to be dedicated and loyal for the community and actually give their best to support players quickly and efficiently. Different assignments has been devided to different people around in the community, so you as a player, have a lot of opportunity to choose, from what side are you going to help this community to be a better place. The groups are following; IBP:RP Graphics Team [list:3d35vkcr]IBP:RP contains it's own GFX Team led by Hypes himself. Applications are open regularly, and only the best in Autodesk 3Ds Max/Photoshop is able to apply. There are certain requirements such as activity and other experiences, but if you're looking to apply I wish you good luck. [/*:m:3d35vkcr][*]IBP:RP Support Team The IBP:RP Support Team is a team of supporters who help new players out on there way here, asking all there questions and directing them to the best roleplay situations they can attempt. These active supporters are on at least all hours of the day, whether it be a different tester or not. They're always there to answer your questions via /askq whether they're or testerduty or not; they'll always be there. The support team is led by Navo and Moss. [/*:m:3d35vkcr][*]IBP:RP Administration Team As any server, IBP:RP includes it's own Administration Team which is led by Navo and Moss. It includes very active members inside, all prepared to accepts your reports on players or just administrative help. Whenever you need them in game, please do not PM them but instead use /re and I'm sure at least one of them will accept your report as they're online all hours of the day. [/*:m:3d35vkcr][*]IBP:RP Mapping/Developing Team Along with our Unique Custom Mappings, it comes with the people who produce it; the IBP:RP Mapping Team. The team is not led by anyone in particular but instead contains a large amount of members; all contributing themselves towards the leader position to work as a team. It also includes developers to implement them in game. As for the Development team, led by GuSo and Samdudes, it contains a large amount of developers dealing with certain aspects of the community; including player suggestions, bug reports and general assistance script wise. They help keep the server up to date, and do a great job of it too. [/*:m:3d35vkcr][*]IBP:RP Factions Team These guys are the ones who moderate the factions forums, analysing all of their roleplay where as it may be looking at their roleplay through roleplaying themselves or even experiencing it through watching them. They also analyse their attitudes OOCly to declare whether they deserve the faction spot or even that desired official spot. The head of the factions team is EmmetJ who along with other members of the faction team take pride in reviewing every faction with every little detail. [/*:m:3d35vkcr][/list:u:3d35vkcr] When you're interested to become apart of factions that portrait everything as it is in real-life, then you've came to the right place. Majority of the factions in IBP:RP are based on real-life organizations and they're used as inspiration. When you're planning on joining Los Santos Police Department, then it contains for instance a bunch of sub-divisions to join, it has a difficult academy and the ventrilo is used as a radio in order to create even more a realistic feeling about what you do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IBP Roleplay (2009-Present day) IBP Roleplay is a SA:MP Roleplaying Community. IBP Roleplay strives to give players the best roleplay experience that they have ever had. IBP was originally turned in to an English roleplay community, in December 2009. Ever since then, we have hard little to no downtime. Other then the occasional down-time as we rehash the server, we have never had any long down time. IBP was founded by 'GuSo' and 'Navo'. Two very close friends in real life. With navo taking a primary interest in Board Development, he concentrated on developing the forums, as oppose to the script. Whereas GuSo intended on focusing on the script. GuSo worked solidly on developing the script for IBP:RP. He put all of his effort in to developing the script, with some help, to what it is at the present day. As time progressed, IBP:RP grew, new players came, and old players went. Eventually IBP:RP was big enough to start making some even bigger moves. Introducing the support team system, they introduced new administrators. They also ended up implementing some unique, custom made, mapping projects. IBP Roleplay is currently hosted in Germany. Statistics show, that IBP Roleplay has 94.9278% monthly uptime, taking only small breaks with no consecutive days in downtime. IBP Roleplay does run on the latest San Andreas Multiplayer version, 0.3c. You can download this from the SA-MP website (http://sa-mp.com). What is IBP Roleplay? As forementioned, IBP Roleplay a SA:MP Gaming community, primarily revolving around the roleplay aspect of the modification on Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. IBP Roleplay follows a strict set of rules, for the forums, ventrilo, IRC and for the forums! We strongly suggest that you read these rules before playing, to ensure that you know what not to do, and what you should try to do. The rules are designed as a guideline in to recieving the best expereince from the community, possible. Great! Where can I sign-up? When you wonder where to sign-up, it varies as to where you wish to sign-up! IBP Roleplay has many different servers, hosting different clients to allow easy communication throughout the community. You can always join us on IRC, or you can join us on ventrilo (Only donators can have a ventrilo account registered), or if you simply want to sign-up ingame, then you can register by heading in-game. Upon heading in-game, you will be put forward to numerous dialogs, giving you an easy way in to registering your in-game account. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ © http://www.ibp-rp.com - For advertisement purposes of IBP:RP only. Credits towards Hypes for structuring the thread and creating the images. Credits towards Navo/GuSo for founding the community and creating some content.
Suht kahju oli isegi postimehes seda artiklit näha, kuigi ei kuulanud tema laule ega midagi, lihtsalt nime teadsin. Nii noorelt ära minna ikka veits mööda teema, aga jah. Rest in peace.
Astun läbi, kuigi hetkel mõtet ei näe. Loodetavasti on midagi huvitavat.
Võiks olla mingi totaalne 2006 aasta itemite ja game play server, no lag ja kõik nagu sel ajal. On-topic: ekonoomia teil tundub suht paigast ära, kui annetajad saavad kohe maxed panga ehk ei viitsi tulla.
- 22 vastust
- fallenpkers
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Sildistatud koos:
Vale shortcut on sul, millest lähed. Vaata originaalsesse GTA VC kausta ning otsi .exe ja sealt mine mängi.
Foorum on siis selline, kommuun on rahvusvaheline ehk siis Inglise keeles ning päris värske. Kes vähegi rollimängimisest rahvusvahelisel ja veidi kõrgemal tasemel on ja tahab kohe algusest olla kommuunis, millel tulevikku on, siis registreerige ja olge asjaga kursis. Kõike paremat!
PvP on korralik, no lag, soliidne game play?
- 22 vastust
- fallenpkers
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(ja 3 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
Oli mingi periood, mil lihtsalt ei tahtnud magama minna ning sai oldud üleval reede hommikust kuni pühapäeva õhtuni, tundides ei teagi, kuid päris hea väsimus oli lõpuks ikka, voodisse maandusin, siis magasin ka. Peavalu, silmadega või midagi sellist ei olnud.