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0 Neutralinfo MeraX'i kohta
Küpsev Vahvel
- Sünnipäev 15.04.1992
MeraX hakkas jälgima Dia 2 euw all champs rare name
Kuna pole juba paar aastat seda mängu mängind, siis miks mitte oma kasutaja maha müüa. Ma usun, et MM pole vaja, sest olen suht usaldusväärne. 8 blackmarki. [email:3fcd810s]merax92@hotmail.com[/email:3fcd810s]
ägedad trellid
ei tea, ei köida 3/10 edu siis minu signa hindamisel
Rise Against "Prayer of the Refugee"
puu otsast kukkusin selg ees alla proovisin kohe üles tõusta aga hui kandsidki jalad kukkusin veits eemal pikali tagasi sõber tuli sellel ajal alla siis vaatab umbes et 'wtf kuidas sa siia kukkusid?' jalg andis veel aasta hiljemgi tunda aga luumurdu pold
- 38 vastust
- ilma
- kukkumiste
(ja 2 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
valisin rapidload, sest teisi nimesid pole varem näinudki
- 92 vastust
- ebameeldivaim
- foorumi
(ja 2 veel)
Sildistatud koos:
õpi inglise keelt ja ole tasa.
Tegelt saab igat skilli omandada, ka spray oskusi võib väga heaks lihvida.
Burn Still - Day of Darkness Ektomorf - Instrinct Imperial - Remember Hell Premonitions of War - Mother Night Revisited See You Next Tuesday - A Portable Death Ray and A Sterile Claw Hammer Through the Eyes of the Dead - Abyssal Creation Through the Eyes of the Dead - Two Inches from a Main Artery Darkest Hour - The Sadist Nation Ektomorf - Outcast Motorhead - Ace of Spades Premonitions of War - The Octopus See You Next Tuesday - Here, Take This Pill Through the Eyes of the Dead - To Take Comfort Darkest Hour - Convalescence Darkest Hour - Tranquil From a Second Story Window - I Tried Voodoo Once Misery Signals - The Failsafe Versus the Mirror - Birthed By Architecture Aiden - I Set my Friends on Fire As I Lay Dying - Repeating Yesterday As I Lay Dying - 94 Hours As I Lay Dying - Through Struggle As I Lay Dying - Confined Atreyu - Her Portrait in Black Atreyu - The Crimson Atreyu - Ain't Love Grand Atreyu - Bleeding Mascara August Burns Red - A Shot Below The Belt August Burns Red - Barbarian August Burns Red - Your Little Suburbia is in Ruins Avenged Sevenfold - Chapter Four Catherine - Evil Man Dead Man Children of Bodom - Are You Dead Yet? Children of Bodom - In Your Face Children of Bodom - Needled 24/7 Children of Bodom - Everytime I DIe In Flames - The Quiet Place Kataklysm - As I Slither Raunchy - Watch Out Raunchy - Rememberance Raunchy - The Curse of Bravery Raunchy - Join The Scene Slipknot - Spit it Out Static X - I'm The One Static X - Push It Static X - Black and White Static X - Loser Sum 41 - Fat Lip Sum 41 - Pieces Sum 41 - Still Waiting Sybreed - Static Currents Sybreed - Re-Evolution Sybreed - Bioactive Ei hakand ühe bändi kohta üle 4 laulu panema :/
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