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Tollimaks pole 2.5% see oleneb mis toode. Tollimaks on 0%-17% Kui toode on üle 150€ siis läheb juurde km 20% ja tollimaks 0-17%
Hahahha mis mäng siin saab tulla kui osadel vendadel on kogemusi 1-3 kuud...suured firmad töötavad aastaid ja ka nende meeskonna on suured (100 inimest vb ka rohkem) ja neil on raha...tasuta sa ei tee midagi...korralik progeja tahab juba kuus vähemalt 2k EUR saada...
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Is WAZZUB a scam? You Decide... First, we have to say that we take every comment serious and even critical posts are welcome. This is a free world andW.A.Z.Z.U.B is an open-minded community. We do not expect that everybody loves what we do, because we understand that it’s impossible to please everyone. But we do expect the same respect that we show for every person we meet. Unfortunately your comment is not just critical but extremely insulting. Nonetheless we invested time to read and understand your arguments and it seems that you draw some wrong conclusions from the info that you found on the Internet. 1. Whois search for wazzub.com/wazzub.info Your statement: “We should note that the domain expires around the same time as this site supposedly launches” Well, the Expiration date of a domain shows for how long the registrant paid in advance for this service. For example, one of your registered domains, kooiii.com expires Oct 18, 2012. We would never conclude from this that you will run out of business on that day. 2. Scam search Your statement: “and we find there are indeed reports against this company spanning several years” You can easily see that the company names are different and that this thread is dated back in 2006. None of the data provided there correlate with our data. The only post that tries to create a connection to our company is the newest one, posted a few days ago by a user named “Kooiii“ (just a wild guess that this is you). 3. Company registration Your statement: “this returns further confirmation that this is indeed a scam as the registration data does not match the company profile being promoted” There is one official source for info about companies registered in Oregon and that is the website of the Secretary of State of Oregon. In our officially filed Articles of Incorporation (Section II) is written: “The purpose for which this corporation is organized is to engage in any business or activity not forbidden by law…” Where ever you found the babysitting and laundry stuff, if you reveal the source to us, we will contact them to ask for correction. In the end you named our project a “definite scam” and give us a bad name. For sure, this is going too far and it is unlawful in many jurisdictions. However, we believe that you’ve just misinterpreted some things and that your post is not atry to promote your own project http://www.kooiii.com. The “Kooiii Business Resources and Social Community” seems to be a nice concept and we wish you a lot of success with it. If you strictly follow your own rules we assume that you are a fair businessman and you will post our answer in addition to your post about W.A.Z.Z.U.B, where ever you have posted it. If you could stop your polemic style we would be happy to discuss any further question you might have about our project. And, believe it or not, you are still welcome to become a member of the W.A.Z.Z.U.B Family; together we could activate the Power of “We”. Our best wishes and a happy New Year! The W.A.Z.Z.U.B Team - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Truth about WAZZUB or is Coca Cola really a scam? Dear WAZZUB Family, There are some articles out there on the Internet that state some “Facts” about our project and/or our company and then draw conclusions, most of them wrong. We do not have the time to answer on every single statement but we would like to give some general answers as follows: 1. Is WAZZUB a real company or a fake? WAZZUB is a real company registered under the laws of Oregon, USA and running its headquarters in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. We are an early-stage startup company that is still before launch of their main website. That means, we are still in development and many things will change during pre-launch. 2. Is your “Headquarters” a real office or just virtual? Our Las Vegas office is a real office. Right now (Mon, Jan 16, 12:30pm) there are 5 WAZZUB Team members present and working. We are using the services from Regus, that means, we have our own office space but we share receptionist area, conference rooms, kitchen and other services with other companies. Again, we are an early-stage startup and until we earn “real” money after launch we are on a budget. There is no need to invest into a fully owned office right now. 3. What about your registered office – there are a lot of companies registered at the same address - why? For tax reasons most U.S. based companies have their companies registered in a different state than their HQ is located. There are special companies offering services as a registered agent but they are not involved in the actual business of the company. The name of our registered Agent is Cathy Halverson and she is the registered agent for several hundred companies. That does not mean that our company is related to any other company that is registered at this address and for sure it is no sign that we try to hide something or that we are a scam. By the way, the most famous “registered office” address is used by more than 200,000 businesses. This address has its own page at Wikipedia. Check it out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1209_Orange_Street. For example, Coca Cola is registered there, as well as General Motors, Google and Verizon. Nobody would conclude that they are hiding something or that they try to scam people. It is our goal to make WAZZUB one of the big brands on the Internet and, following the advice of our CPA and attorneys, we set up our company structure as it should be – right from the beginning. 4. Why did the data on the Whois database for wazzub.com and wazzub.info change twice within a few months? When we found the perfect name for our project – WAZZUB – back in June 2011, the company was not yet founded; therefore one of our main investors registered the domains under his company name. After our company, GIT Global Investments Inc., was registered, we changed the Whois data including the address of our registered office. Now we opened our HQ and so we changed the Whois data to our operational address. 5. Who is the owner of your company? WAZZUB is owned by several investors. Right now they are building the team of directors and managers that will run our project after launch. There will be a page with all the important members of our team after the team is completed. Our Marketing Director Gee DaCosta is not one of the initiators; he is the team member that is most important now - during pre-launch. 6. You can find some info about Gee and his history in the MLM and Network Marketing industry. Is he just hopping from business to business? WAZZUB is not a network marketing company and it is not MLM. But we needed the skills of an experienced online marketer and Gee is the perfect match - and WAZZUB is the perfect business for Gee. He is very happy that he has found his “final” business and we know that WAZZUB will change the life of many, many others who are still on the search for the perfect internet opportunity. 7. You claim to have already invested more than $2 million into WAZZUB. Why is your pre-launch website and members’ area so “simple”? The money has been invested into the main project, not into the pre-launch pages. We are totally overwhelmed by the hundreds of thousands of members signing up. Unfortunately, this huge traffic caused some “challenges” like a lack of server capacity and more than 350,000 verification and password emails to be sent out. Most of our bugs and glitches are caused by the huge number of members that like our project. If we would have a pre-launch website with a lot of flash and video content it would slow down our servers dramatically. That is why we just kept it simple. Our state-of-the-art home page that will be launched on April 9 is a totally different story. Secured by several pending patents, it will be a totally new way to surf the Internet. 8. But there are so many search engines and home pages on the Internet. Is WAZZUB just another useless search engine? Oh, WAZZUB is so much more than a search engine. Imagine this: you start your Internet browser and find yourself on the perfect home page. There is a powerful search engine, the latest news exactly on those topics you are interested in,messages from your friends and family, the best deals on the Internet and useful links to your favorite websites. Imagine receiving valuable gifts and bonuses, just for using this powerful tool as your personal home page. 9. You promise to pay a lot of money to your pre-launch members. Where is that money coming from? We will monetize our website exactly the same way as companies like Google, Facebook, AOL and Yahoo monetize their websites - by displaying ads and special offers. The big difference is that we share profits with our pre-launch members. 50% of all profits will be paid to our pre-launch members just by joining for free and setting up our page as their home page. 10. Is there a risk when I join WAZZUB? We keep your data safe and never share it with third parties. You never have to pay us a single $ to get your share of our profits. Your only risk is investing time to invite other members. If nobody likes our final page we would earn no money and there would be no profits to share…BUT… GUESS WHAT? - We know for sure that won’t happen! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - How to Verify Your Account When You Received No Verification Email Simply click this link and follow the simple steps: VerifyHere ______________________________________________________________ URGENT WARNING TO ALL MEMBERS We've just been informed by one of our faithful members that there's an email going around pretending it's from WAZZUB asking for your personal details/information. This is a fraudulent email. WAZZUB will NEVER ask the members for their personal details via email. Before launch day, WAZZUB will have a profile page in the members area that you will need to fill out with the details that are required. Please beware, never respond to emails like this one (below "the English is bad too") specially if it's NOT coming from wazzub.com
On esitatud palju kordi ühte ja sama küsimust: Kui palju ikkagi peab inimesi olema sinu peres, et sa teeniksid alates 09.04.2012 iga kuu elu lõpuni vähemalt 4000USD? Vastus: Sa pead oma perekonda liitma vähemalt 5 inimest ise ja need viis peavad leidma 5, siis need viis jälle 5, jne kuni 5 korda. Ehk siis 5 taset, igal tasemel viis inimest ehk piltlikult 5 korruseline maja millel igal korrusel on 5 inimest:) Loodan et see vastus on kõigile arusaadav. Aga miks mitte leida 10 inimest ja nemad leivada ka kõik kümme ning teenida 40000-60000usd kuus?? Teil on aega 45 päeva selle saavutamiseks. Wazzub.com on proovimiseks avatud. Lähipäevil saadetakse eraldi kutsed, et senised liitunud saavad hakata seda Beta versiooni proovima ja saatma sealt juba kutseid oma Facebook sõpradele, et nad ka sinna perre tuleksid. Järgmiste uudisteni:)
Mina olen teie mentor ja hoolitsen selle eest, et Wazzub oluline info jõuaks teieni enne seda suurt avapauku, kui Wazzub suhtlusvõrgustik avatakse. Avamine toimub siis 09.04.2012. Nüüd tahangi teatada, et Wazzub avalikustas eile oma sotsiaalvõrgutiku domeeni *Beta* versiooni *WazzUb.com* . Kes on juba registreerinud kampaania käigus, mis lõppeb 09.04.2012, saavad tutvuda Beta versiooniga. Samuti saavad selle Beta versiooniga liituda kõik inimesed, kaasaarvatud sina. Need kes liituvad WazzUb.com portaaliga ja ei ole ennem liitunud kampaania käigus wazzub.info portaaliga, siis nemad raha ei saa. Seda uudist saad levitada ka oma liikmetele ja näidata kõigile kahtlejatele, et tegemist on reaalse sündmusega. Sul on nüüd lihtsam kutsuda inimesi liituma selle erakordse kampaania käigus, mis lõppeb 09.04.2012. ja sul on võimalus kasvatada om wazzub $ tegurit. Tähtis: signup.wazzub.info* jääb sinu jaoks, kes sa oled liitunud ja sinu konto on ka aktiivne. Jälgige, et sinu nime ees on roheline linnuke või kui ei ole sa saanud kinnitusmeili oma postkasti, siis võta minuga ühendust. Sina liidad võimalikult palju inimesi oma kutselingi alusel, saates seda oma tuttavatele. Pange tähele, seda saab teha ainult 09.04.2012 ni. Mida rohkem oled sa liitnud inimesi oma wazzub perre, seda rohkem sa raha edaspidi iga kuu teenid!! Registreerimine *wazzub.com* on teine asi ja peale 09.04.2012 saad kutsuda teisi liituma sellega. Seni aga kasuta agaralt võimalust ja kasvata oma $ tegurit, sest ainult wazzub.info liikmed saavad edaspidi wazzub.comvõrgustiku reklaamrahadest igakuiselt kasu ja seda elu lõpuni!! Jäta meelde, et need, kes liituvad wazzub perega nüüd, siis need jagavad * WazzUb.com* reklaamrahasid!! Seega on oluline, et sa hiljem kutsud inimesi juba liituma wazzub.com portaaliga, sest mida rohkem on selle portaali kasutajaid üle maailma, seda suuremad on reklaamirahad ja seda suurem on sinu edaspidine passiivne tulu iga kuu!!. Palun kontrollige, et teie konto on aktiivne: http://signup.wazzub.info . Kui ei ole, siis saate lasta uuesti saata endale kinnitusmeili. Registreerimisel peab kinnitusmeil tulema teie postkasti 10-20 sekundiga. Tuleb see tavaliselt rämpskirjade hulka ja otsige seda sealt. Kui seal ka ei ole siis järelikult ei tunnista wazzub teie e maili. Wazzub ei tunnista hot, hotmail, msn, widowslive, mail. Soovitan teha teil gmail või yahoo emaili konto. Siis õnnestub teil registreerimine. Kui ei õnnestunud registreerida esimesel korral, siis tehke seda uuesti siit: ***REFERAL LINGID ON KEELATUD!***
Disain on tõesti kehv. Eks kah endal on mõned kahtlused google ja fb osas. Sul on õigus, et sellega teenivad osad inimesed...ja ise olen rahul niikaua kui minu maksed on õigeaegsed:)
Enda arvamused võid endale hoida...sellist lolli mõla pole vaja ajada! Kas sa oled sellega kokkupuutunud, et oskad siin hinnata?
Otsisid kunagi lisatööd. Saadan teile info lisateenimise kohta, kus riski ei ole ja maksma ei pea midagi. Uus elevust tekitav WAZZUB alustab turu vallutamist mitmefunktsionaalse otsingumootoriga. WAZZUB soovib pakkuda alternatiivi ja konkurentsi Google`le ja Facebookile. WAZZUB on uus nähtus Internetis ja Sul on võimalik selle käivitamises osaleda! Võim on "meie käes!" Ole mis äris tahad, kuid aeg-ajalt otsid ikka ju uut informatsiooni. *Liitu tasuta ja kindlusta endale rahavoog! Ühe klikiga!* WAZZUB on mitme miljardi dollari käibega projekt. WAZZUB on võrreldav uue Googlega, kuid mõned funktsioonid on paremad. Google ei maksa kasutajatele midagi, kuid WAZZUB jagab 50% oma kasumist! *Sina ei pea midagi maksma - WAZZUB maksab Sulle!* Edasta oma tuttavatele eelavamise faasis liitumise võimalus ja saad osa loodavast kasumist. Ei midagi keerulist, inimesed lihtsalt liituvad Sinu linki kaudu ja ongi kõik! Kes soovib passiivset tulu, see liitub, kes mitte, jääb pealtvaatajaks. Ja nii lihtne see ongi! Tegutse kohe, sest boonuste saamiseks on vaja liituda *kuni 9. aprillini 2012a.!* Siis oled raha jagajate hulgas ja ülejäänud on juba lihtsalt kasutajad! Mida rohkem on Sinu linki kaudu liitunuid, seda suurem on Sinu tasu selle info edastamise eest Link registreerumiseks on siin: http://signup.wazzub.info/?lrRef=7c63a6d1 Liitumise kinnitust näed oma e-mailis ja siis tuleb klikkida saadetud lingil *(NB! Kinnituskoodiga emaili otsige rämpsposti või spämposti hulgast! Kuna Google poikoteerib Wazzub turule tulekut, siis on ta need meilid automaatselt rämpsuks arvanud!). *Peale kinnitamist sisened oma kontole ja saad sealt oma kontoga seotud kutse lingi, mida saadad oma tuttavatele edasi. Wazzub ei toeta hot, hotmail, mail, msn, ja firmade nimelisi aadresse!! Soovitan teha gmail või yahoo konto. SA EI MAKSA MIDAGI, SA EI MÜÜ MIDAGI, SA EI OSTA MIDAGI, SA EI JOO EGA SÖÖ MIDAGI, SEE EI OLE MLM EGA PÜRAMIID SKEEM!! SULLE MAKSTAKSE SELLE EEST ET OLED LIIGE!! Kui sa oled kutsunud liikmeks 5 inimest ja nemad on ka kõik 5 inimest kutsunud, siis sul on võimalik juba teenida passiivset tulu 4000USD kuus elu lõpuni!!!!! Sa ei usu, siis ära liitu!!! Kui sa julgesid tasuta liituda Facebookiga või Googlega, siis miks sa ei julge sama teha Wazzub iga, sest sellest tuleb uus "Facebook" ja sealt jagatakse reklaami raha sinuga!!! Mõtle, kaotada ei ole mitte kui midagi!!!!! Skeptikutele: Loe sealt http://wazzub.info/faq.htm . Twitter on seda teemat täis. Iga päev toimuvad webinarid, kus omanikud selgitavad seda äri uskmatutele ja uskujatele:)) Kui see asi ei ole tõsi, siis Google ja Facebook ei võitle selle Wazzub vastu, sest Wazzub võtab Googlelt ja Facebookilt reklaamiraha ära:))) Juba eelmine aasta hakati rääkima, et tuleb turule uus suhtlusvõrgustik ja uued netilahendused. Nüüd on see aeg käes. Oli kunagi Rate, see kadus ja tuli Orkut, siis kadus ka Orkut ja tuli Facebook, nüüd on aega Facebookil kaduda ja tuleb Wazzub, jne. Elu muutub koguaeg ja traditsioonilised ärimudeli kaovad. Käi muutustega kaasas ja sa saad osa suurtest rahadest! Põhiline on see, et enne 09.04. 2012 tuleb saada võimalikult palju liikmeid oma "perekonda". Peale 09.04.2012 hakatakse raha jagama. Esimene palgapäev Aga kui sulle ei meeldi tühjalt kohalt raha saada, siis ära tee midagi:)))))) Ela oma elu edasi ja pärast ära kahetse, kui su sõber, kes liitus, teenib sinust 10-100 korda rohkem!
Uurisin üle...juhul kui sinu aasta palk jääb alla 1700€ siis sa koolituste raha tagasi ei saa...tee parem koos ema või isaga...ja selle pole tähtsust, et sinu kontolt on makstud... Ja see värk toimib kuni saad 26.nda eluaastani
Välismaal käinud ei pruugi palju tagasi saada...nt kui välisriigis on maksumäär väiksem kui eesti siis peab ta selle vahe kinni plekkima...
Sky+ kuulan terve päev. Minu arvates on StarFm väga kehv...nii hommikprogramm kui ka muusika...mingi 1 laulu lasevad päevas mitu korda ning laul ise vb seaal 20-30a vana...
Omad tulud ja kulud sa leiad pangast ( osadel on juba pank need ülekandnud) ja osad peavad seda ise tegema (mina nt pidin). Sa võid nii e-maks minna kui ka kontorisse kui sa ise hakkama ei saa.
Helista ja küsi 1811
Oma tulud ja kulud!
Kui logid emta lehel sisse siis täidad ära ja siis näitab. Pangast küll ei näita seda summat palju tagasi saad.