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Postitused postitas -Yep.

  1. Tegelikult kui loete esimest postitust, ehk teema algatamisel siis ta -1,5b kahjumis, oleneb kui palju ta nüüd kaotanud on ja võitnud.

    Enam pole niipalju miinust, teen staket ja panen pilte ka siis! Et teemas püsida siis eile sain 2x samalt tüübilt neid. Pole mõtekas kahte sarnast pilti panema hakata. :D


    Mõned juurde:


    lambiseid summasid oli veel, aga ei viitsi pilti teha igakord


    30m win.jpg

    lamp mingi.jpg



  2. Pilte taheti ka, pange pange pildid ka :D




    Endal kodukino, Samsng ht-c445



    Teises toas siuke ka, ainult must on sinise asemel:



    Samsung max kt65


    Autos veel selline suppar :



    Ja selle karbis seisab vana selline:




    Kastiga joppas, uus istus täpselt vana aukudesse ja kohale. :D

    Kruvid sai isegi samadesse aukudesse keeratud.

  3. Hey everyone,


    We are aware of a Login Server going offline which may cause some issues for people to get into game. We are getting it rebooted as I make this post, so please be patient with us if you are having difficulties getting into game and we'll get this resolved as soon as possible!


    EDIT: Just wanted to add this to reassure you all. Your accounts are safe and there is no need to panic. We should have this issue solved as soon as possible!


    EDIT #2: Hey everyone, I have been informed that the login server should be back up within 1 hour. If it is not up by then, I will be back to inform you further on the matter. We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience this has caused for everyone and we are working hard to get you all back into game!


    EDIT #3: Locking thread as it appears to be used for players to spam. Please keep checking back to this post where I will update when more information is available.


    Furthermore, we are aware of some Grand Exchange and Friend List issues which may be linked. We are working on these and thank you all for informing us with this. Could we please refrain from excessive posting on the forums, bug tickets, technical ticketing system and e-mail systems as we are aware of these issues. Thank you again for your co-operation during this time and we apologise for the delay.



    Mod Mor

  • Loo uus...

Oluline informatsioon

Selle veebisaidi paremaks muutmiseks oleme teie seadmesse paigutanud küpsised . Võite kohandada oma küpsiste seadeid , vastasel juhul eeldame, et te olete küpsiste kasutamisega nõus kui jätkate veebisaidil sirvimist.. Palun lugege läbi Kasutustingimused ja Privaatsuspoliitika.