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Diary of Archi | Master of Hitpoints

Soovitatud postitused


Kena , kas jõuad Farming Dogist enne quest keebini , või jõuab tema? :D

Tehke võidu :P

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Author of the topic Postitas

mul mep 2.small favour tegemata ja suht palju teisi raskeid queste:P võidu ei tee

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noh noob pane pilte ;)


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Author of the topic Postitas

ma ei viitsi eriti nolada enam :) ma ei tea mida teha atm vbl questin natuke


Back to My Roots

Darkness Of Hallowvale

Dealing with Scabaras

Elemental Workshop

Enlightened Journey

Eyes Of Glouphrie

Feud, The

Forgettable Tale...

Grim Tales

Hazeel Cult

In Aid of the Myreque

Land of the Goblins

Monk's Friend

Mountain Daughter

Mourning's Ends Part II

My Arm's Big Adventure

Olaf's Quest

Path Of Glouphrie

Rag and Bone Man

Rat Catchers

Royal Trouble

Scorpion Catcher

Tower of Life

What Lies Below


millist teha

või teen farmi ja thiefi et siis saan kõiki queste teha

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Swang song , ja tower of life


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Author of the topic Postitas

Hakkasin One small favour'it tegema , Middleman soovitas;)



45 minutit närvikõdi:D jumala vastik quest sest seda juba 5 korda teind



tegin miniquesti ka et saada piety:)




wee sain bandoses k0 kaotasin whip, d boot,barrow glove,d mace,neitznot,zammy stole,wealth:)



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hea sitt said surma xD

täna meiepoole tuled?


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  ^pihw. ütles:
ära seal küll tee thefi sellise lvliga, mine ****miidi.



****miidi võid ise minna :D

"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."

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Author of the topic Postitas

tead kui kiire xp nendega?84 xp per one ja almost igakord õnnestub ma tegin 18k xp mingi 10 mintiga

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Author of the topic Postitas

nyyd lasen farmi 53 ja siis saan kõiki queste teha

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Author of the topic Postitas

huh puhkan rsist nädala:)

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Author of the topic Postitas


Hakkan siis aktiivsemalt jälle mängima. Ma tean sitasti lõikan aga pidin kuna need tyybid jäid magama kui lvl tuli

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Author of the topic Postitas

farm 52, homme saan 97 atk

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Gratzzz 9/10!

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Author of the topic Postitas

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Õnnitlused :)


RSN: Sir Tanel

Clan chat: Da Chunky

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Author of the topic Postitas

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