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♥ : ♥ (Hearts)

♡ : ♡ (Heart outline)

♠ : ♠ (Spades)

♤ : ♤ (Spade outline)

♦ : ♦ (Diamonds)

♢ : ♢ (Diamond outline)

♣ : ♣ (Clubs)

♧ : ♧ (Clubs outline)

• : • (Bullet)

† : † (Dagger)

‡ : ‡ (Double dagger)

ℑ : ℑ

ℜ : ℜ

ℵ : ℵ

◊ : ◊ (Lozenge)

℠ : ℠

℃ : ℃ (Celsius)

℉ : ℉ (Fahrenheit)

℅ : ℅

№ : №

℗ : ℗ (Protected)

℞ : ℞ (Prescription Rx)

☀ : ☀ (Sunshine)

☁ : ☁ (Cloudy)

☂ : ☂ (Rain)

☃ : ☃ (Snow)

☄ : ☄ (Comet)

★ : ★ (Star, solid)

☆ : ☆ (Star, outline)

☇ : ☇ (Lightning)

☈ : ☈ (Thunderstorm)

☉ : ☉ (Sun)

☊ : ☊ (Ascending node)

☋ : ☋ (Descending node)

☌ : ☌ (Conjunction)

☍ : ☍ (Opposition)

☎ : ☎ (Telephone)

☏ : ☏ (Telephone outline)

☐ : ☐ (Check box- empty. It IS supposed to be a block.)

☑ : ☑ (Check box- checked)

☒ : ☒ (Check box- X'ed)

☓ : ☓ (St. Andrew's Cross)

☠ : ☠ (Skull and crossbones)

☡ : ☡ (Caution sign)

☢ : ☢ (Radioactive sign)

☣ : ☣ (Biohazard sign)

☤ : ☤ (Caduceus)

☥ : ☥ (Ankh)

☦ : ☦ (Eastern Christian Cross)

☧ : ☧ (Chi Rho Cross)

☨ : ☨ (Patriarchal Cross)

☩ : ☩ (Greek Cross)

☪ : ☪ (Crescent Moon and Star)

☫ : ☫ (Farsi symbol)

☬ : ☬ (Adi Shakti)

☭ : ☭ (Hammer and sickle)

☮ : ☮ (Peace sign)

☯ : ☯ (Yin and Yang)

☰ : ☰ (Trigram Heaven)

☱ : ☱ (Trigram Lake)

☲ : ☲ (Trigram Fire)

☳ : ☳ (Trigram Thunder)

☴ : ☴ (Trigram Wind)

☵ : ☵ (Trigram Water)

☶ : ☶ (Trigram Mountain)

☷ : ☷ (Trigram Heaven)

☸ : ☸ (Dharma Wheel)

☹ : ☹ (Frowning face)

☺ : ☺ (Smiling face)

☻ : ☻ (Filled smiling face)

☽ : ☽ (Waxing crescent moon)

☾ : ☾ (Waning crescent moon)

☿ : ☿ (Mercury)

♀ : ♀ (Venus/Female symbol)

♁ : ♁ (Earth)

♂ : ♂ (Mars/Male symbol)

♃ : ♃ (Jupiter)

♄ : ♄ (Saturn)

♅ : ♅ (Uranus)

♆ : ♆ (Neptune)

♇ : ♇ (Pluto)

♈ : ♈ (Aries)

♉ : ♉ (Taurus)

♊ : ♊ (Gemini)

♋ : ♋ (Cancer)

♌ : ♌ (Leo)

♍ : ♍ (Virgo)

♎ : ♎ (Libra)

♏ : ♏ (Scorpio)

♐ : ♐ (Sagittarius)

♑ : ♑ (Capricorn)

♒ : ♒ (Aquarius)

♓ : ♓ (Pisces)

♔ : ♔ (White King)

♕ : ♕ (White Queen)

♖ : ♖ (White Rook)

♗ : ♗ (White Bishop)

♘ : ♘ (White Knight)

♙ : ♙ (White Pawn)

♚ : ♚ (Black King)

♛ : ♛ (Black Queen)

♜ : ♜ (Black Rook)

♝ : ♝ (Black Bishop)

♞ : ♞ (Black Knight)

♟ : ♟ (Black Pawn)

♨ : ♨ (Hot Springs)

✁ : ✁ (Cut above)

✂ : ✂ (Cut here)

✃ : ✃ (Cut below)

✄ : ✄ (Scissors)

✆ : ✆ (Public pay phone)

✇ : ✇ (Film reel/tape spool)

✈ : ✈ (Airport/jet/airplane)

✉ : ✉ (Envelope/mail)

✌ : ✌ (Victory sign/peace)

✍ : ✍ (Signature/sign here)

✎ : ✎ (Pencil- diagonal)

✏ : ✏ (Pencil)

✓ : ✓ (Check mark)

✔ : ✔ (Heavy check mark)

✖ : ✖ (Heavy multiplication sign)

✗ : ✗ (Ballot X)

✘ : ✘ (Heavy ballot X)

✝ : ✝ (Latin Roman Cross)

✞ : ✞ (Latin Cross- 3D)

✠ : ✠ (Maltese Cross)

✡ : ✡ (Star of David)

™ : ™ (Trademark/TM)

© : © (Copyright)

® : ® (Registered trademark)

… : … (Horizontal ellipsis)

‾ : ‾ (Overline)

˜ : ˜ (Small tilde)

ˆ : ˆ (Modifier circumflex accent)

– : – (En dash)

— : — (Em dash)

Ω : Ω (Ohm)

℧ : ℧ (Inverted Ohm)

¡ : ¡ (Inverted exclamation point)

¿ : ¿ (Inverted question mark)

¦ : ¦ (Broken vertical bar)

§ : § (Section)

¬ : ¬ (Negation)

¶ : ¶ (Paragraph)

· : · (Middle dot)

µ : µ (Micro)




♪ Musical Notes ♫

♩ : ♩ (Musical quarter note)

♪ : ♪ (Musical eighth note)

♫ : ♫ (Musical single bar note)

♬ : ♬ (Musical double bar note)

♭ : ♭ (Flat note)

♮ : ♮ (Natural note)

♮ : ♯ (Sharp note)




Æ Letter variations Ñ

À : À (Capital A, grave accent)

Á : Á (Capital A, acute accent)

 :  (Capital A, circumflex accent)

à : à (Capital A with a tilde)

Ä : Ä (Capital A, umlaut mark)

Å : Å (Capital A, ring)

Æ : Æ (Capital Æ )

Ç : Ç (Capital C, cedilla)

È : È (Capital E, grave accent)

É : É (Capital E, acute accent)

Ê : Ê (Capital E, circumflex accent)

Ë : Ë (Capital E, umlaut mark)

Ì : Ì (Capital I, grave accent)

Í : Í (Capital I, acute accent)

Î : Î (Capital I, circumflex accent)

Ï : Ï (Capital I, umlaut mark)

Ð : Ð (Capital ETH, Icelandic)

Ñ : Ñ (Capital N, tilde)

Ò : Ò (Capital O, grave accent)

Ó : Ó (Capital O, acute accent)

Ô : Ô (Capital O, circumflex accent)

Õ : Õ (Capital O, tilde)

Ö : Ö (Capital O, umlaut mark)

Ø : Ø (Capital O, slash)

Ù : Ù (Capital U, grave accent)

Ú : Ú (Capital U, acute accent)

Û : Û (Capital U, circumflex accent)

Ü : Ü (Capital U, umlaut mark)

Ý : Ý (Capital Y, acute accent)

Þ : Þ (Capital THORN, Icelandic)

Π: Π(Capital ligerature OE)

Š : Š (Capital S with caron)

ƒ : ƒ (F with hook)

Ÿ : Ÿ (Capital Y with diaeresis)


ß : ß (Small sharp s, German)

à : à (Small A, grave accent)

á : á (Small A, acute accent)

â : Â (Small A, circumflex accent)

ã : ã (Small A with a tilde)

ä : ä (Small A, umlaut mark)

å : å (Small A, ring)

æ : æ (Small æ )

ç : ç (Small C, cedilla)

è : è (Small E, grave accent)

é : é (Small E, acute accent)

ê : ê (Small E, circumflex accent)

ë : ë (Small E, umlaut mark)

ì : ì (Small I, grave accent)

í : í (Small I, acute accent)

î : î (Small I, circumflex accent)

ï : ï (Small I, umlaut mark)

ð : ð (Small ETH, Icelandic)

ñ : ñ (Small N, tilde)

ò : ò (Small O, grave accent)

ó : ó (Small O, acute accent)

ô : ô (Small O, circumflex accent)

õ : õ (Small O, tilde)

ö : ö (Small O, umlaut mark)

ø : ø (Small O, slash)

ù : ù (Small U, grave accent)

ú : ú (Small U, acute accent)

û : û (Small U, circumflex accent)

ü : ü (Small U, umlaut mark)

ý : ý (Small Y, acute accent)

þ : þ (Small THORN, Icelandic)

ÿ : ÿ (Small Y, umlaut mark)

œ : œ (Small ligature with OE)

š : š (Small s with caron)




¥ Currency ¥

¥ : ¥ (Yen)

€ : € (Euro)

¢ : ¢ (Cent)

£ : £ (Pound)

¤ : ¤ (Currency)




Θ Greek Letters Δ

Α : Α (Alpha)

Β : Β (Beta)

Γ : Γ (Gamma)

Δ : Δ (Delta)

Ε : Ε (Epsilon)

Ζ : Ζ (Zeta)

Η : Η (Eta)

Θ : Θ (Theta)

Ι : Ι (Iota)

Κ : Κ (Kappa)

Λ : Λ (Lambda)

Μ : Μ (Mu)

Ν : Ν (Nu)

Ξ : Ξ (Xi)

Ο : Ο (Omicron)

Π : Π (Pi)

Ρ : Ρ (Rho)

Σ : Σ (Sigma)

Τ : Τ (Tau)

Υ : Υ (Upsilon)

Φ : Φ (Phi)

Χ : Χ (Chi)

Ψ : Ψ (Psi)

Ω : Ω (Omega)


α : α (alpha)

β : β (beta)

γ : γ (gamma)

δ : δ (delta)

ε : ε (epsilon)

ζ : ζ (zeta)

η : η (eta)

θ : θ (theta)

ι : ι (iota)

κ : κ (kappa)

λ : λ (lambda)

μ : μ (mu)

ν : ν (nu)

ξ : ξ (xi)

ο : ο (omicron)

π : π (pi)

ρ : ρ (rho)

σ : σ (sigma)

τ : τ (tau)

υ : υ (upsilon)

φ : φ (phi)

χ : χ (chi)

ψ : ψ (psi)

ω : ω (omega)




← Arrows →

← : ← (Leftwards arrow)

→ : → (Rightwards arrow)

↑ : ↑ (Upwards arrow)

↓ : ↓ (Downwards arrow)

↔ : ↔ (Left-right arrow)

↵ : ↵ (Carriage return)

⇐ : ⇐ (Leftwards double arrow)

⇑ : ⇑ (Upwards double arrow)

⇒ : ⇒ (Rightwards double arrow)

⇓ : ⇓ (Downwards double arrow)

⇔ : ⇔ (Double left-right arrow)

☚ : ☚ (Left-pointing index finger)

☛ : ☛ (Right-pointing index finger)

☝ : ☝ (Upwards-pointing index finger)

☟ : ☟ (Downwards-pointing index finger)




∞ Math Symbols ∞

√ : √ (Square root/radical)

∴ : ∴ (Therefore)

∞ : ∞ (Infinity)

∑ : ∑ (N-ary sumation)

∇ : ∇ (Nabla)

∀ : ∀ (For all)

∅ : ∅ (Empty set = null set = diameter)

∠ : ∠ (Angle)

∪ : ∪ (Union = cup)

∩ : ∩ (Intersection = cap)

∨ : ∨ (Logical and = vee)

∝ : ∝ (Proportional to)

∏ : ∏ (N-ary product = product sign)

∋ : ∋ (Contains as member)

∉ : ∉ (Not an element of)

∈ : ∈ (Element of)

∃ : ∃ (There exists)

∂ : ∂ (Partial differential)

− : − (Minus sign)

∗ : ∗ (Asterik operator)

∼ : ∼ (Tilde operator = varies with = similar to)

≈ : ≈ (Almost equal to = asyptotic to)

≠ : ≠ (Not equal to)

≡ : ≡ (Identical to)

≤ : ≤ (Less-than or equal to)

≥ : ≥ (Greater-than or equal to)

⊂ : ⊂ (Subset of)

⊃ : ⊃ (Superset of)

⊄ : ⊄ (Not a subset of)

⊆ : ⊆ (Subset of or equal to)

⊇ : ⊇ (Superset of or equal to)

⊕ : ⊕ (Circled plus = direct sum)

⊗ : ⊗ (Circled times = vector product)

⊥ : ⊥ (Up tack = orthagonal to = perpendicular)

⋅ : ⋅ (Dot operator)

° : ° (Degree)

± : ± (Plus or minus)

× : × (Multiplication)

÷ : ÷ (Division)

∧ : ∧ (Logical and, wedge)

∫ : ∫ (Integral)

≅ : ≅ (Approximately equal to)

¹ : ¹ (Superscript 1)

² : ² (Superscript 2)

³ : ³ (Superscript 3)




⌈ Technical ⌉

⌈ : ⌈ (Left ceiling)

⌉ : ⌉ (Right ceiling)

⌊ : ⌊ (Left floor)

⌋ : ⌋ (Right floor)

⟨ : 〈 (Left pointing angle bracket = bra)

⟩ : 〉 (Right pointing angle bracket = ket)




& : & (Ampersand)

> : > (Greater-than, closing bracket)

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