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Et sooviksin siis ostetud SQL DB restore-da aga tuleb selline error (MyBB)
ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 13424: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''File: /merge/resources/modules/posts.php Line: 65 Function: Log->datatrace -> \' at line 1
Line 13424: INSERT INTO mybb_debuglogs (`dlid`,`type`,`message`,`timestamp`) VALUES ('12934','8','File: /merge/resources/modules/posts.php Line: 65 Function: Log->datatrace -> \r\nFile: /merge/boards/mybb/posts.php Line: 34 Function: Converter_Module_Posts->insert -> \r\nFile: /merge/index.php Line: 1069 Function: MYBB_Converter_Module_Posts->import -> \r\n$insert_array: array (\n \'tid\' => \'625\',\n \'replyto\' => \'0\',\n \'subject\' => \'Hai my names V i t a l\',\n \'username\' => \'νιтαℓ™\',\n \'fid\' => \'13\',\n \'uid\' => \'145\',\n \'dateline\' => \'1343346168\',\n \'message\' => \'Hey guys V i t a l here just wanted to introduce myself here as i will try to post alot here.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\ni am a xbox 360 player i like to play : \\\\r\\\\n[align=center]MW3[/align]\\\\r\\\\n[align=center]Black Ops[/align]\\\\r\\\\n[align=center]Black Ops Zombies[/align]\\\\r\\\\n[align=center]COD4[/align]\\\\r\\\\n[align=center]Sometimes Cod5 zombies/Multiplayer[/align]\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nif you want to play with me on any of the games above.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nPM me on here
\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nthanks for reading\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n-V I T A L\',\n \'ipaddress\' => \'\',\n \'longipaddress\' => \'1545509110\',\n \'includesig\' => \'1\',\n \'smilieoff\' => \'0\',\n \'edituid\' => \'0\',\n \'edittime\' => \'0\',\n \'icon\' => \'18\',\n \'visible\' => \'1\',\n \'posthash\' => \'b0134a609daf198478b134eefffa416e\',\n \'pid\' => \'\',\n)','1365020316');
Line 65 :INSERT INTO mybb_adminlog (`uid`,`ipaddress`,`dateline`,`module`,`action`,`data`) VALUES ('1','','1365051497','config-plugins','activate','a:2:{i:0;s:11:\"pagemanager\";i:1;b:1;}');
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