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Server kiilub kinni 1-2 sek

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Logides pole kirjas??


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See võibgi põhjustada kiilumise. Googelda seda või otsi mingi targem inimene kes jagab seda.


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ei, ainuke imelik asi mis sinna nyyd tekkinud on, on see "[DPROTO]: traffic temporary blocked from for flooding" ja neid ridu on seal sadu erinevate ipdega


Meil serveritel samamoodi.. http://vahvel.net/showthread.php?150184-Flood


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Author of the topic Postitas

okei, ma ise m6tlesin ka, et peale seda ongi server nagu jamama hakanud, olen proovinud ka dprotot vahetada, aga siiamaani pole aidanud



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Because of my hands growing from ass it's possible to use running HLDS servers with dproto as an amplification point of reflected DDoS attacks (with source IP spoofing).

The picture below explains what I'm talking about:



As you can see, amplification ratio is 2000 to 60, so hacker can generate ~2Gbit/sec of UDP flood on victim with only 60Mbit/sec utilization of his internet channel. Normally, this should not happen because server should check if this particular client is allowed to send a request that generates large answer. This is done by "challenges" system:

1. First, client sends a "challenge request" request.

2. Server generates random number called "challenge" and assigns it with client's ip and returns to client.

3. Any other requests from client should be sent with challenge number returned by server. Server must check that challenge in those requests is the same as challenge assigned to client's IP.

The problem is that challenge checking is not implemented in dproto. 0.9.177 build fixes that.


Sa ei saa muud teha, kui uuendada oma HLDS buildi ja panna peale kõige uuem dproto, mis eemaldab sinu 'botnetist', mida kasutatakse serverite ründamiseks. Packeteid saadetakse sinu serveri IP-le ikkagi, aga hacker ei saa kasutada sinu serverit ründamiseks. (http://cs.rin.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=55986)

pic.php?id=9Skype triple.-

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Sama teema, siianii pole korda saanud kui vaadanud igasuguseid õpetusi, help ;!


Vahetasin dproto ära, uuendasin servud. still not working :S

Sevengaming hosting - CS 1.6, SA-MP, MTA (( DDOS PROTECTED ))

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