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Author of the topic Postitas



06scape trailer tuli välja. Mixitud kokku erinevate mängijate salvestustest.


Mõni aeg tagasi tehti küsitlus, kas 1x või 2x exp rate.

Tulemused praegu:

1x 59%

2x 41%


Et 06scape ka tulevikus ära elaks on pakutud sellised ideed välja:


Donator Benefits

As many of you should already know, Alpha will be free for anyone who wishes to play. The last thing we want to do is introduce any sort of donator benefits, but if we don't get enough donations to keep the server running, we will have to make use of it.


Several months ago, a thread was posted in the Suggestions section of the forum for players to suggest possible donator benefits that would be viable for 2006Scape. Below is a list of benefits that I would accept:


Extra bank slots

Extra friends and ignore list slots

Option to switch to 459 gameframe (you would pick which gameframe you want before loading the webclient)

Donator-only worlds (possibly have updates come out a few days before non-Donator worlds)

Donator-only forum section

BBCode on forums (only Bold, Italics, Underline)

Name switch/change (you would only be able to change it once per month)

Reset any combat skill (would help pures who accidently level, say, to 2 defence)


Kusjuures asi tuleb välja hilis-septembris ning alguses on ainult f2p world ja f2p questid. Hiljem hakatakse samm-sammult laiendama p2p linnu jne. Worlde tuleb mitu..






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Author of the topic Postitas



Toimus xp rate hääletus, mille võitis 1x xp rate.

1x exp rate sai 1202 häält, 2x exp rate sai 932 häält. Üpris tasavägine ja nad pidid raske otsuse tegema. Kuna suurem osa rahvast ütles 1x, siis otsustati, et see ka jääb. Lisaks sellele veel põhjendusi, miks peaks 1x olema:


"We have chosen to go with the experience rate of 1x. This is for a few reasons:


1) This is a remake of RuneScape as it once was in 2006, so it only makes sense to keep it that way.

2) Things would be unbalanced, and items would be looked over or deemed useless if the experience rate was higher than 1x. For example, lower-leveled armor would have little-to-no value because no one would wear it (why buy iron armour, when you can simply skip straight to steel if the experience rate was higher than 1x). With the experience rate of 1x, everything keeps the same "value".

3) Everything stays balanced with an experience rate of 1x.


However, before you get excited or before you rage, there is one thing you need to know:


Once we are a few weeks into Alpha (most likely 2-3 weeks in), we will have one more poll to confirm that everyone is comfortable with the experience rate of 1x.

The staff team has a feeling that many of you will change your minds, and this poll will help find out if the experience rate of 1x is really the best thing for the server."



Ma arvan, et juba mõne aja pärast mängijaskond tüdineb ning hakkab 2x exp rate nõudma. Eks näis.


Alpha pole veel väljas, kuid peaks selle kuu keskel või lõpus tulema. Alphani tehakse 7-days countdown.

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RS2006 sai hacki.

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aga nüüd oktoobris:D



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Author of the topic Postitas

Pole hullu, prealpha tuli ka viivitusega välja.


Ma millegi pärast arvan, et see rs 2006 ei tulegi välja, lihtsalt korjati annetusi ja nüüd ütlevad, et sry.


Sul võib õigus olla, seda ei saa välistada aga poisid on nii palju tööd siia sisse pannud. Ei saa eeldada, et see töö oleks kõik tasuta tehtud. Kui nad oleks pidanud kõik oma taskust kinni maksma, et meie tasuta mängida saaksime, siis poleks rs06 niigi kaugele jõudnud nagu see praegu on.


Pealegi arendajad on irl'is teada ja neid ootaks päris karm saatus, kui nad kogu kommuuni üle laseksid ja ise selle arvelt rikastuksid.

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295k+ kasutajaid. Loodan, et see asi hakkab toimima, sest 2006 ajad olid lihtsalt üle prahi, ise regasin ära juba.

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Stability Test: October 6, 2012 at 4 PM EST

Alpha: October 13, 2012 at 3 PM EST

Muudetud liikme M@rvin'i poolt

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Jälle lükati edasi lol :D

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