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K?us: CSDM

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Mul endal olemas see aga seal ei tule weapon menu ette ja mingi kamm oli veel.


Vaata oma modules.ini üle, et seal oleks ikka cstrike moodul olemas.

ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ flex your dongers ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ

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Make sure you have AMX Mod X 1.60 or higher installed.

Download CSDM 2.0.

Upload/copy the contents of the configs folder (csdm.cfg and the csdm folder containing the map spawn files) to your amxmodx/configs folder on your server.

Upload the contents of the plugins folder to amxmodx/plugins on your server.
Upload the contents of the modules folder to amxmodx/modules on your server.

Add this line to your amxmodx/configs/modules.ini file:
;Counter-Strike Deathmatch Module

Open amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini. CSDM comes with a few plugins by default. You should only add the ones you plan on using:
csdm_main.amxx - Main plugin, required for most things
csdm_equip.amxx - Weapons and equipment menus
csdm_spawn_preset.amxx - Preset spawning (each map must have a spawn file in amxmodx/configs/csdm/)
spawn_editor.amxx - Edits/creates spawn points for maps
csdm_misc.amxx - Miscellanious extra features
csdm_tickets.amxx - Round ticketing (each team only has X number of spawns before they lose)
csdm_protection.amxx - Sets spawn protection

For each plugin you wish to use, add their filename to amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini. It is safe to add plugins you won't use all the time; you can configure their settings and enable/disable them through amxmodx/configs/csdm.cfg.
[u]Add the following line to amxx.cfg or server.cfg:[/u]
[b]csdm_active 1[/b]

Fully restart your server and you will be ready to go with a default setup!


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