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MINA SERVERID | www.xminax.com

Kas minna üle GameBanki serveritega?  

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  1. 1. Kas minna üle GameBanki serveritega?

Soovitatud postitused

Author of the topic Postitas

Veame, et on ostetud?

Kui sa ei tea ära aja alusettu juttu palun, vaata ja paranda mis sa ise teed eks.

Aga jah bump!


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Author of the topic Postitas

Õige ip on see.


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Author of the topic Postitas
sitad serverid, lagivad ning cheaterid sees. Admiinid ei tee oma t66d yldse. EI SOOVITA.


See, et server laagib ei ole meie viga gh viga, ja cheater oled sina kallis TYS0N!


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See, et server laagib ei ole meie viga gh viga, ja cheater oled sina kallis TYS0N!


taun pane oma suu kinni juba cheateri juttuga nonner. Sa pole n2inud, kuidas ma m2ngin viimasel ajal lohh rsk.

Serverid on ikka sitad

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Author of the topic Postitas
taun pane oma suu kinni juba cheateri juttuga nonner. Sa pole n2inud, kuidas ma m2ngin viimasel ajal lohh rsk.

Serverid on ikka sitad


Nonner, ma oman steami ebardist netiheero, on sitad siis on tee paremad.


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Author of the topic Postitas
Minul oli kunagi 10 korda parem server, niiet jahm...


OK ausalt mind see ei huvita.


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Author of the topic Postitas
klaceN kle, mis fonti on kasutatud MINA SERVERS Logo tegemisel ?


Ma ei oska öelda, pole minu tehtud :D


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Author of the topic Postitas

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Author of the topic Postitas

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Author of the topic Postitas

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Edu!, Head Serverid, on oodata ka uusi servereid?

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Author of the topic Postitas

Hetkel mitte ma loodan, veits nadi aeg on, rahvast pole jne.


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Author of the topic Postitas

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Author of the topic Postitas




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Author of the topic Postitas
Head Serverid.




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Author of the topic Postitas

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Author of the topic Postitas

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Author of the topic Postitas

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