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The Rift of Telara MMOrpg

Soovitatud postitused


NB. Mängul praegu BETA


Järgmine beta event.

Friday, Feb. 4, 2011 at 10:00 AM PST (18:00 GMT) through 10:00 AM PST (18:00 GMT) on Monday, Feb. 7, 2011


Kes inglise keelt oskab siis:


Mysterious rifts are tearing the world of Telara apart. A powerful magic explosion during the final days of the Shade War has left the veil between Telara and other planar dimensions fractured and torn.


Treacherous and powerful, these rifts occur when another plane of reality intersects with the magical Ward protecting Telara. Rifts create doorways for planar invasion, destroying the lands and people of Telara, but they may also grant otherworldly power to those brave enough to seize it.


Now no part of Telara is truly safe. Invasions can occur anywhere and at any time, and the danger to the world is growing. Two major factions have emerged to save the world of Telara from the rifts: the Guardian and the Defiant. Each faction works in different ways to preserve Telara's future, and both seek to undermine the other.


While little is known about the exact nature of the rifts, Telaran scholars, priests, and historians strive to unlock the mysteries of these massive portals. It is believed that the rifts are being caused by direct attacks on the magical Ward surrounding Telara. Regulos, the dragon god of extinction, seeks to free his imprisoned minions of the Blood Storm trapped deep inside Telara. These attacks weaken the veil and cause planar disruptions that open the destructive rifts across the world.


Often, rifts appear in the world as a tear in the fabric of reality. Powerful magic has been used to study these anomalies, and sometimes they have been opened inadvertently, resulting in great tragedy. But there is still much to learn from these destructive forces. Can riftic power be harnessed by sorcery? Can powerful beings enter the rifts to venture into the deadly planes beyond? How many planes really exist?


With rifts, only one thing is certain — if they are not stopped, the world of Telara will surely end.












System Requirements


Windows XP/Vista/W7

2GB System RAM

Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core processor E2180 (2.0GHz)

512 MB Direct3D and Shader 2.0b compatible video card (512MB NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT)

8xDVD-ROM Drive

DirectX 9.0c

DirectX 8.1 Compliant Sound Card

Keyboard, Mouse

Broadband Internet Connection (Internet Connection using DSL, Cable Modem or other high speed connection)





Mängus tulevad nn. väravad(rifts), mida sa saad avada ,nende kaudu tulevad teisest dimensioonist elukad, keda sa võid rewardi pärast tappa.

Riftidest võivad tulla ka nn. vallutajad, kes suure kambaga külasid üle võtavad(tapavad npc'd ära), kui sul quest tehtud ja tahad questi andjaga rääkida, siis võid sellega arvestada, et pead küla tagasi vallutama, sest elukad on su quest NPC ära tapnud ja valvavad enda kivi, mis neile jõudu annab.

Erinevate dimensioonide elukad tapavad ka üksteist.


On ka dungeone, mida ilma grupita ei ole võimalik ära teha.


On ka tavalisi elukaid.





Mängus on PVP serverid, kus on avatud pvp!

2 rassi, kes üksteist tapavad.




*tapa x elukat

*korja x asja

*teistsugused questid nt. kustuta tuld jne

*tapa elukaid ja saa x asja






Beta Key'd otsas!




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Author of the topic Postitas
Ma ei viitisnud eriti lugeda, aga kas see läheb siis p2p kui beta läbi?


Pay to play jah


---------- Post added 22-01-11 at 15:59 ----------


Tere, mina olen KDFX Videotiimi asutaja, ning sooviks täpsemalt teada sellest VIP Key'st.. Kuna sooviks teha videoid sellest mängust. Kas võiksid postkastist lähemalt rääkida ?



Räägi täpsemalt palun.

Kui sa oleks lihtsalt küsinud, siis ma oleks vip key'd ka sinuga jaganud ;)


---------- Post added 22-01-11 at 16:00 ----------


Pikemat aega oodanud seda juba. Katsetaks ka hea meelega ära :) Võiksite mulle ka VIP keyd jagada...

th3N00b jah see läheb p2p kui välja tuleb, vähemalt minu info kohaselt.


Aga palun.


---------- Post added 22-01-11 at 16:02 ----------


Oleks soov proovida.


Keegi Key'd saaks anda?



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Kas see on teisipäev ja mis kell?


Aint ühe korra saan mängida ?




---------- Post added 22-01-11 at 19:32 ----------


Ja mis seal betas teha sai ?? :)


Eestis peaks hakkama 20.00


Teha saad seda, mis on selle Eventiga kaasas. :)

Mängida saad niikaua kuni beta läbi saab, ehk 28. jaanuar.

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Et beta eventidest osa võtta on clientit vaja ju... Ja vaevalt et nad selle tasuliseks teinud on... Kui sa tahad preorderida mängu selle eest sa jah maksad...

Edit: Leidsin, nad olid saatnud uue kirja mulle postkasti :P


Sa beta tõmbasid?


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Author of the topic Postitas

Järgmine beta event:

Friday, Feb. 4, 2011 at 10:00 AM PST (18:00 GMT) through 10:00 AM PST (18:00 GMT) on Monday, Feb. 7, 2011


Reede 04.02.2011 20:00 - esmaspäev 07.02.2011 kell 20:00




Vip key

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