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Hell in Heaven 317/525 uskumatu server!

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It actually has 525 graphics, no kidding! But it is actually 317 and that makes it stable.

Full godwars dungeon, all NPCs, bosses, minions just like real RS.

All skillcape emotes just like real RS.

All GS stances, specials just like real RS.

Every each weapon special attack works just perfectly.

New abyssal whip, emote.

Emotion delays (means that you cant do anything else when doing an emote, including walking)

All emotes are just like real rs (Air guitar, snowman dance, freezing, safety first, everything)

Tormented demon fully animated, has all the attacks like real RS and all the GFXs and emotes are like real RS.

Home is varrock, all the shops you need are around it.

All 24 skills work just perfectly, and a special area for training non-combat skills.

Travelery and Brim dungeons both perfectly done, all monsters in them.

Every each slayable NPC on the server is just PERFECT, all of them drop something, and all of them are fully animated.

Many places to train yourself.

Turmoil prayers work 100%

Modern, ancient, lunar spells all 100%

Combat system all 100% PvP and PvN

Special area for 1v1 PvP.

Dragon claws special attack isnt different either, emote, special attack, GFX when specialling 100%. Even on NPCs

There is so much to tell and show that I can’t just remember everything, come and see everything yourself.

And we are still looking for trustable staff!



Pictures and info on RuneLocus

Youtube video


I hope I will see you ingame soon! Bye

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Webclient ei tööta ja tavalist clienti ei saa DL'ida =/


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