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Mr. Kpa's Diary

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kus muidu alguses agit tegid?


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Author of the topic Postitas


kus muidu alguses agit tegid?


1-45/50 Gnome

45/50-60 barbarian

60-... wildy

"I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world , but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world." Tupac Amaru Shakur 1971-1996

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Author of the topic Postitas
Muide,Pac mul klassivend ja see kutt küll 2h päevas ple runes,terve päeva passib arvutis ja koolis rääkis koguaeg,kuidas botib,niiet millal banned?


1. 2h ma olen runes max., arvutis olen kuidas juhtub, täna mingi 15min olnud ruunis, eile olin ka umbes 1h, tegin 22-33 rc

2. botist ma pole sulle selle acciga rääkinud, bottisin ühte magerit, 10hp 79mage oli kui banni sain-.-


niiet gf, u failed

"I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world , but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world." Tupac Amaru Shakur 1971-1996

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Author of the topic Postitas
Jajaaa,sa oled koguaeg runes ja ma tean,et agilityt bottisid.


nu sitalt tead siis. ma pole sellega kordagi bottinud.. suckmydcik - acciga bottisin


niiet, gf u failed. repordi kui tahad siis:)

"I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world , but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world." Tupac Amaru Shakur 1971-1996

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Jajaaa,sa oled koguaeg runes ja ma tean,et agilityt bottisid.


Rebi veel heeliumipallike.


Acc on kena :P Meeldib.

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Author of the topic Postitas

"I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world , but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world." Tupac Amaru Shakur 1971-1996

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Edu kasutajaga. 4p

Kas sa ise ka mõistad, millise idioodi mulje sa endast jätad? Siin internetis mölisemine on nagu paraolümpia, isegi kui sa võidad, oled ikka hälvik.

- mine arene oma parooliga edasi.


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pidin siis midagi peacefulliga tegema:



aa, sain 40rc ka :P



"I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world , but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world." Tupac Amaru Shakur 1971-1996

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Author of the topic Postitas



"I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world , but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world." Tupac Amaru Shakur 1971-1996

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Ära ei ole surnud seal? :D

Kena. 6p

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Ära ei ole surnud seal? :D

Kena. 6p


1 leveli jooksul keskmiselt 3-4 korda suren:P

"I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world , but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world." Tupac Amaru Shakur 1971-1996

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Author of the topic Postitas



agi nüüd

"I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world , but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world." Tupac Amaru Shakur 1971-1996

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Nice agility.

Eesti mees.

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Author of the topic Postitas



mingeid cannonballe tegema.

tegin questi ennem ära

"I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world , but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world." Tupac Amaru Shakur 1971-1996

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