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Lockerzi arutlus/showoff


Esiteks ütlen kohe ära, et see teema ei ole selle eesmärgiga et kedagi joinida või õhutada kedagi liituma endale kasu teenimiseks!

Niiet palun ärge seda tehke.



Nii, on keegi kursis sellega, kas ka Eestisse saab kunagi midagi sealt tellida? Ise olen teeninud tänaseni 190 punkti ausal viisil ja loodan tellida endale psp-d 200 punkti eest. Aga järjest rohkem hakkab tunduma et see pole võimalik .


Lisaks sellele sain umbes nädal või kaks tagasi Z-listi liikmeks ja siiani pole veel särk koju jõudnud.


Mis te arvate sellest? Kas jäävadki kõik riigid peale usa/canada tahaplaanile ?

On teist keegi särgi saanud? jne jne.....




Sain täna särgi kätte. Tundub et tegu ei olegi scammiga :)



Hetkel tellitud asjad





4GB Shuffle - Black

Total PTZ value: 200 PTZ

Order Date: 11/23/09


Ning teine asi






Green Bracelet - 2 GB

Total PTZ value: 40 PTZ


Order Date: 11/23/09



Lisan ka pildid kui kohale jõuab!!!

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Loodame, et on.. ise võtan vist gift kaardi, kuna taxi maksta ka suht nadi.


Samas keegi teab mis miinimum on, millega raha ei võeta ja mingit übernussi ei teki, tean, et on olemas mingi piir kas siis ntx 500EEK vms.


100 euri oli vist, ehk siis kuskil 1500 eek.

Täna arvatavasti restock jah :) Proovin mini läpakat saada siis :D

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lähen 4gb nano järgi

Kas sa ise ka mõistad, millise idioodi mulje sa endast jätad? Siin internetis mölisemine on nagu paraolümpia, isegi kui sa võidad, oled ikka hälvik.

- mine arene oma parooliga edasi.


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MAci järgi :P

Mis kell siis umbes?




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Palju saab PayPal-i raha Mitme PTZ eest?




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endal 901 PTZi võtan PayPali raha, kui täna peaks tulema. Isiklikult arvan, et pühapäeval mingi 00:00 tuleb alles


Mul täpselt sama palju :D

Ma vaatan, palju PP dollareid saab, aga arvatavasti võtan ikka läpaka.

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Mul täpselt sama palju :D

Ma vaatan, palju PP dollareid saab, aga arvatavasti võtan ikka läpaka.

Sama :P



Redemption reminder: Autofill and roboform are allowed, but use of bots, scripts, repeated refreshing, or anything that violates our Terms of Use is forbidden, and can get you banned from the site.

HEHE :D(H) AUTOFILLERID TÖÖLE! :P Endal on.:cool::-):eat:




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Ise lähen proovin iPod 32 saada. 64jast jääb puudu natuke :(

Tommy: "You know what I discovered - it's not who you want to spend Friday night with, it's who you want to spend all day Saturday with..."

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Redemption update:


1. We have thousands and thousands of prizes for this redemption, including the most popular electronics and gifts suggested by our members.


2. In response to our international members' concerns about duties and taxes on prizes--we've heard you loud and clear! We'll have thousands of e-gifts.


3. We will have many of the same prizes from the last redemption, and we won't raise PTZ levels on those prizes.


4. We do not allow exchanges, returns, cancellations or PTZ refunds on prizes. Please select very carefully.


5. To give everyone a chance, members are only allowed to redeem (1) prize each redemption.


6. Redemption can happen anytime: night, day, weekdays, weekends -- so get ready!


7. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.



Täna tuleb raudselt :D Või siis öösel :P

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Redemption update:

1. We have thousands and thousands of prizes for this redemption, including the most popular electronics and gifts suggested by our members.

2. In response to our international members' concerns about duties and taxes on prizes--we've heard you loud and clear! We'll have thousands of e-gifts.

3. We will have many of the same prizes from the last redemption, and we won't raise PTZ levels on those prizes.

4. We do not allow exchanges, returns, cancellations or PTZ refunds on prizes. Please select very carefully.

5. To give everyone a chance, members are only allowed to redeem (1) prize each redemption.

6. Redemption can happen anytime: night, day, weekdays, weekends -- so get ready!

7. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.



Tundub, et ei ole täna.

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Keegi oskaks selle "formi" siia kirjutada, mis täita tuleb.?


That's what I asked too.


Ise 8gb touch vist. 560 ptz eest 16GB ei saa?

16GB minu teada ei olegi, on 8, 32 ja 64. Pole kindel.

Tommy: "You know what I discovered - it's not who you want to spend Friday night with, it's who you want to spend all day Saturday with..."

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ahjaa, võib olla küll. Mitu puntki 32gb on, keegi teab?

600 ei olnud? Ma ise ka ei mäleta enam.

Tommy: "You know what I discovered - it's not who you want to spend Friday night with, it's who you want to spend all day Saturday with..."

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Kurat, võiks täna mingi 00.00 ära tulla :P




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Redemption update:


1. We have thousands and thousands of prizes for this redemption, including the most popular electronics and gifts suggested by our members.


2. In response to our international members' concerns about duties and taxes on prizes--we've heard you loud and clear! We'll have thousands of e-gifts.


3. We will have many of the same prizes from the last redemption, and we won't raise PTZ levels on those prizes.


4. We do not allow exchanges, returns, cancellations or PTZ refunds on prizes. Please select very carefully.


5. To give everyone a chance, members are only allowed to redeem (1) prize each redemption.


6. Redemption can happen anytime: night, day, weekdays, weekends -- so get ready!


7. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.


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Redemption update:


1. We have thousands and thousands of prizes for this redemption, including the most popular electronics and gifts suggested by our members.


2. In response to our international members' concerns about duties and taxes on prizes--we've heard you loud and clear! We'll have thousands of e-gifts.


3. We will have many of the same prizes from the last redemption, and we won't raise PTZ levels on those prizes.


4. We do not allow exchanges, returns, cancellations or PTZ refunds on prizes. Please select very carefully.


5. To give everyone a chance, members are only allowed to redeem (1) prize each redemption.


6. Redemption can happen anytime: night, day, weekdays, weekends -- so get ready!


7. Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.



Seda on juba 2 korda ennem postitatud....

Täna vist restocki ei tule :S

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Seda on juba 2 korda ennem postitatud....

Täna vist restocki ei tule :S

Eks ole näha

Kas sa ise ka mõistad, millise idioodi mulje sa endast jätad? Siin internetis mölisemine on nagu paraolümpia, isegi kui sa võidad, oled ikka hälvik.

- mine arene oma parooliga edasi.


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Põnevus tapab :D Raudselt mingi nelja aeg on :D




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Seda on juba 2 korda ennem postitatud....

Täna vist restocki ei tule :S


Kolm on kohtu seadus :)


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