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ARVAMUS: End of RSBot  

103 liiget on hääletanud

  1. 1. ARVAMUS: End of RSBot

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RuneScape 1 - RSBot 0




Jagex has made a very smart move against stopping bots this time.

The RuneTek5 update is in fact as big as they say.


In this update they outdated the earlier client which bots uses today. It was the client that was used by normal users which had a lower java version than 1.4.3. Jagex has now realized that there is no one except botters that use this anymore and has disabled it. I was aware that this would happen once I saw the developer blog earlier.


The new client:

There is so many changes to the internal system that it is about just as easy to write a totally new bot. Even tho the bigger part is the same, the parts that is really important to us botters has changed.


The parts that is important to us is the handling of NPC, Players, Objects, camera and rendering. Which also happen to match up with whats changed.


Whilst NPC and Player classes is somewhat the same as earlier the system for Objects and rendering models is way different in structure.


Before all rendered objects, characters on screen derived from a single class we can call RenderedObject. Before there was a total of 8 derived classes.


In the new game engine (RuneTek5), there is a total of 19 derived classes. This is a pretty big difference.


This is far from the only changes that makes it a whole lot harder.

Before the object system worked like this:

There was an array of tiles. Each tile had pointers to PhysicalObjects located on top of this.


each PhysicalObject had a UID which you could get the location, id and model from.


All this is now totally reworked and nothing indicates on that they use a similar system today. (I have yet to figure out)


Today was the day I planned to release some of the biggest updates to the bot ever. Making rsbot the only bot with such advanced features.


The feature planned for release was model clicking, this allows us to click everything in game perfectly. Hover over characters and act much much more like a human.



All that relied on the old system and I gotta admit I am really depressed that all the work I have done to make it possible is now worth nothing.


I am afraid that regular rsBot might not ever be working again, as I do not have the enthusiasm to remake it completely at this time.


However I have always had this other project, **** PRO. Which is a bot that is designed to work with the HD client. However it is very early in development and might not ever be finished.


So the point is: I am not going to lie and keep you guys waiting on an update. **** will require a lot of updating to get it working and there is no reason for you guys to spend your time waiting for that.


If it ever happens I will make sure to email you all.

You are of course welcome to stick around the community, but I can only keep it up as long as it financially possible. However every information from **** will be stored and it will not be forgotten.


I believe rsBot will rise again after time, but at this time I gotta prioritize real life and my education above ****. I will continue to work on rsBot in my free time.


Öeldi et RSBot ei saa enam updateda. Eks vaatab edasi...


To be contunied...

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hahhaa gf :D

mingi need kes auth ostsid ja värke neil hea ikka pmst raha läks niisama :D

Aga kui see aint rsbot.org ja rsbot.net töötab veel siis on rs 0 . bot 1 :D



"Success is the best revenge"

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Author of the topic Postitas
hahhaa gf :D

mingi need kes auth ostsid ja värke neil hea ikka pmst raha läks niisama :D

Aga kui see aint rsbot.org ja rsbot.net töötab veel siis on rs 0 . bot 1 :D


Ei saa botte kasutada kuna rsil uuendus ja bottidel pole veel uuendatud.

seega ei saa update vist.


RSBot.org scripterijad üritavad edasi tegeleda.

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Author of the topic Postitas

Failid, mida praegused ei tööta: (RSBotil)



[ More information ]
       - Failed to hook Client.getCameraX!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getCameraY!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getCameraZ!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getCameraCurveY!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getCameraCurveX!!
       - Failed to hook Interface.getChildren!!
       - Failed to hook Interface.getValueIndexArray!!
       - Failed to hook Interface.getItemIDArray!!
       - Failed to hook Interface.getItemStackSizeArray!!
       - Failed to hook Interface.getSelectedModelID!!
       - Failed to hook Interface.getSelectedModelType!!
       - Failed to hook Interface.getNotSelectedModelID!!
       - Failed to hook Interface.getNotSelectedModelType!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getCompassAngle!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getMinimapScale!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getMinimapOffsetAngle!!
       - Failed to hook Character.getPosY!!
       - Failed to hook Character.getAnimation!!
       - Failed to hook Character.getOrientation!!
       - Failed to hook Character.getMotion!!
       - Failed to hook Character.getInteracting!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getSelfInteracting!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getGroundTiles!!
       - Failed to hook GroundTile.getBoundaryPhysicalObject!!
       - Failed to hook GroundTile.getPhysicalObject2!!
       - Failed to hook GroundTile.getPhysicalObject3!!
       - Failed to hook GroundTile.getItemPhysicalObject!!
       - Failed to hook GroundTile.getInteractivePhysicalObjects!!
       - Failed to hook BoundaryPhysicalObject.getUID!!
       - Failed to hook PhysicalObject2.getUID!!
       - Failed to hook PhysicalObject3.getUID!!
       - Failed to hook ItemPhysicalObject.getUID!!
       - Failed to hook InteractivePhysicalObject.getUID!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getMenuOptions!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getMenuActions!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getMenuOptionsCount!!
       - Failed to hook Client.isMenuOpen!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getMenuX!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getMenuY!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getMenuWidth!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getMenuHeight!!
       - Failed to hook Model.getX!!
       - Failed to hook Model.getY!!
       - Failed to hook Model.getZ!!
       - Failed to hook Model.getIndicesArray1!!
       - Failed to hook Model.getIndicesArray2!!
       - Failed to hook Model.getIndicesArray3!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getLastSelectedSpellName!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getLastSelectedSpellAction!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getLastSelectedItemName!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getSelectedCount!!
       - Failed to hook Client.isSpellSelected!!
       - Failed to hook SpecialWorldObject.getFakeID!!
       - Failed to hook SpecialWorldObject.getID!!
       - Failed to hook WorldObject.getHeight!!
       - Failed to hook WorldObject.getModelX!!
       - Failed to hook WorldObject.getModelY!!
       - Failed to hook WorldObject.getModelZ!!
       - Failed to hook WorldObject.getModelIndices1!!
       - Failed to hook WorldObject.getModelIndices2!!
       - Failed to hook WorldObject.getModelIndices3!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getGroundHeights!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getGroundSettings!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getPlane!!
       - Failed to hook Client.getNodeLists!!
       - Failed to hook InteractivePhysicalObject.getGameObject!!
       - Failed to hook GroundObject.getID!!
       - Failed to hook GroundObject.getStackSize!!
       - Failed to hook ItemNode.getItem!!
       - Failed to hook NPCDef.getID!!
       - Failed to hook MRUNode.getSpaceLeft!!
       - Failed to hook MRUNode.getInitialCount!!
       - Failed to hook MRUNode.getList!!
       - Failed to hook MRUNode.getCache!!
       - Found stringBuilder method
       - Found readString method
       - Modified method to post server messages
       - Modified method to put masterX
       - Modified method to put masterY


Nad tegelevad hetkel.

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mhm ütlesid et võtab umbes 2 päeva aega.. eile ostsin just auto hunter pro scripti :D kurat tahaks näha kui nad ei saa botti korda :D

neile on kõvasti makstud nende scriptide eest :P

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Author of the topic Postitas

RSBot Administraator: RSBot will never die


RuneScape keelas Java 1.4 ära, mida botterid kasutavad.


Mai mõista .. kas see rsbots.net või rsbot.org?


RSBot.org ikka, aga see on kõigile botile.


Näiteks Nexus, RSBot.net, RSBot.org ja nii

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rsbot.org võib tõesti kinni jääda.. kuna tema teeb seda vast ainult enda vabaajast?

Aga rsbots.net neile on see nagu töö.. ja ma arvan et nad saavad sellest huge update-st jagu ja teenivad uuesti :)


Muidu mulle meeldib, et SD graafikaga saab full screenes mängida..


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Author of the topic Postitas
rsbot.org võib tõesti kinni jääda.. kuna tema teeb seda vast ainult enda vabaajast?

Aga rsbots.net neile on see nagu töö.. ja ma arvan et nad saavad sellest huge update-st jagu ja teenivad uuesti :)


Muidu mulle meeldib, et SD graafikaga saab full screenes mängida..




An update will be ready by the 14th September. Please wait patiently and do not post about it.


Seega RSBot ei sure vist. 14.septemberil vaatab ;)


Neile kes ostab authe: Ärge ostke authe, enne kui RSBot töötab ;)

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Küll nad leiavad ka sellele lahenduse tuleb olla kannatlik. need kes bottisid prageu soovitan teha sama skilli edasi, et siis ei saa nii kergelt ban.

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An update will be ready by the 14th September. Please wait patiently and do not post about it.


Seega RSBot ei sure vist. 14.septemberil vaatab ;)


Neile kes ostab authe: Ärge ostke authe, enne kui RSBot töötab ;)


Rsbots.net ei lähe nii lihtsalt maha, nad töötavad ikkagi värvidega ja muuga, mitte bcel'iga.


Rsbots.net wont go down.


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Loodan, et ma oma authe tühja ei ostnud ikkagi Xd




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An update will be ready by the 14th September. Please wait patiently and do not post about it.


Seega RSBot ei sure vist. 14.septemberil vaatab ;)


Neile kes ostab authe: Ärge ostke authe, enne kui RSBot töötab ;)


jutt on rsbot.org või net?



"Success is the best revenge"

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Omalajal oli aryan, usun et siit foorumist paljud ei teagi seda..

Selle rs suutis maha võtta, graafilise uuendusega. Aga ma 100% kindel, et seekord ei juhtu midagi..lihtsalt läheb kauem aega uuendamisega.

Probleem oli tol ajal ka see, et see kes selle boti lõi, ei viitsinud tegeleda sellega lõpus enam.


///tegelt ma tahaks et bot kinni läheks mingi kuuks ajaks :P liiga räige bottimine käib... suht bannioht juba mul ma usun :D


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mõnus , :D bottismisel on lõpp :D


Hahahaha, muidugi...


Putsi see päev, see tund, see faking aasta, kui uksel seisame tervitades euro saasta!

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Kui bot ei tule enam välja, siis mängib Fagex üksi oma modede ja väikeste pätakatega ruuni :) (No offence to anyone)


Ma arvan sama.

Lol see sh4wot vms on idioot:d

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