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Droppisin pouchid maha.


11 vastust sellele küsimusele

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Author of the topic Postitas
lol? mis pouchid? ja miks sul neid tagasi vaja?


Kui sa ei tea, millest jutt käib, pole mõtet postitada.


samamoodi nagu sa need enne said kui rc omi mõtled.


Selles asi ongi, ma ei mäleta, kuidas ma need sain.


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okey...Lähed abyssi (Edgest level 7 wildi->zamorak mage->teleport) ja tapad abyss monstereid.Tapad niikaua kuni pouchid saad.Aga no need dropid on suht random, mõni saab 10 minutiga kõik pouchid, mõnel läheb mitu tundi.


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Author of the topic Postitas
okey...Lähed abyssi (Edgest level 7 wildi->zamorak mage->teleport) ja tapad abyss monstereid.Tapad niikaua kuni pouchid saad.Aga no need dropid on suht random, mõni saab 10 minutiga kõik pouchid, mõnel läheb mitu tundi.


Small pouchi ei saanud selle Zamorak wizardi käest?


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RC guildist saad mingi raha eest vist 3 väiksemat pouchi osta, kui RC ikka 50. Ja ära räägi midagi, et ei saada aru, mida sa mõtled.. algul arvasin, et tahad dropitud summoning pouche kuidagi tagasi saada.

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Small pouchi ei saanud selle Zamorak wizardi käest?


Aa vb, pole peaaegu aasta aega mänginud, ei mäleta enam täpselt.Igatahes zybezist:

Along with the update that brought Runecrafters the Abyss came rune essence pouches. For starters, you will have to complete a mini quest for the Mage of Zamorak. This involves taking an orb to certain NPC's who teleport you to the rune essence mines.


The pouches, available in small, medium, large, and giant sizes, are obtained through killing creatures of the Abyss. These include Abyssal leeches (level-41), Abyssal guardians (level-59), and Abyssal walkers (level-81). Dying with your pouches will mean that you have to go to the Abyss and kill the creatures to attain more. Only one of each pouch may be held at any time. Over time the medium, large, and giant pouches will degrade and become damaged; holding less essence. To repair these, take them to the Dark Mage in the middle of the abyss, or to Wizard Korvak in the Runecrafting Guild (Large and Giant pouches only). If your pouch degrades completely it will disappear. You will have to kill abyssal creatures to obtain another, or get one more free small pouch from the Dark Mage. Wizard Korvak will also replace your medium pouches for free. This does not work for any other pouches, however.


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Medium pouchid on RC guildis tasuta, large pouchid 25k ja giant pouchid 50k. Smallidest pole räägitud. Seega, sinu valik, 75k või mingi tunni kollide tapmist.

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Soovitan tappa.

Seal on mingid leechid vms kelle on 10hp ja neid võtab 1 litiga maha.

Mingi 30 min tapad neid max.

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Small pouch 3

Medium pouch 6

Large pouch 9

Giant pouch 12


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