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keegi teab kuidas kodus viina teha?


16 vastust sellele küsimusele

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Uhh,sul läheb destillaatorit ja muud jama vaja.

Pluss ,juba selle tegemine on ohtlik(aurud,tugevad rõhud jms) ning selle joomine(maksahaigused,võid pimedaks jääda). Pluss see on illegaalne :D


Ei tea palju inglisekeelsest õpetusest aru saada,aga siin üks:

The Basic Tools and Ingredients


As we all know, vodka typically comes from foods that contain starch, like grains. Remember though that to make quality vodka you should have quality starch-containing foods and a lot of patience.


You should also have your own still. You can purchase one and assemble it at home, or you can look in the Internet how to make vodka still. Looking for the parts is easy as you can easily purchase them at any cooking and hardware store. It consists mainly of four parts. You have your heat source, which can be your gas stove; boiling chamber; water-cooling pipes; and the bottle for collecting the finished product. To assemble, you can consult the internet or the instruction that came with your home-still set.

Five-Step Process of How to Make Vodka


Thoroughly clean your vodka home still is the first process.


Step two is where you will make your mash. Boil your grains for about an hour, taking care that you have used purified water. After about an hour, put in your yeast. For about a week or two, let the mixture sit.


Step three is done after about two weeks and is called the distillation process. Light your gas stove and place your mash in the boiling chamber. You will notice the alcohol separating from the mixture and traveling through the water cooling pipes before being collected in the collection bottle.


Repeat the process for about three to five times, taking care that you clean your boiling chamber thoroughly before going through the process again. It is also important to note that you remove the first 50 ml and the last 50 ml of the collected liquid because it is high in methanol content, a harmful substance.


Filtration is step four wherein you will filter the collected fluid through a funnel stuffed with a cotton ball and some activated carbon.


The last step or the dilution is where you will mix the final and filtered vodka with purified water. You can also use purified water. The ratio should be 3:1 to make it smoother and milder as pure distilled vodka gives a strong kick.

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Oled sa terve? Pilves? Täis?

Lõpeta ära, endale parem!

Miski pole eales nii halb, et ei saaks halvemaks minna. - Murphy.

- - -

MaSu on läbi, nüüd on TäPe (täitsa piixus), varsti on PuPu (puhta piixus>)


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Koduõlu on räme kusi.

Kõik need kodus tehtud joogid on ebakvaliteetsed ja väga sita maitsega.


Aga see eest niidavad hästi :D


Putsi see päev, see tund, see faking aasta, kui uksel seisame tervitades euro saasta!

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Koduõlu on räme kusi.

Kõik need kodus tehtud joogid on ebakvaliteetsed ja väga sita maitsega.


Aga see eest niidavad hästi :D

Oleneb, kui hästi oskad teha. Koduõlu või koduvein võib väga hea isegi välja tulla.

Ühed sõbrad proovisid puskarit ka teha muidu, jamasid mingite vasktorude jms asjadega. :D Pärast tuli välja ka isegi. Maitsesin ühe lonksu ka - viina maitse oli olemas irw.

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Koduõlu on sitaks hea :uni:


Njaa.. tegelikult oleneb ikkagist tegija skillist.


Putsi see päev, see tund, see faking aasta, kui uksel seisame tervitades euro saasta!

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Koduõlu on sitaks hea asi ikka. Eriti kui ise saab tehtud:)


Pane kasemahl käärima saad ka suveks tasuta jooki


5+++ hahahaha :D:D:D:D:ty

Nii ta on:D

Call it what you wanna call it I'm a fucking Alcoholic.

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