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M: Sara sets, med/high.

Soovitatud postitused

Kogus: 0 sara set (legs)


Hind: 115kr!


Pank: Hanza pank.


Tehing toimub med crateris ja high crateris.


Msn: [email:3t3lvwts]gone_in_5_days@hotmail.com[/email:3t3lvwts]


Ette ei anna kellegile! ma arvan, et mul on piisavalt tehinguid.:torch:

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.

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Author of the topic Postitas

Väike bump.

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.

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Author of the topic Postitas


Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.

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Author of the topic Postitas

Kahjuks low ei müü :(...aga 5 set alles!!!

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.

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Author of the topic Postitas

Vist oli 55+?..aga soovitav oleks ikka def 40+ ja pray ka 43+..muidu raske ellu jääda seal ;)

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.

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  eststr4 ütles:
oleks low siis ostaksin 1


Miks sa postitad, kui tal on konkreetselt kirjas, et MED ja HIGH Bh ainult :)?


  sYstemerror_ ütles:
aga mis lvl med createrisse saab ?

oleks huvi Gerakene.


50-100 minu teada ...

55 pidavat olema max, mis saab LOW bh.



Guns n Noses

  f4il3d ütles:
Mul proof olemas,aga proofi pole.

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Ostsin seti, tegi ise tehingu, oli minu kasutajas sees. Väga hea. :) teinekordki Gera . :)


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Author of the topic Postitas

Kahjuks ei. :)

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.

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Author of the topic Postitas

Aga kenku..võib ka nii teha, et sa saadad nt 100kr täna ja siis homme 25..ja homme saaksid ka raha...aga jah, kahjuks ette ei anna.(loodan, et said aru, mis ma tahtsin sulle ütelda)

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.

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Author of the topic Postitas

Ikka müün!



Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.

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Author of the topic Postitas

Lisa mind msn, sea räägime edasi.

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.

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Author of the topic Postitas

Ikka mina müün, kui ostad kõik, annaksin 100ea ära!, kui aga ühe kaupa, siis 125.- üks sara set.

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.

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Author of the topic Postitas

Kahjuks keegi pole minuga rääkind, anna oma msn, lisan ise kah ;)


Langetasin hinda 115kr peale, kui ostad kõik, saad 100ea!

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.

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Author of the topic Postitas



7 set alles!


4 sara set alles!

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.

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Author of the topic Postitas

2 sara set alles!

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.

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Author of the topic Postitas

Hetkel otsas!


Stock 10m!


1 sara set alles!

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.

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Author of the topic Postitas

Eminem: Alla 115 kahjuks ei müü :(


2 set alles!!!



Vb tuleb juurde,

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.

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