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Kes on saanud banned nädala jooksul ?

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Author of the topic Postitas
Sellega siis ju palju mõttekam, sest muidu, non stop lasta koguaeg samat asja - ofc saab banni :/


Aga miks see paus mingi 6H oli irw? :D



Kuna lasi 12H jutti skiller :D

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Olen bottinud 1-62 wc, 1-79 fish. Loodan ,et banni ei saa :/


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Author of the topic Postitas
ise 10 pääva banned mõtlen midagi lolli et appealida


Hey Jagex.

Do u want drink beer with me ?

Pm if u want.

(Sorri kui midaki valesti inglise keeles, aga põhimõte sama :D )

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Author of the topic Postitas

Keegi on veel saanud ?

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1-80 fishiga sain banni lõpuks.

Teenisin ca 5M

RSN: Sir Tanel

Clan chat: Da Chunky

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Tegin ka fishi, 1-51 ja cookingu 42.

Banni pole saanud. Ei auto nii tihti lihtsalt. Mingi 4tundi päevas, vahest jääb mõned päevad vahele.

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There are currently 10.0 black marks out of 10 on this account


Your account is in the red zone. The red zone indicates that you have a dangerous amount of black marks on your account and that any further offences could result in a permanent ban.


You are permanently banned


njaa.. sain lõpuks banned siis .

Peaaegu oli fishing 86 ja wc oli 56, fm 50, str 30, att 30, mage 31, cooking 40.

Tahtsin homme membuks teha , jagex jäi cashist ilma .

Aaa ja pangas oli umbes 2.5 M ~.

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Author of the topic Postitas
haha paras sulle


Palun ära tee siin teemas mitte teemakohaseid poste !


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Your account is in the green zone. The green zone indicates that there are EITHER no offences against you OR you may have a small number of offences noted down on your account, in which case there will be no long term implications providing you continue to abide by the rules.


You are banned for 9 more days




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Haha , eelmine kord oli samamoodi mingi nädal - paar kõik macrosid siis bannid hakkasid lendama .. nüüd sama :P





"Offense sells tickets, defense wins games, rebounding wins championships."

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