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Jälgi teemat sisse logides
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Jälgi teemat sisse logides
Offence Type: Breaking Rule 1 Site commited on: RuneScape Offence Date: 13-May-2008
Evidence for this offence:
******: [clan]hey
******: [clan]wa island?
******: buyin apple pies
******: buyin apple pies
-: guys
-: just report him for real world items trading
-: pic why is he a moron?
-: hmm who nikka?
-: whos*
-: dude
Sain siis 24H mute millegi eest.
Saatsin ka siis vastuse ja täpselt nii see oligi nagu siin kirjas on.
Hmm now heres the thing.
The person who i told that they should report was advertising a web page where you could buy and sell rs items. After i reported him for breaking rule-11
advertaising/website two guys started argueing and one called other a nikka.
I went there and asked who is nikka and why is he a nikka because nikka can b
e a pretty offensive word. After i asked it he just walked away.
Mingi 1 min hiljem tuli kiri vastu
Thank you for your appeal.
We are sorry to inform you that this appeal has been denied.
We have conclusive evidence that you were in control of the account at the time of the offence and, for this reason, this offence will remain on your account.
We suggest you take some time to remind yourself of the Rules of Conduct before you start playing a***n!
Jagex Customer Support.
Jajah arvatavasti keegi ei vaevunud seda isegi läbi lugema. Nii ja paar min hiljem account locked. Pmst mille eest ffs acc oli green zones, selle 1 rule eest sain 0,5 punni juurde ehk siis läks yellow zone ja nüüd account locked.
Ja siis ka minu küsimus/probleem ega keegi ei juhtu teadma kuidas jagexisse kirja saab saata, kuna ise pole sellega väga kursis:/.
Kasutaja vb saab veel lahti, aga jah.
Ette tänades -magepure-!
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